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About JCW

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  1. JCW

    Binarizing problem

    I'd just want to know if it's possible to extract or view content(in my case textures) from .pbo packs?Looks like BinPBO is only meant for packing content, not the reverse way. EDIT: Problem solved with PBO Decryptor
  2. JCW

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Could be evolution script little optimised; -remove missions -only one city available for attacking, others can not be triggered -destroyed(enemy) objects should disappear after a some period of time or at least in conquered cities, this might be a good reducement of calculation -fight only on south sahrani Of course all should be server-side options, because there are many players who would still want to have missions or other stuff, but there is also many players who rather sacrifise candy things to get smoother game.
  3. JCW

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Guys, were lag spikes in 1.14 decreased?Can you normally snipe now?Because I don't want to buy a game and than play in the laggy world.
  4. JCW

    New Mags for T72

    I want to code my vehicle model for Arma engine, so is there any tutorial available?
  5. JCW

    People Playing Multiplayer

    Little offtopic; Why there is almost no Team mode servers?I mean 95% is coop...