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About JeffOrt

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  1. JeffOrt

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Excellent, thanks for the quick response.
  2. JeffOrt

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    I want to thank everyone for the amazing work, but I have a question. I am totally new to the FFUR mods, so I wanted to make sure: These update the AI and the graphics, but neither this mod nor the '85 mod add any MISSIONS or CAMPAIGNS, correct? If this this is the case, does anyone recommend any good campaigns to take advantage of the 2007 FFUR? (I understand that the 2008 '85 updates the original BIS campaigns). Thanks so much.
  3. JeffOrt

    Newbie tech questions

    Actually, if you guys could help me again. Since I am planning to upgrade, what would you reccomend to someone on a abit of a budget as far as processor? I see some idea for vid card. Thanks again!
  4. JeffOrt

    Newbie tech questions

    Thanks guys for all your advice and help. I'm thinking about upgrading at some point to a new pocessor, but I'll probably wind up waiting. Thanks for the quick responses, I really appreciate it!
  5. JeffOrt

    Newbie tech questions

    Hi everyone. I'm brand new to the game (and so far I LOVE it), but I have a few ?'s if that's alright. I have a Sempron 2600+, 1GB RAM, and a Geforce FX5500 card w/256mb. Is there any reason why ultra high detail should be causing serious frame rate drops? I would think I should be able to crank all details. Any help would be appreciated. BTW, I'm runinng XP and I have the newest Geforce drivers installed. I have an onboard 3d sound, so I don't know if the drivers for that are updated. Thanks all!