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Everything posted by Jungle.Sniper

  1. Jungle.Sniper

    British Special Forces

    lol the pics I posted had already been posted by Stalker.
  2. Jungle.Sniper


    Hello, Â Â Â Uniform|Kilo is our clan and we enjoy playing Realism CooP's, most of our missions are based upon conflicts that the Britsh Forces have been invloved in. Â Â Â Â We usually meet up every night to chat on our teamspeak and sometimes have a quick game, but our main nights are friday and saturday. Â If you are still reading then i guess you better pop along to our forums and ask any questions that you have. Link to the Forums!!! Thats me, short and sweet. the post that is PS. Uniform Kilo is run by one currently serving British Army soldier and an ex-Royal Air Force Airman. Â So if you like banter then this is definatly the place for you! My contact details :- uniformkilo@live.co.uk
  3. Jungle.Sniper


    Update, These are the new sections that we have vacancies in, Yankee (Pathfinders) Section Sierra (Sniper) Team Hotel (SF) Team Zulu (RAF) Sqn Victor (PMC) Section
  4. Jungle.Sniper

    [ACE] USMC - Template Afghan

    @Shadow.D. ^BOB^ Is there any chance you couuld edit it for so there no UAV in it by anychance as we dont use them in our clan. [i have tried but it comes up with error regaurding bin.config thingy] Update - No need Ive done it now.
  5. Jungle.Sniper


    Update, We now have a server so feel free to jump on it, just filter Uniform|Kilo
  6. Jungle.Sniper

    [ACE] USMC - Template Afghan

    Yes m8ty it is,do you go there?
  7. Jungle.Sniper

    [ACE] USMC - Template Afghan

    Out standing m8ty.
  8. Jungle.Sniper

    How big is your ArmA Directory?

  9. Jungle.Sniper

    Sakakah FOB,COB,VCP and EMASSY

    No probs hope you like.
  10. Jungle.Sniper

    Sakakah FOB,COB,VCP and EMASSY

    Template of FOB,COB,VCP and EMBASSY FOB Part of COB Another part of COB Addons needed = QG, Editor Update (v102) and ACE Mod as there are vehicles in the template Just thought as every one else is releaseing them atm i thought i'd jump on the band waggon. Â I made it about 4 months ago for members missions but thought you guys might want to use it so there you go injoy. Â Also feel free to edit it and please leave feed back as to make it better [i knw the FOB might need large walls but i used small walls so to make better to defend it]. http://hosted.filefront.com/UniformKilo/ Cheers, Unifrom|Kilo Jungle.
  11. Jungle.Sniper

    Sakakah FOB,COB,VCP and EMASSY

    Ive PM'd you with my contact details m8ty.
  12. Jungle.Sniper

    Sakakah FOB,COB,VCP and EMASSY

    Go to your "other ArmA profiles" in documents folder and put it in your missions folder.
  13. Jungle.Sniper


    Bravo 6 dont know if Stan has sent you this if not. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=WuFw8uF1eF8
  14. Jungle.Sniper

    Armed Assault videos

    http://www.youtube.com/user/73SQN Sorry about the quality,
  15. Jungle.Sniper

    Afghanistan Mountains

    I've tried it but to no luck when I try and load the island in editor my game crashes = Ctrl, Alt, Del = ArmA not responding. has anyone else had this happen to them or is it just me.
  16. Migel [your first post] BANG ON TARGET with what you say. Im an ex serviceman and when I'm on a pvp server I find it so annoying that i spend time watching firefights and other contacts going on. an example, Im on a ridge line over looking a capture point, I see to T72's coming from the east about 1500m away, I look at the map and see that the first ppl they will come into contact with are 3 freindlies one of which is a M1A1 so I get on the horn [type] to all 3 of them telling them whats coming for them, what do I get NO REPLY AND 3 mins LATER THEY GET TAKEN OUT. Conclusion:- Why do we bother with these noobs at all. And also they may not speak or understand english.
  17. Jungle.Sniper

    10th Special Forces Recruiting

    www.10thSF.spruz.com Does not work.
  18. Jungle.Sniper

    Avgani Iraq

    Make some missions.
  19. Jungle.Sniper

    Quad Core

    I have a AMD 9500 Quad Core, Nvidia 8400GS, 2Gb Ram, Vista 32-bit and ArmA runs between 10 and 15 FPS can anyone help. Cheers.
  20. Jungle.Sniper

    Quad Core

    I've got most of my settings on low.
  21. Jungle.Sniper

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Stewy the helmets are from the XAM mod.
  22. Jungle.Sniper

    1.08>   fastropes
