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Everything posted by [kh]jman

  1. [kh]jman

    Headless client enquiry

    Yes you can since the dedicated does not need to be logged into steam. Use the same copy as the server to run the HC. You need a second copy to play as a client remotely.
  2. [kh]jman

    Custom Logos on helicopters in MP

  3. [kh]jman

    Mp9 by Alwarren and GvsE

    Yes I've not got the MP7 addon loaded at all. http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/arma3/MP7-error.jpg
  4. [kh]jman

    Mp9 by Alwarren and GvsE

    Excellent addon :) Just a quick bug report. Warning Message: Cannot load texture c1987_mp7\data\main_ti.paa.
  5. [kh]jman

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Make sure you log out or exit Steam and in again once the HC is updated.
  6. [kh]jman

    Helo Will Explode when entering

    It is an engine bug http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9311 Vote it up please.
  7. thx1137, I'm not seeing that flickering action issue you describe unless I add your suggested getPosATL line. Anyway, I have fixed an issue where the evh was getting applied to all passengers who entered the helo which resulted in the pilot loosing the ability to detach and I have also added a parachute and smoke to the detached object. Same link as previous post above.
  8. I implemented this script in my multiplayer mission and ran into the same script errors and issues that are listed in this thread so I re-wrote it. I'm not going to support it directly here in this thread but I will release it to you. 1. Download here and copy 'scripts' to your mission's root folder 2. In your mission init.sqf add the following line: [] execVM "scripts\transport\init.sqf"; 3. If you have a vehicle respawn script add the following line in it once the new vehicle is created: [[[[_unit]],"scripts\transport\classify.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; Thats pretty much it. This version also has the ability to lift ammoboxes, the object names are listed in scripts\transport\init.sqf at line 31 and they are classified in scripts\transport\classify.sqf below line 50.
  9. [kh]jman

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Todays dev update appears to break the Headless client. It will no longer connect. Please can someone who also runs one please verify. Type: Public Branch: Development Version: 1.03.110304 *** PLEASE IGNORE *** It seems it was a steam ticket timeout issue on my HC preventing connection.
  10. [kh]jman

    SET A3BRANCH for Release??

    Can we get a definitive answer on this please? As of right now the beta stable branch (app_update 107410 -beta) is as we've been told by the devs now the same as the beta dev branch (app_update 107410 -beta development) but the beta is officially over today?
  11. [kh]jman

    No entry 'config.bin.CfgSkeletons'.

    It's been reported in the feedback tracker already here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12216 I've had it even with no -world=empty so obviously will just depend on luck whether weapon or player models get initialized first by the client engine. A way to clear it is switch to an alternative client profile and then switch back to your original profile, that seems the clear the bug too. I believe this bug maybe fixed in todays beta dev update: 08-08-2013 No new EXE Size: ~141 MB * Animation skeleton is now loaded correctly when weapon is initialized before soldier
  12. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    What issue do you mean? That original code I posted just suppressed the error if the variable was empty, Giallustio pointed out that the variable must contain (_gear select 6) so that all I have updated?
  13. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    Amended my post. Apologies ;) You can ignore the No entry config.bin/CfgWeapons if you like it'll only appear the first time you respawn.
  14. [kh]jman

    =BTC= Revive

    @DaSkunck =BTC=_functions.sqf Line 156: if (count (BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) > 0) then { for "_i" from 0 to (count (BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) - 1) do { (unitBackpack _unit) addweaponCargoGlobal [(BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) select _i,(BTC_back_pack_weap select 1) select _i]; }; }; Amend to: BTC_back_pack_weap = (_gear select 6); if (!isNil "BTC_back_pack_weap") then { if (count (BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) > 0) then { for "_i" from 0 to (count (BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) - 1) do { (unitBackpack _unit) addweaponCargoGlobal [(BTC_back_pack_weap select 0) select _i,(BTC_back_pack_weap select 1) select _i]; }; }; };
  15. Late reply but I programmed that part so I'm probably best placed to help. Make sure that you are running the latest version of MSO: mso_develop_4.6RC.zip. This will be the final release version of MSO for Arma2 once BI finally release the A2 1.63 final patch. I would suggest that you run the latest A2 beta patch with this version of MSO. The town manager does have mission parameters for the HUMINT Reports so make sure that they are switched on: INTEL Reports (Towns) Update Map based on INTEL reports - This enables and updates the colours of the HUMINT trigger map markers. Civilian HUMINT Reports - This enables civilian detect trigger markers. HUMINT Reports - This enables side detect trigger markers. SIGINT Reports - This enables side seized trigger markers. Broadcast Reports to sideChat - This sends all trigger reports to the sidechat.
  16. [kh]jman


    Maybe so DayGlow but you have to respect the author's rights ;). Mission scripts do seem to be a grey area to me since in .sqf there tend to be only one or two ways to produce the same required result due to the fact that we all have to rely on the engine's internal commands/functions etc. I do respect script author rights in terms of publication and if a particular creator of a script does not want it published elsewhere then so be it. I for one have quite a few of my scripts (such as adminactions) contained in many of the latest A3 missions produced by other authors I see published to Armaholic. PersistentDB has been refactored by many scripters for use in 'Life' servers etc therefore in terms of mission scripts I have no problem with my work being used.
  17. [kh]jman

    MH-9 Rotor explodes......

  18. Working on stable and dev KH servers with no issues here.
  19. @tyl3r99. The weather functions are not fully implemented yet which explains what you describe. For example in even earlier alpha builds it used to rain without cloud cover before the rain functions were disabled.
  20. Here's an update to my old ArmA2 dedicated server tutorial which now covers ArmA3 using SteamCMD, no Steam client install required and running multiple instances on the same box. http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/tutorials/dedicated/arma3dedicated.php
  21. [kh]jman

    Can not rejoin a MP Mission

    ok thanks JW, I'll continue to monitor it ;)
  22. [kh]jman

    Can not rejoin a MP Mission

    Nope. I'm connecting remotely to our dedicated server. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=8484#c28000
  23. [kh]jman

    Can not rejoin a MP Mission

    Thanks for the ticket JW, I've voted it up.
  24. [kh]jman

    Can not rejoin a MP Mission

    Has anyone put a ticket in the the A3 feedback tracker about this? If no one has I doubt it'll get addressed very soon.