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Everything posted by KaRRiLLioN

  1. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    Yep the marker names aren't accurate right now. Â I'll sit down and try to get them to match the soldiers sometime. I discovered that several names for the towns were mis-matched in the init file that names them so I've corrected that but I haven't uploaded a new file yet since I'm working on a couple of other things. Oh, and one other thing about the squad names and the marker names, you can have 2 alpha squads as you see, but one might be alpha black and the other alpha red. That's another reason I haven't addressed that issue. Maybe if I simply renamed them 1-12 or something it might be easier.
  2. KaRRiLLioN

    Vehicle respawn

    My script is meant only for vehicle respawn in MP games where you aren't using AI. If you're playing coop and you want AI to respawn, then that could be best handled by something like a squad spawn script. There are several methods for having AI and such moved into vehicles by simply scripting in a createunit command whenever the vehicle is respawned. My newest version of my vrs.sqs script will respawn abandonded vehicles after 2-3 mins, can't remember off the top of my head. If you're using 1.46 of Opflash, you should still be able to use my script for respawn, etc. If you want AI to respawn with vehicles, then I HIGHLY recommend you use the script at this link: http://www.backoff.ch/ofp/script.php Doolittle, one bad thing about using the typeOf command to get the type is that it might not work on dedicated servers since I don't think there is a 1.91 dedicated server version out there. I tested it on my dedicated server and the vehicles didn't respawn. Even though it's an incredible pain, I'd recommend sticking with a looping method for the types until a dedicated 1.91 server comes out. I'm not sure why I haven't seen anything on it lately but I'd really like it so I can start using the typeOf command in my scripts and do some serious housecleaning. =)
  3. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    *UPDATE* There are now more new versions of RTS-3 out. Â These include: RTS-3 Everon with Addons RTS-3 Malden (2 versions) one with addons, one without So now included in the RTS-3 zip are: RTS-3 Nogova (no addons) RTS-3 Everon (no addons) RTS-3 Malden (no addons) RTS-3 Ackropolis beta 3e (addons) RTS-3 Everon (addons) RTS-3 Malden (addons) Also, I've added the RAH-66 Commanche to the addons versions (cost $20,000) and the F-15E Thermonuclear Bomb ($200,000) For when the game just doesn't seem to end.
  4. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    Was this in Single player mode? If so, how many AI were you playing with? When you play it, I would recommend that you click Disable ALL AI, and then Enable for the enemy the Top slot and probably 4 other AI slots. If you want to use an AI commander for your team OR you want to control AI squads, then I would leave about 4 or so AI slots enabled. It all depends upon the CPU power you have. I have a P4-2.8 Gz with 1.5GB DDR RAM and a GF-4 Ti4600, and when I run all AI enabled, including an AI commander for each side, the it will start to lag a bit after about 1 hour, since all the AI by then are battling it out like crazy. The AI are still challenging even if you have only a couple enabled for each team.
  5. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    RTS-3 Beta 4c is now available on Everon in addition to the Nogova version. Neither requires addons. You can download them all in one zip including RTS3-beta 3e for Ackropolis which requires addons. The Single player AI perform a lot better on Everon since there's no bridge to contend with. Malden and Kolgujev versions will be out soon as well. See the first post in this thread for the new download url. I've created a web page for downloading RTS3, the addons and my other missions if you want them. Enjoy!
  6. KaRRiLLioN

    Rah-66 comanche released

    About the downwash error: I was wrong about it being limited to Desert Island. It also happened in another mission I made on malden. Maybe it conflicts with another addon or something, I dunno, but whenever downwash is supposed to occur, everyone gets an error at the top of the screen with the "drop" command. Strange thing, is that it works find on another coop mission I made on malden. Also, the radar jammer seems to sometimes keep going in MP due to lag or something sometimes, and players can't lock onto anything. Even when it's off, other players cannot lock onto a commanche by clicking on it or anything. Any ideas?
  7. KaRRiLLioN

    Rah-66 comanche released

    I've read through most of this thread and haven't seen this bug reported, although I'm not sure what can be done about it. The downwash doesn't seem to work on the Desert Island. I've tested other downwash scripts (Vektobosen's) and they don't work there either. There is something in the drop command that gives the error, but I can't see what the explanation is since that line of script is so long when it gives the error in game. Just put a Commanche on the Desert Island and test it. Maybe something used in the drop command doesn't exist on the Desert Island? I dunno. Anyway, this addon is awesome otherwise. We had a blast with it on several missions that I added it to. The downwash works on the other missions but even on my system it can lag. I have a P4-2.8 gz 1.5 GB 333Mz DDR RAM GF 4 -Ti4600 It doesn't lag horribly, but enough that I can tell it's there. Great work, you guys keep putting out HIGH quality addons and I'm VERY impressed with them all. The ADATs, Tunguska and Bronco (and now RAH66) have a permanent home in my missions. Thanks for all the hard work.
  8. KaRRiLLioN

    1.91 dedicated server?

    I was out of town for a few weeks, so maybe I didn't see this, although I searched around the forums for a bit, but was a dedicated server 1.91 ever released after the 1.91 beta patch? Reason I'm asking is because of the new typeOf command that is now available in 1.91. It doesn't seem to work on a 1.90 server (duh), so I'm eagerly awaiting this function to become operational.
  9. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    RTS3-Beta 4c is now available for download. - Fixed markers so they no longer appear if there is no unit in the game for that marker - Respawn markers no longer show up for enemies - AI territory taking is improved more - Offensive AI is now better Download it from the link in the first post of this thread.
  10. NO! Â The gidion cluster is 3 cm too far from the jypy reflux conducer! Â Get it right! Also, that cable arrestor is at least 3 molecules too far back. I love this plane. Â It handles awesome-ly! Â We've already played a topgun mission I made with it, the F15 and the F14 dogfighting it, guns only and it's a load of fun. Oh yeah, and I like that the AA missiles aren't overly accurate on it. That's the bad thing about the other jets is the AA is so damned accurate that it's a simple point, click, shoot to nail an air target. It took the fun out of it. Still, I think guns are the most fun. Now with Chaff, it'd really be cool, especially against the ADATS and Tunguska in that mission.
  11. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    I'll take a look at that Solid, when I get around to refining the user interface. I still have to re-arrange some stuff and make it a bit easier to find and use. Right now I'm working on refining the AI scripts to make it a bit more challenging. I'll be making versions on Everon and Malden and possibly Kolgujev soon. These should be easier to script for since there's no river to worry about. =)
  12. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    If you start off with an AI commander, then you need to let them get in and they will get out when they get to wherever the AI commander is going to build the base. If you are the commander then you can control each of the AI squad leaders as you like by clicking Mission Control, and then Command and Control. I've explained some of this earlier in the thread.
  13. Let me preface this by saying I've searched here and Avon Lady's FAQ for all things mouse-related, but haven't seen this yet. Anyway, while I'm playing, my mouse wheel occasionally seems to alt-tab me to the desktop. Â I've tried reproducing it at will, but can't seem to do it. Â Sometimes it does it when I have other keys on the keyboard pressed, sometimes it does it when only the mousewheel is being used, but the one thing that they all have in common is that the mousewheel is being used at the time it happens. Â This is frustrating while in the heat of battle to suddenly get tabbed out to the desktop just as another player is taking aim at you while you are making a mad dash for their flag. This has been going on for me since at least 1.3, but i've lived with it for now. Â Finally I'm sick of it. Â Does anyone else have this issue? System Specs: P4-2.8 Gz 1.5 GB DDR 333 Mz RAM GF-4 Ti4600 128MB RAM Windows XP Pro Logitech Mouseman Optical with Logitech 9.73 drivers I've had an Athlon Xp 1800 + just before this machine and the same thing happened on it. I think I used to have a different logitech and the same thing happened but I can't be sure. Maybe others with the same mouse can tell me. This is the Mouseman Optical that came out before the started doing the Dual Optical mouse with that new design. This mouse looks like their older design if that helps.
  14. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    Make sure you downloaded the correct version from the first post of this thread. I still have links to beta 3, and the AI don't do anything in that version. You will want to play this from your MPMissions folder, btw, otherwise squad leaders will not respawn. If you are commander then you will have to use the Command and Control menu to make them get in and out of vehicles, etc. BBSmith had some good suggestions if you want to automate some parts of the mission. Simply start as commander, and then assign an AI as commander from Command and Control by clicking "Enable AI Commander" first, and then click on the name of an AI in the list and click "Assign as Commander". Then the AI will all get in the MCU, go to a good spot, and build a base. After the base is built, you can take control back. I may make it so that you can have the AI get into the MCU as a human commander eventually, once I have time to mess with that.
  15. KaRRiLLioN

    2s19 released

    I found it in the archives and tried to click the link there, but unfortunately it does not work either. I am also trying to get the latest version of Hawk's Mi-26 as well.
  16. KaRRiLLioN

    2s19 released

    Has anyone seen an updated version of this with working optics? I really need something for the Russians to compete with the M109.
  17. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    To use the different waypoints, you will need to use different keys + mouse click. I can't remember exactly which click goes to what, but here are the combos: (BTW Click stands for left mouse button click.) click - WP1 shift + click - WP2 alt + click - WP3 shift + alt + click - WP4 Remember to Activate Waypoint Mode from the Mission Control panel. Only the Commander will have this. Once I have some time I'll write up some instructions, but I'm kinda slammed with work right now.
  18. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    I made some quick mission fixes and now RTS-3 Beta4a is available for download. Fixes: - Radar no longer shoots AA at soldiers when they HALO - Soviet radar now registers properly when AI builds it - You may only build one of each primary base building, i.e. only one tank factory, aircraft factory, etc. - AI Commanders now upgrade the radar later in the game - Changed time length to contest a territory back to 30 seconds - Slowed down the rate at which AI commanders can train workers </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> KaRRiLLioN I am not sure if you read the post by suma, he said that if a vehicle (say a T80) was not present on a map and then you createvehicle a T80. OFP has to load the textures etc slowing down the mission. <span id='postcolor'> There is typically a small pause the first time a unit is built. Â I think this is acceptable, rather than creating one of every vehicle somewhere on the map. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> I am not sure how the enemy chooses its place to build its base, I assume it just has a list of places one of which is picked at random? <span id='postcolor'> Depending upon where they randomly spawn, they will look for the closest specific area to them and go there to build. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> It would be good if the AI on your team could be build units when they need to (and only could spend a certain amount of money). <span id='postcolor'> If there is an AI commander, then the AI squad leaders will automatically build things. Â I don't have the AI commanders or squadleaders on a budget yet, but I do have them building now at relatively normal speeds. Â Currently, human commanders have to micro-manage their AI squads. Â This has positives and negatives. Â With micro-management, you can create whatever kind of vehicles, etc. for that squad and then have it go automatically take territories, etc. Â Using that method you could have stronger squads than the ones the AI squad leaders typically create. Â Currently AI squad leaders only make 3-vehicle squads. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Does the AI send out scouts to locate enemy units? I encountered a BRDM with a spetznaz, was think doing recon work? <span id='postcolor'> Yes, East sends out Spetz Natz on recon and West sends out Black ops. Â Technically speaking, the AI already knows where your base is, but they make a good show of hunting for it. Â When they find it, they will try to sneak in and satchel buildings. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> It would be nice if the AI on your team (If you are the commander) would exit the MCU when the commander is not in it. <span id='postcolor'> Right now, as of version 4a, unless there is an AI commander, the AI squads will not automatically get in or out of the MCU. Â You have to micro-manage them using Command and Control. Click Command and Control Now click Control Group This brings up a specific squad group. Â At the start, you'll only see the squad leader in a list, and in a list next to that, all vehicles he is within 200 meters of. Â You'll have to click Get In As Cargo to make him get in the back of the MCU. It might be a pain, yes, and I'll try to get something scripted for the beginning, but until then, that's the procedure.
  19. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 vietnam out now!

    You can download it from here as well: http://www.aggression.org/karr/RTS3Vietnam.zip I don't currently host it on my server but I may once the regulars all get the NAM pack. I've also just released the Single player version of RTS-3 in my RTS3 thread.
  20. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    RTS-3 Beta4 with Single Player is now available for download. Â This version is for Nogova and does not require any addons. This version can also be used in Multiplayer. The Link for the download is in the first post of this thread What's new: - Human commanders now have a great deal of control over the other AI squads. Â To use them, leave some AI on. Â You don't have to leave all AI on, depending upon how many you wish to control. - AI Commanders will now build bases and maintain a defense and send out black-ops and other offensive units to seek out the enemy base and destroy it. - When there is an AI commander, all AI squads will automatically attack and defend territory on the island. - Many other changes and fixes, including about 3 new dialog interfaces for controlling squad AI (if you are the commander). *KNOWN ISSUES* - The AI scripting is not completely done yet. Â I still plan to make it better, but for now it's good enough to play against/with plus, you all are good at finding issues with it. - AI and bridges don't mix well. Â Because of this I had to script some workarounds for the bridge area. Â For this reason, I'm not sure that I can make a good single player conversion for the Ackropolis island addons version unless I either leave the NW and NE islands out of the mission, or completely re-script to use naval power or air power, neither of which appeals to me, because it's no fun without tanks. Â For this reason, I'll start looking for another good island to use this one and I'll also release an Addons version of Nogova as well. Other Info I'll try to type up some instructions for all of the new interfaces, but most of it should hopefully be self-explanatory. Â If you use an AI commander, I would highly recommend that you do NOT leave all the AI on for both teams unless you have at least a P4-2.5 Gz or better computer with plenty of RAM and a good video card. Â Otherwise, your computer will turn into a slide-show. Â If you want to have a good active game, then leaving half of the AI squads on will still give you plenty of action. If you are the commander, then you can control almost every aspect of the AI squads. Â Basically this is done with the Command and Control button under Mission Control for the commander. Â You can pull up individual squads along with a list of all available vehicles that are near them. Â You can have them get in as driver, gunner, commander, cargo, etc. and the lists will reflect that. Â You may have to click "Refresh List" sometimes to see the changes. Â I didn't have it auto-refresh to help low-end computers from getting bogged down. Â Basically there's a LOT you can do. You can tell individual squads to automatically take territory and they will start with the closest territory and start attacking it. Â You can also set waypoints. Â Simply click the button "Activate Waypoint Mode" and then you can click on the map anywhere and then order the squad to go to that marker. Â I recommend a mixture of the two. Â The only issue with the auto-attack territory, is that sometimes the AI tends to skip over the territories at the farthest reaches of the island, depending upon where they spawn. When using an AI commander, the AI squads are automatically commanded to take territories. Â AI-controlled SAM's will automatically spawn on territories controlled by teams to guard against counter-attack. The AI commander will also create teams of covert-ops to seek and destroy the enemy base. Â Basically these teams will approach either by land or air (depending upon how long the game has been going). Â They will sneak into the base and lay satchels and blow stuff up, basically. =) Â The AI commander will also create tanks and such once your base is found and begin attacking it with them. Â Currently the AI commander will not build attack choppers since I am still fleshing out some areas of the AI scripting. The AI commander will also build base defenses, like SAM's and Vulcans/Shilkas and workers. There's a lot more info, but I don't have time to spell it all out right now. Just play and let me know how it works for you!
  21. Yep, loads of scripts. Still runs well though, and it's a lot more streamlined than the old RTS versions since I'm using dialogs now. Anyway, check out the Vietnam RTS thread here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=25574
  22. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 vietnam out now!

    Looks good! Hopefully I'll have some updated code out soon that you can update this with.
  23. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    Yep, I spoke to him about it and told him to start a new thread here in the forum regarding it. Guess he didn't yet. Did it work ok? I haven't tried it out yet since I've been busy on the SP stuff.
  24. KaRRiLLioN

    Rts-3 released

    You can transport vehicles with the CH47D and the Mi17. I explained it earlier in this thread. Only the MCU and other air vehicles cannot be transported.
  25. I don't mind if anyone wants to use RTS-3 for other game-styles and eras. I just ask they follow some file-naming rules, etc. I have been talking to Beamer, so hopefully a vietnam version will be out soon. I have also been emailed by no less than 5 other ppl (unless it's the same person with more than 1 email) about vietnam RTS3. Someone emailed me some finished maps, but I haven't had time to test them.