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About Khaine

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  1. Khaine

    Independence lost release date

    From what I've been able to find out, the WWII RTS, being developed by Maddox Games (developer of IL-2 Sturmovik) and published by Codemasters, looks like it's based on the IL-2 Sturmovik engine, if it's based on anything at all, and not a new engine. The terrain and water effects very closely mirror those to be found in Maddox Games' upcoming IL-2 Forgotten Battles. It's not based on the Operation Flashpoint engine, as far as I can tell. Too bad we haven't gotten much in the way of info on upcoming BIS titles...
  2. Khaine

    Another idea,

    Ruskiesrule: Yeah, in the books, the bugs had weapons; they were almost at a technological level with the humans. It's a good read, by Robert Heinlein. It gets kinda preachy on politics, but the MI equipment is very cool, and frankly puts the movie to shame. The MI carry baby nukes (think RPG with a small, clean nuclear warhead), they've got jets in their powered armor to allow them to jump over buildings and across buildings... I'd definitely recommend it. Then you'll wonder who could sell the rights to the book and allow the movie to be made the way it was. Anyway, THAT's the kind of MI I'd like to see, but I doubt it'd be possible...
  3. Khaine

    Another idea,

    If you're going to make Starship Troopers add-ons, make 'em from the book, not the movie. As a no-brians blood-n-guts movie it was okay, but unfortunately shamed the book, which had better (cooler) technology. Let's make some power-armored Mobile Infantry, and bugs with guns! There's your 2 sides! Maybe add the Skinnies as a 3rd side (Resistance?). But that'll be hard without the ability to make original models, unfortunately. Ah, well, my "contribution" to this thread.
  4. Well, I've de-pbo'd a couple of the scoped weapons, G36 and Steyr Aug, to see how the scope magnifications were coded. Being a big fan of the G36, I want to add a more detailed, sniper-type 3x magnification scope with lead and elevation markings, plus range estimation guides. I own an HK scope with all this on it, and when I used the G36 in OFP, the circle reticule kinda disappointed me. So I figgered I'd make my own. My initial stumbling block was how to determine what magnification the existing G36 scope was, then how to change it. I've done a lot of searching over the past couple of nights with no luck. If I missed an explanation, I apologize, but the searches I did rendered no applicable results. My question then: what value should I put in the config.cpp to get a 3x scope? Thx in advance.