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Judge Rabbi

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Everything posted by Judge Rabbi

  1. Judge Rabbi

    Red hammer......?

    A GOTY is that thing people have under their chins, or is that a gottee? My english is getting worse Anyway "GOTY = Game Of The Year."
  2. Judge Rabbi

    Stuck in "alert" mission (goty edition)

    Its hard to control the emotion of one's dead self in-game. I'm glad that you did not break down and cry. You make me proud
  3. Hello. I'd like to ask if Operation Flashpoint is best played using a sound card, since my on-board is giving me a headache, with constant blue screen crashes when a lot of sound in involved in an area of gameplay (ALOT of vulcan fire usually causes this). I tried upgrading my sound chip drivers, but the damn website still has drivers from 2002. (Check here) It sounds really weird when the sound problem occurs. All the voices sound like something from Tron, and they take about 20 seconds to say 3-4 words. I'm running off patch 1.46 (i'm also one of the few unlucky ones to have the 'olive green' problem with OPF Resitance ) Thanks for reading.
  4. Judge Rabbi

    Stock up your air to air defense

    I chose the F-15. Dunno why, perhaps the price and the fact that none have been shot down got its vote. Now, all I need to do now is recruit some fighter jet pilots and give them "Top Gun" to watch. Not so harsh on the budget don't you think?
  5. Judge Rabbi

    What militaria do you own?

    Well, seeing that the tank will get through traffic, one thing is certain. I will never be late for work
  6. Judge Rabbi

    What militaria do you own?

    Eleven grand huh? I can get a sports car for a cheaper price, and it would do more than 45-50 MPH. But the thought of crushing cars to get through a traffic jam seems...good But first I must get a job!
  7. Judge Rabbi

    Campaign mission wrong weapon? (res)

    You can select a rifle at that briefing screen. Besides, you won't need to shoot that much in the first part of the mission. You don't need to shoot at all!
  8. Judge Rabbi

    Stuck in "alert" mission (goty edition)

    If that driver thought that Kamakazi tactics work better than holding back and letting the infantry clear the path, then let him die. He's not real anyway.
  9. Judge Rabbi

    Escape from prison - revisited

    I remember running towards the base that Armstrong + Co captures in the mission Counter-Strike. The bloody US Officer shoots me! Bastard...
  10. Judge Rabbi

    Easter egg in 1.46

    I never knew this!? Christmas trees in a war. Just thinking about it is crazy enough
  11. Judge Rabbi

    Need help quick

    Use Babel Fish! http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr
  12. Judge Rabbi


    The SWAT in that film were pretty dumb too. A lone police officer has to kill all the badguys, don't anyone (including me) understand?!
  13. Judge Rabbi


    At first I thought it was based on the game SWAT. The first two were pap, so lets refer to SWAT 3. Now thats a good game. It even tells you how SWAT handle situations, and don't play them out in a stupid or cool fashion seen in hollywood movies today. (Swordfish comes to mind...that scene where the SWAT drag that woman away with claymore strapped on her...) Anyway, ain't seen the film but I bet its cack anyway.
  14. Judge Rabbi

    What militaria do you own?

    The only thing I own thats slightly connected with military stuff is a British chieftain tank model. Man, I love that model. (Stares at his mini tank.)
  15. Judge Rabbi

    No hosted games?

    Okay, everything fixed. Re-install did everything, and now we can see the games in the built in browser. Woopee! Straight into a "Capture the town" game, went into the M1-17, and some daft bugger on out team shot us down. Argh!
  16. Judge Rabbi

    No hosted games?

    I'm certain it should have been 1.94 but is said 1.96! I told my mate to do a fresh install. Perhaps everything would work correctly then. Anyway, how many people do you think use Gamespy Arcade?
  17. Judge Rabbi

    No hosted games?

    Running on GOTY version, so its 1.94...but the odd thing is that Gamespy Arcade downloaded a update, and when we looked at the version on the menu screen it said 1.96
  18. Judge Rabbi

    Ofp is the most incredible game

    Finished CWC already?! I was on the second to last mission when my PC started to hate OFP. I can't play the game until I get a good sound card I finished Red Hammer, so at least I did not miss out on much...but it was Resistance that bothered me (Judge Rabbi gets flashbacks of the olive green screen problem.) ARGH! That was scary...
  19. Judge Rabbi

    Gun control debate thread

    I've only just seen the film recenly, and now this article explains, with some proof, that the viewer was deceved. To tell you the truth I can't seem to trust most thing from the media these days. As for gun control...what is someone gonna do with a full-auto rifle? Methinks ownership of weapons is pointless, but that raises a new set of problems. Oh dagnamit, human beings are so imperfect...
  20. Judge Rabbi

    Ofp watch

    Kosei...Bohemia have a bigger budget now, yah? Get the license so you can display Seiko...rather that Kosei.
  21. Judge Rabbi

    Favorite videogame music

    Meh, I like the MGS1 soundtrack. Nothing too bizzare (like MGS2.) I also like the music in MAFIA. Wow, who would have thought that music can get this good! And of course some of the tunes in OFP. The main tune is cool...hmm, may want to put that in a flash animation i'm making... I also like the music in Half Life. Surface Tention and Questionable Ethics sections in the game had some cool tunes. Hey, how about some classical music in OFP2? Wagner anyone
  22. Judge Rabbi

    Hidden & dangerous deluxe

    I brought the game for Å10 and i've only done two missions. I hardly play it, ever since I got OFP. Well thats gonna change now (goes off to play H&D.)
  23. Judge Rabbi

    Does operation flashpoint like on-board sound?

    Errm, i'd thought i'd add this. The sound problem is still at large on my PC, and has ended in disaster. I had to re-install the OS. So, anyone with the same problem please grab a sound card and save yerselves from this horror.
  24. Judge Rabbi

    Pretty odd opf ai in mission.

    Twas playing a mission in Red Hammer. The "Rage" mission. At the first target I infiltrated the area and hopped into a T-72 as the gunner. The sirens sounded and all the tank crew came running out. I destroyed the T-72 near me, and continued to destoy the rest on the base, when all of a sudden one of the tank crew got into my T-72 as the driver. Should that happen? I experimented and learnt that I can switch to the driving seat, and give the gunner targets and order him to fire (since I was a higher rank than him.) So I finished off the base, taking everything down with the help of my 'enemy' gunner. I saw a T-80 drive towards me. I was preparing for attack when he just drove past. On the map screen I was displayed as the enemy. They would not fire back. Took this to my advantage and took out EVERYTHING I could find. Once all finished, I went to the extraction point and changed to gunner position (so when I get out, he won't shoot me) and disembarked. Placed a Satchel near the tank and blew him up. Bless him for helping me. I was playing on patch 1.46. I don't know if it is fixed in 1.91. Thanks for reading.
  25. Judge Rabbi

    Pretty odd opf ai in mission.

    Twas playing a mission in Red Hammer. The "Rage" mission. At the first target I infiltrated the area and hopped into a T-72 as the gunner. The sirens sounded and all the tank crew came running out. I destroyed the T-72 near me, and continued to destoy the rest on the base, when all of a sudden one of the tank crew got into my T-72 as the driver. Should that happen? I experimented and learnt that I can switch to the driving seat, and give the gunner targets and order him to fire (since I was a higher rank than him.) So I finished off the base, taking everything down with the help of my 'enemy' gunner. I saw a T-80 drive towards me. I was preparing for attack when he just drove past. On the map screen I was displayed as the enemy. They would not fire back. Took this to my advantage and took out EVERYTHING I could find. Once all finished, I went to the extraction point and changed to gunner position (so when I get out, he won't shoot me) and disembarked. Placed a Satchel near the tank and blew him up. Bless him for helping me. I was playing on patch 1.46. I don't know if it is fixed in 1.91. Thanks for reading.