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Everything posted by jaffo

  1. I've uninstalled and reinstalled both the Cz and UK versions a couple of times without any problems. Or you could try moving the ArmA directory somewhere safe and export the registry key that contains the ArmA info. If you're running Win2K or later, you should be able to do a repair install and it won't touch your apps/games etc. I've upgraded mobo's about 3 times since XP came out and just done repair installs each time without a prob. HTH
  2. Agreed, however all the movement controls (certainly the ones I use) from OFP can be replicated in ArmA, including the crouch/stand toggle. The main problem I have is that everything is done too slowly compared to RL and even to OFP, mainly because the animations are far too laborious. To toggle between standing and crouching, bind a key to 'up', you don't need to have one bound to 'crouch', which kinda sums up the controls interface! The FM still needs work. They are all too 'light' at the moment, though the littlebird isn't too bad. The FM is better than OFPs for flinging the chopper around quickly though which is handy. Some more adjustments and it'll be something like but it also needs an easier targetting system as it's hard to lock onto unidentified targets with the FM being so twitchy. A target cycling key that moved through all targets like in EECH would be more accurate. Also, they've spent so much time altering the FM, they've neglected the road vehicles which are horrible to control compared to OFP, especially with the restricted camera view. They definitely need a lot of work. I also think BIS put in too many unnecessary new controls eg. if you play mods like CSLA or FFUR, you can lean just by using shift+left/right rather than having an extra key. Wish they'd looked at how some of these mods implemented leaning etc before just ploughing ahead with their own ideas. Yes, at the moment I hardly play ArmA as I find it far less enjoyable than OFP mainly because of the 'feel' of the movement/aiming/vehicles in the current version but hopefully this will be tightened up in future patches.
  3. jaffo

    Answer me frankly, plz.

    The only way in which it is better is that it has join in progress. It does look nicer if you have a powerful PC but being proper gamers we aren't swayed by eye candy.. are we? In every other way it's inferior to OFP. Maybe after another year of patches but certainly not at the moment.
  4. jaffo

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Looks like it's Atari for the US - May release http://www.worthplaying.com/article....order=0
  5. jaffo

    What DO you like in ArmA?

    Not much tbh! Â However, if I have to pick some things I like, I guess I would say JIP and the graphics (only the look, not the performance).
  6. Nice addon. I hadn't fired up ArmA for about a month but did so just to check it out; certainly looks a lot better than the acres of useless grass that's in the game (and that BIS should have made switchable). Now, if you could just make some mods for the flight models, clunky movement and aiming to bring it back to something like OFP, it might be worth playing ArmA! Keep up the good work
  7. jaffo

    Armed Assault..

    I voted no because imo the infantry combat and the helos aren't anywhere near as good in ArmA as they were in OFP 1.96 (I disagree with the posts that compare ArmA to OFP 1.0; 1.96 is where BIS were starting from) and those are the things I play OFP for. At the moment, the controls and aiming are very loose and feel lagged and the helos are a mess. I'm not too concerned about all the niggly little bugs as I'm sure most of those will get ironed out but the game would have to have some serious work done on the the movement, aiming, flight model, general performance etc before I would consider trying it again and as these are fundamentals of the game I'm not too confident that they'll change much. Nevermind, maybe G2 will be the one!
  8. jaffo

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    I'd like either... The game ArmA was meant to be, ie. OFP 1.96+ with a decent amount of unit content and equivalent units for both sides, if only for MP or failing that... The game ArmA is, ie. OFP 0.9 plus vouchers to buy something else to replace it with on your HD.
  9. jaffo

    First ARMA impressions

    LOL, I'd never noticed that. I think I must have always had a contradictory bind cos I could never get it working right! Thanks for putting me straight Dan Â
  10. jaffo

    First ARMA impressions

    Mate of mine brought back a copy from a business trip so I borrowed it yesterday to have a play for a couple of hours... wish I hadn't! Incredibly disappointed is all I can say; OFP's gameplay appears to have been sacrificed for eye candy and you'll need a Cray to see that properly!. It's like they stripped the enjoyable stuff out of OFP, left all the cr@p in, added some more and slapped a coat of DX9 on it. Player movement feels sluggish and delayed, especially when trying to aim. The helo control is too awful to mention. There are lots of pointless fiddly controls to bind keys to when a much simpler modifier system would have been far better (like most mods use). The UI is terrible, making it a chore to change binds and slow to alter visual settings. The way sound is affected by trees etc is also bizarre but I didn't have the game long enough to test that further. Frame rate is all over the place (AMD 64 3200, 1GB RAM, 256MB 7600GT), from acceptable at a place like the airport to unplayable in heavily built up areas and forests, even on mediocre settings. The grass, which I had said from the start was a bad idea, doesn't appear to be switchable and it provides no cover from distance so is totally useless and just seems to be another burden on the frame rate. Having had a brief play of the game, I just wish BIS had stuck with the original intent of taking the improvements and tweaks from OFP:E and adding them to OFP to make a nice budget interim game before Game 2. Imo, they've tried to do to much and failed as a result. If there is one single piece of advice I would give to my fellow players, it's wait to try a demo before buying this. Unless there is a major patch before the 505 release, it won't be on my shopping list come February. PS. There is one thing in ArmA that is an improvement over OFP and that is the ability to bind the rudder to the keyboard! Â
  11. jaffo

    ArmA Photography

    Any chance of a pic showing the custom textures, ie. a custom face/arms/legs and, if possible, a custom logo in multiplayer? TIA Â
  12. jaffo

    Armed Assault videos

    Cheers for the info Balschoiw. Shame they aren't stearable but maybe in the future
  13. jaffo

    Armed Assault videos

    Just been watching the "Noobs-Reloaded trailer" with all the parachutes near the end of it. Are these stearable now? Didn't find any info when I searched.
  14. jaffo

    ArmA Photography

    I think that's actually a screengrab from "Attack of the Clones" Â
  15. jaffo

    Armed Assault videos

    Yep, that's a mess. They just need to put in a couple of intermediate textures for slight/moderate damage and it would be much better. Excellent 'nading at the end of the second vid Â
  16. jaffo

    Armed Assault videos

    Will certainly be interesting to try out the choppers. The way they jump about in the vids looks like someone trying to fly with time acceleration on in OFP One thing I would like to know is whether you can bind the rudder controls to the keyboard, which you couldn't do in OFP.
  17. Not being a scripter/mission maker at all, I don't know if this is already possible with OFP but I think it would be more conducive to good teamplay in ArmA to disable the scoreboard in co-op missions (or have the option to). If you need stats, there are plenty you could display for the team, weapon accuracy etc without showing individual kills. Most of the servers I play on are full of OFP veterans, not frag chasers but even on those servers people get distracted by kills and the teamplay element suffers as a result. Gamemodes like DM and KOTH might need scoreboards but pretty much everything else just needs to tell you which team is winning/has won. Just my two penneth Â
  18. jaffo


    I was aware of that, I was just using it as an example of how the debris/smoke etc billows slowly like the ArmA vid (which looks ok in that respect). It's the lack of flash in the explosions and repetition in them that spoils it for me. Hopefully, there'll be some variation in them by release. Â Couldn't agree more Â
  19. jaffo


    I'm hoping the explosions we've seen in the vids so far are like the other animations, ie. just placeholders that will be changed when the animations are finalised. Well, I had hoped they would have been better than FlashFX and ECP but imo they aren't.
  20. jaffo


    The speed isn't too much of a worry to me, if you watch something like the Javelin vid that's been around a while, that seems to billow out in a pretty similar way... maybe a little quicker. The real things that bug me about the explosions are the really obvious patterns in the smoke and debris trails and the fact that there's no huge fireball in the initial blast (again, compare it to the vid).
  21. jaffo

    Disable the scoreboard in Co-op

    That would also be good for hiding the embarassment of all the friendly fire incidents we get on our server Â
  22. jaffo

    Interview on friday by Electronic sports

    Feel free. Share the wealth, as Homer Simpson said! Â
  23. jaffo

    Interview on friday by Electronic sports

    I've recorded it and upped it to here if anyone wants it. It's 50 minutes long (I cropped out the bits that weren't ArmA related and a section where they repeated a question). Oh, if you hear a WooHoo somewhere in the middle, that's me checking my email!
  24. jaffo

    Custom Faces

    I hope custom faces are still available in ArmA (not too bothered about custom sounds). Would be nice to have a system like this to make them with though
  25. jaffo

    Track ir

    You'll have time; it's because they implement stuff like this that 95% of players won't use that the game keeps getting pushed further back! Â