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Everything posted by jotte

  1. Some "hardcore" folks in here do the very common misstake of mixing up hard with realistic. Its the same in all simulation communitys.
  2. jotte

    Patch 1.24 (Bootcamp Update) Feedback

    The sway is execive and playing coops vs AI that is still after all these years dead eye shots at long ranges is just silly. The way the sway work seems to be random. In real life I can somewhat anticipate the sway as I feel the weapon while now in ARMA it feels more like a game of wack a mole then shooting even in prone position.
  3. Just in case you really dont know what it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakul :p
  4. jotte

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Hmm did a little more oogling on those videos and the G36 with a short barrel seems like a mix of a K and C model... Shorter barrel of the C but the higher handel/sight module of the K. Then again I guess by looking at a comparision picture of the C and K that the higher K handel might acctually fit on the C model too.
  5. jotte

    Latest screenshots available

    I'd suspect that they recently upgraded to G36 in a country like South Sahrani from something more "affordable" like FN FAL or G3's. Commando84, the terms are the exact same in swedish. (IIRC your swedish too) Just felt like being a little besserwisser there berfor, not ment more then as pulling your legg.
  6. jotte

    Latest screenshots available

    You mean flora, not fauna, right? Can't see any animals in that screen...... (apart from the human animal that is... ) Nice to see that the South Sahrani forces uses several versions of the G36. In coop-center.de's pictures the soldiers use what looks like the fullseized G36 and in the French videos the SF guys are using a G36K.
  7. jotte

    William Porter's Blog

    One word: scripts! I can see the action menu befor my inner eye.... and the frantic scrolling through the humonguos list for the right action as someone is comming towards you like a runaway train. "WHERE IS PASS THE BALL!?!?!?".....
  8. jotte


    A variation/develpment of the artillery function avalible in the VBS1 ADF2 addon would be my guess.
  9. jotte

    Latest screenshots available

    The blueish sky would look perfectly ok during certain dawn and dusk periods and that original shot have rather subdued look to it, like it could be during one of those periods of the day. I'm impressed by the new shots, jaw dropping stuff.
  10. jotte

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Oh yes, forgott to mention, would be nice to see Guba's model replaced with one of those CSLA generals.
  11. jotte

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Very good work on this, makes playing ofp very fun again. No more BF2 for me. Very nice to see the new death animations, makes it fun to shoot ppl... ok that sounds more then a little morbid but I think you get what I mean. This have turned into a very polished and complete mod. If I'd have to recommend just one mod for OFP to someone, this would be it. Just some possible buggs I noted: *In the Ambush mission intro movie the .50 gunner is "screwed into the earth" just showing his upper torso and head. Config bug? *G3 shows a FN FAL picture in the inventory. I've had 3 CTD's but not been able to pinpoint what the culprit might be. Running a "normal" FFUR 2006 install with ACU config and no other mods or addons. ------------------ Some sligtly negative feedback: The new GUI is a graphic show off more then functional. Something along the lines of FDF mod would be much better. The menu screen cover up way to much of the background movie and the colors of the fonts are a bit hard to read against dark backgrounds. (not to mention the fadeing thing ppl already have mentioned) The graphics in the editor menu interface is hard on the eyes. I'd think you don't want to camo the menu items from the user. Again, more along the FDF lines would be better for the end user even if not as fun for that graphic artist. Please drop that beeping sound on the satchel charges as it makes me look around to see if Willy Cayote and Roadrunner is anywere nearby. It's an total immersion killer on otherwise very good sounds and graphics. I feel some of the larger explosions are a bit to much Hollywood SFX,would have liked more sharp short flashing effect then now, but its a minor niggle. --------- Will there be an ACU mp config in the future update?
  12. jotte

    SFP Zodiac

    Excellent! Thank you
  13. jotte

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    (Image seize 100.87 kb, hope that is ok) In that screen you see a much better effect of how it really is to use an aimpoint sight as opposed to an iron sight. Iron sights block out your vision as most ppl need to close one eye to pear through them, while with an aimpoint both eyes are open and the stereo effect of that blurs out the aimpoints tube/frame so that it don't obscure your vision. Befor you have tried it in real life it can be hard to understand just how much diffrent it is. While aimpoints graphics like, for instance Earls, are very nice renders they don't do justice to the advantages you get from an aimpoint sight. They block WAY to much of the screen, obscuring targets that would not happen in real life.
  14. jotte

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    There is one little problem with the "framework" of the aimpoint sights as ppl draw them in ofp now. They block way to much of the screen. In real life you almost don't even notice the tube due to where you put your eyes focus. (on the target). Nova Logics Delta Force Black Hawk down had a very nice implementation of this effect you get from looking with both eyes open.
  15. jotte

    Mi - 8 pack v 1.0 relased

    Exellent addon, just what I needed to insert the RHS Spetsnaz with .
  16. jotte

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Probebly a BMP-2, just like the burning wreck on the right.
  17. jotte

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Its H&K take on improving the M4. http://www.hkdefense.us/corporate/media/pdf/416revised4-5-05.pdf http://www.defensereview.com/modules....sid=753 So the answer is both yes and no.
  18. jotte


    You can start talking about obligations once we have bought ArmA, not befor.
  19. jotte


    We don't have the right to anything in this regard, thats where you are wrong. They have no obligation whatsoever to tell us one single thing. It might be considered good PR to do so, but they are under no obligations to do it. Beside, you still seem to ignore the fact that they might be acctually hindered to say anything for a number of reasons. As a bussiness owner, you surly must know that is not an unusual situation. It is not unusual for a situation to be better to say nothing then to say something and have to go back on it.
  20. jotte


    Right now its anyones guess. What kind of specs do you have?
  21. jotte


    Marshal (and several others), *You seem to have no or very little knowledge of the realitys of life or business. *You seem to have this totally prepostreous idea that BIS is holding in the info for no good reason at all. They most certainly have a good reason, and that reason is also very likley to be stopping them from saying anything. Its getting really annoying to see this repeated pissing an mouning for more information and calling annyone with a "voice of reason" for a fanboy. Says quite a bit about the posters mental or factual age...
  22. jotte

    Vote for jumping?

    Like someone else already posted, that was one extremely biased way of putting "words in peoples mouth" in the way the options where put. No to jumping like it is implemented in BF2/CS or CoD. Its a lazy assed implementation of a usefull feature in those games so that it becomes an nuciance exploit instead of a good and usefull feature. But it would be nice to be able to scale/climb over/through things. Also lean out from behind cover and to roll sideways on the ground like it is possible now through addons would be welcome.
  23. jotte

    New exclusive Screenshots

    English explanation. Wikipedia Bump mapping entry
  24. jotte

    New exclusive Screenshots

    ... Espectro, i just thnik that that kind of soldier details can`t be done with bump mapping, it`s normal mapping for sure. because it doesn't look oily? think again i'd say. you think they'd spend so much polygons on folds? bumpmapping looks different on each engine. Just to spell it out again. As an owner of VBS1, the folds looks very much like the ones in the ADF2 module and those are 3D, not just textures. That was the answer I got when specificly asking if it was texture work or true 3d folds. So the ones in ArmA are most likely using the same technique.