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Everything posted by Johan_D

  1. OFP lives again after this!! great work!! Johan
  2. If you like you can test my version of Normandy. www.people.zeelandnet.nl/johd I used as much as possible default objects to keep lag at minimum. Please let me know what you think Johan
  3. Johan_D

    Good ww2 island

    maybe mine:
  4. Johan_D

    Operation farmland objects

    Pls also things like these: (with or without the horse)
  5. Johan_D

    Operation farmland objects

    Finally! Thanks a millions, and godspeed!
  6. Johan_D

    Ai thread

    He has a good point..
  7. Johan_D

    Crate mule is out!

    Missed that!! Thanks a million!! Johan
  8. Johan_D

    Crate mule is out!

    Very nice addon, already usable in this state. Can you also make a cow and or bull in the same color set? no white-black ones.. And please.. some civilians changeover to look like an old style farmer (must be rather easy for you!) Thanks for the great works. Johan
  9. Johan_D

    Model invisible..

    Hi I copied a road sign, one with a city name, and changed the text on it. All shows well in bulldozer. All paa and p3d are packed in a folder, makepbo'ed it and it shows in editor, but not in game. Just invisible.. My cpp: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches { class Sign1 { units[] = {Sign1}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.10; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All {}; class Static: All {}; class Building: Static {}; class NonStrategic: Building {}; class TargetTraining: NonStrategic {}; class TargetGrenade: TargetTraining {}; class Sign1: TargetGrenade { model="\Signs\sign_eglise"; armor=100; displayName="SignEglise"; } } Pls any ideas Johan
  10. Maybe you change the NOTALIVE with a sidecount? makes it easier in one commandline.. Johan
  11. Johan_D

    Ai sight

    I also think they see too much, if the Russians saw that good in real life as in OFP then we here in Europe spoke Russian now. If I cant see one, nor they shouldnt. Johan
  12. Johan_D


    An M16 shooting on it!
  13. Johan_D

    Ai thread

    Just brainstorming here: And just some simple things like, when on safe, automatically salute to an officer for 5 seconds or so. A bus should stop at a bus station if a person is in very close range automatically. Civillians could have classes their own like: -farmer, this type can look for a tractor and do his work -police, looks only for overspeeding, and when in danger make close civilians follow him away from the shooting - civilians: wander aroudn by them selves. Go to nearby church, then to nearby pub and so on. (goal is to place them and let loose) - driver: in truck virtually deliver boxes (may disappear), cars: drive around to pubs/restaurants etc The suppressive fire behavior of the AI under fire should be linked to the skill level. If it is high they might try and run for it, and on lower levels they hust stay at covered position. The time of laying down could simply be a counter between the time they have been shot at. (and the current aiming skill is a bit too high!, should be coupled to the skill slider. Currently it is coupled to detection/view level. Some can shoot good, some dont..) Squads: point your number 2  to a certain point, and in for example safe mode, he takes automatically 2 others with him. In danger mode maybe more. (SP) Auto spawn to number two if you are shot. (optional) An AT soldier without AT should automatically pick up an enemy AT weapon if possible. Support: should have a follow mode, to follow in a distance the troops. Headquarters mode: to place the player in  headquarters mode, with the map. Able to direct squads, view camera-alike the action, and send in support, refreshments and airstrikes. Gives OFP an strategic play option with custiom missions. From the squad player the same but inverted, able to call in airstrikes, support and so . (if placed on map. Example: on an island you place 4 tanks. You give them callsign Alpha or designate something, and wander around. If you want you could simply without scripting, ask them to come to your position, and secure the area,and or send them back later. Maybe you need to place an headquarters unit and building to do that as a requirement. Same for airstrikes and artillery and troops.) Moving Animals.. dont give us killing wolfs/bears Plane AI: if possible depending on their mode, let them land theirselves to the place they took off, be more objective precise, and shoot on soldiers too. Btw, same for seamen. And generaly speaking; I like too have the AI see what I see. No more supervisuals pls.. If I cant see a soldier hinding in the bushes, nor the enemy should see it. No more all super shooters, just normal guys like you and me! Thanks for reading.. some good things in it? Johan
  14. Johan_D

    Not using islands?

    I dont think it is too difficult to have the complete world covered more or less. Look at MS flightsimulator. It has the whole world covered. There is mesh terrain, altough not in a very great resolution, but its easy to enhance that with calculations realtime. Also the houses and vegetation could be autogenerated depeding on the landclass textures. We just have to wait and see I guess..
  15. Johan_D

    Ai thread

    I was thinking of a new mode for the AI. Between Safe and Careless. The soldiers AI in this mode should doing some things all by them selves like, sitting down and rest, smoking a sigarette, talking to nearby soldiers and so on. All without scripting involved. For the Civilian AI, the same thing could be done, but in a more better was, wothout scripting. The AI should wander around, talk to each other, and if near a car take it and drive around and find a pub. Stay there and return back eventually. They should after 10pm go into houses and sleep. All automatically. If you need to use them in a script it must be overrulable of course. Johan
  16. Johan_D

    Squad sizes, what do you think

    It could also be made more intelligent, real AI. Let say you have 20 men, then it would be handy that you have a second in rank. Lets say you want to attack an enemy, and go yourself with a couple of men straight ahead, and want to let some others outflank them. A simple like we do now clicking for the second in command would do it. Difference should be that he will take a couple, 8 of the squad for himself to so the job. The pick may be random, or by your overruling choice. Instead of micromanaging every soldier a few standard rules should work. like "sarg, get 8 and go to there and attack/wait/whatever" But then easier. Also, it must be possible to setup the team before all starts. Appointing ranks and so. Like deltaforce did. Johan
  17. Johan_D

    Larger ai engagement range pack

    Will this nice addon in one single PBO what overrules the default values? it would be nice to play the capaigns again this way without a need to replace all weapons? And could you if possibible make of it a second PBO with a higher dispersion value? so people can choose on what they like? please... Johan
  18. Johan_D

    Csla 2 news

    I like those Tatra's.. already available for download? Johan
  19. Johan_D

    Jurassic park mod

    Nature will finds its ways.. always..
  20. Johan_D

    Engagement times.....

    BUMP You have any ideas guys? Johan
  21. Johan_D

    Weapon standards!

    Amen to all this! great idea.. One simple question.. how will it be implemented? will there be one PBO that overrules all the ammo already in the game? If that is the case than it is easy to use and disable it when playing already existing campaigns..(maybe they are more interresting then..?) So what to be expected when the work is done? Johan
  22. Johan_D

    Engagement times.....

    Maybe it is possible to have one script and a huge trigger area that works for everything that shoots inside it? Then all parties are equal, and firefights may take a little longer then? Johan
  23. Johan_D

    Behind the scenes...

    Found that god damn briefcase! and the password/login. I see the guys had a lot of fun with AIRSOFT guns, they rock! Oh, a tip for the briefcase finders... [spoiler removed] Johan [Note to all posting at this forum: do not send spoilers.]
  24. Johan_D

    How daring are you?

    As an flight dynamics guy for PSS, (FS2002, see www.phoenix-simulation.co.uk) I wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of how the flight dynamics are stored in the PBO of an A10 for example.. I want to see if I can make it fly more real.. its just too responsive. Johan
  25. Johan_D

    Sdoc/uce russians - new version !

    <a href="" target="_blank">ftp://ftp.gamesurf.de/pub....ack.rar</a> doesnt work... edit: link to .ru by the readme does work.. ok! checking now..