now i noticed that logic units are more complex and have more options than regular units... if dat true, would that also mean only more advance editors should use logic units. or is there any other reasons for putting dat group of units in OFP?
i was wondering... i notice you can put a boat in the mission editor... but i'm not sure if you can put people in it or do anything with it.. plz give me some ideas on what the boats might be used for
do drivers come along already in da driver's seat when i create a truck or a heli. or watever? and if so how can i change the settings of the driver, driving the vehicle?
my computer always ask for me to insert my flashpoint CD wen i'm install or running a new patch. i asked my friends but they told me they didn't notice the problem of needing the CD while installing a patch... so i'm asking ne1.... DO U NEED A CD?... thanx