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Everything posted by McBoeInact

  1. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    that cop prison is standard in 1.12, deus.
  2. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    if u need logic, then u can see it as the Internal Affairs. but corrupt cops are a huge problem in this game, you get one almost every time you play and certainly multiple countless times during the missions playtime we aren't talking about cops taking payoffs or information, we're talking about cops supplying civs and terrorists with weapons i see this more and more now, players join as cop, fill a jeep with weapons, stash it somewhere and then they join civ side to use them! so remember, logically, cops are also policed.
  3. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    thats why i suggested to Isseta to add cops to the cams so cops can keep an eye on other cops. still, thats for finding them, the problem remains on how to deal with them.
  4. McBoeInact

    Help with verify signatures

    i need some help with enabling verify signatures on server. i turn it on verifysignatures=1 and added the keys for the mods i use (fdf and armaeffects) to the servers key folder. yet everytime I join it autokicks me. I tried putting differentdata to {} as mentioned in the sticky, but still i get kicked after motd. anyone help? id really like to turn this on. im using the latest server exe from the sticky topic. this is the config: verifySignatures=1; //Cheat detection checkfile=0; //1=slow 0=default onHackedData="kick (_this select 0)"; onDifferentData="{}"; onUnsignedData="kick (_this select 0)"; checkfiles[]= { "dta\bin\config.bin", "dta\bin\config.cpp", "Addons\wheeled3.pbo", "Addons\weapons3.pbo", "Addons\A10.pbo", "Addons\weapons\config.cpp", "Addons\weapons\config.bin", "Addons\wheeled\config.cpp", "Addons\wheeled\config.bin", "Addons\tracked\config.cpp", "Addons\tracked\config.bin", "Addons\sara\config.cpp", "Addons\sara\config.bin", "Addons\air\config.cpp", "Addons\air\config.bin", "Addons\miscUS\config.cpp", "Addons\miscUS\config.bin" };
  5. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    mortgages and civs ability to sell their homes! :P
  6. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    yeh houses thing was said wayyy back on page 20 or something that would work as a spawn and it give cops something more to do like house searches etc.
  7. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    bad ideas really the point of u dying is to start your "new life", not to spawn back to your guns at hideout or as a terrorist again. the death penalties need to be high for civs. having an atm at a terror camp sounds ridiculous making civ hospital off limit to cops causes more problems, as a robber can hide inside, civs can shoot at cops from inside and so on besides, just play on a server were an admin doesnt let idiots spawn camp.
  8. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    im talking about the new official version
  9. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    Antiquis temporibus nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem. times have changed maybe a hint at map maker to disable cops from making roadblocks in copbase whats the difference when all cops can move any roadblock
  10. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    1.11 has everything we added in the edited version and more, its now the best version.
  11. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    we dont seem to be getting lag anymore with custom files turned off today.
  12. McBoeInact


    is the spawning cars instead of zombies bug fixed?
  13. McBoeInact


    we tried this on my server, but after 10 or so mins we had the problem that the game started spawning mass cars instead of zombies...
  14. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    yeh already planned, we been testing with issetea the last few days
  15. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    not sure, custom files are like character face and custom sounds it may have been unsigned mods (or mods i dont have keys for) that you were removing? .pbo extentions etc?
  16. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    on my server, custom files has always been enabled, but we never saw any lag like that in 5 weeks of SL until the 1.10 version.
  17. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    not that kind of lag as on evo or when players join this lag only affects some players on the server and usually lasts 30-60 seconds, and never happened on 1.02.
  18. McBoeInact

    1.09 on a dedicated server

    just backup the files that the beta folder has then replace them into ur server - this will make the beta patch permanent so u dont need a shortcut. when u need to go back to 1.08 or to update to official 1.09 when it comes out, just upload the backed up files again (or u can just rename the files on the server to OLDxxx etc.)
  19. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    lol yeh john is one of the best roleplayers in SL. dont worry the mafia was just trying to find out if he rated on us - he got a cop car and gun after that and started for a new life in south sahrani under witness protection.
  20. McBoeInact

    22-inch monitor issue

    u cant, those elements are in 4:3 ratio so they don't stretch out of proportion
  21. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    my servers being updated later today
  22. McBoeInact

    1.09 beta patch troubleshooting thread.

    for me the "desktop" beta shortcut was created in the arma folder not desktop
  23. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    Seems a lot of people are having problems with just 1.09 though.
  24. McBoeInact

    Sahrani Life

    thanks Icewindo, its good to have proof of why sneaky was banned, phew. but again wrong forum, this is about the mission not servers.