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About Jaycop

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Jaycop


    Would be sweet to see an completley urban island for OFP. So keep up the good work and get up on that horse again
  2. Jaycop

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Two thumbs up for this update Hyk! One of the best addons in my eyes Altough it would be nice to see a modern version of the rangers and maybe some Force Recon soldiers for the USMC, anyways keep up the good work
  3. Jaycop

    BIS weaponlist

    Does that section still exist? Because I can't see it on the boards somehow . Anyway, thanks for the help .
  4. Jaycop

    BIS weaponlist

    Hi all, not sure if this is the right place for this, but I am looking for the weaponlist with all the names for the BIS weapons in it. I know there was a thread a while ago that listed them all, but I can't seem to find it. I have tried searching the forums, with and without the search function but can't seem to find it. Would be great if someone could help me find it.
  5. Jaycop

    Polish GROM Update

    Hey Offtime, nice boat . I was also wondering if you're going to make any GROM soldier's in desert camo, would be a nice addition .
  6. Jaycop

    bf2 alike mod

    Ehum, aren't you guys taking this whole "BF2 is a crappy warsimulator" thing abit too far? I mean sure BF2 isn't a military simulator, but then again that's the point, it isn't. BF2 is as much a military simulator as CS is a counter terrorist simulator. None of the games has practicly nothing to do with war and such, instead both games serve one point, and that is to entertain which they both do very well in my oppinion. They just happen to have chosen a war theme that's all.
  7. Jaycop

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Ok, thanks for the answers. Keep up the good work
  8. Jaycop

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    I have a question Jackal. Have you ever thought about changing the sounds on the M16's, M4's and M60's? You have absolutley great models, and even greater now with the retexturing, but I must say that the current sound on the above namned weapons just sounds wrong (note: This is meant as constructive critisicm.) I think that Laser prettymuch have nailed the sounds on those weapons in his weapon pack. Maybe you could ask him if you could use his sounds? Altough the decision is comletley yours if you want to change them or not, will use your weapon pack either way . Also on a different note, have you thougt about including more RPG's and rocket/missile-launchers in you pack?
  9. Jaycop

    Behind the scenes...

    Ok, I found the guy with the briefcase but I can't for the life of me figure out the Login and Password *stupid brain*, so if somone would be as kind as to PM me the Login and Password I would be grateful .
  10. Jaycop

    1.96 Can't seem to find it...=/

    Great! A thousand thanks to you my friend, now I'm finally back in the game .
  11. Jaycop

    1.96 Can't seem to find it...=/

    As the topic sais, I can't for the life of me find the 1.96 patch for OFP . I have tried searching for it but to no use, help would be much appreciated .
  12. Jaycop

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    Why not a Marine pack or a Tank crew pack? Just my 2 cents
  13. Jaycop

    Semper Fidelis

    Hey FischKopp, isn't there an MV-22 that I think Wipan retextured or something. Maybe you could tweak that one with the right permission.
  14. Jaycop

    How to make an addon

    Aaah now I see what he ment, he was reffering to Winpbo or antoher such program . Well thanks for clearing that up for me
  15. Jaycop

    How to make an addon

    Thanks for the info xnodunitx, but what exactly is it that the Pbo tool does? Couldn't find any info on it