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Everything posted by jotte

  1. Not quite but they are indeed very good ofp addons. Thank you for this new version, really nice work.
  2. jotte

    Kumlinge Island

    Looks stunning! Looks quite much like Norrland. Just a little request, don't put any names on the villages as it will be more flexible for the missionmaker without those.
  3. jotte

    Unsung - updates

    Your missing the best point of the HD weapons there. They are an excellent way of being able to use higher levels of AI skill without making them hit you with their first pistol round at 300 meters. Giving HD weapons to the player is annoying but they are best used to "tune" the AI.
  4. jotte

    Bushfires Mod

    Very nice models!! While the designs themselfs not exactly are any marvels of estethics these models are very well done. I recently purchased Larry Bonds "Vortex" and "Red Phoenix" and I'm going to start on Vortex as soon as I'm done with Red Phoenix. I'll be keeping tabs on you guys. ;) I'm looking forward to the R4, ie the SA version of the Galil SAR. While not uniqe it is a weapon only done once and that is by LoBo mod very recently. And I hope it gets a proper 35 round magazine. edit: Come to think of it the R-4 was adopted sometime in the mid-late 80's iirc so its a bit out of your initial target era... but hope springs eternal as they saying goes.
  5. Rangers are Special Operations Forces and so are SEALs, PJ's and several others. The "Green Berets" are the ones offically designated "Special Forces" and they are included in the term Special Operations Forces too. All these Special Operations Forecs and a detachment from the USMC are under the command of United States Special Operations Command. You could say that Special Forces is a particular units name (or rather part of it) while the term Special Operations Forces is descriebing a units area of missions. Would be nice to see the sniper model without the PASGT vest and gasmask bag but still in ALICE gear and with boonie hat. That way it could easily double as a SOF soldier, aka Black Op in CWC, for the 1985 era.
  6. jotte

    Something Extra

    I suspected it was that but that boonie is really overseized. That doll is not the best referance when it comes to correct seize. HYK's boonies are much better rawmodels for you. ;)
  7. jotte

    Something Extra

    Very nice units. These really make it possible to finally do mercenary style missions. Top notch job! Got to agree with marine26thmeu, turning the caps forward would be better. Will make them look less like gangsta rappers. ;) Also, what is the right most guy in the last screen wearing on his head? It resembles a groserybag more then a hat, no offence.
  8. jotte


    Any news on the fighting men of the land down under?
  9. jotte

    ORCS RF Motorized Riflemen

    Motorized infantry..........
  10. Totally insanly beautiful!
  11. jotte

    Red Hammer Studios

    This have been like a bad soup opera. This got to stop, its not benefiting the community, nore the individual addon makers. THIS HAS TO STOP!
  12. jotte

    Project: UK Forces Land Rover Pack

    Thanks for the heads up "Vinnie"
  13. jotte

    Project: UK Forces Land Rover Pack

    I acctually got it from the P:UKF site about 10 minutes after it was released as I browsed the site just by chance. Not had a chance to try them untill this morning though. And I thought I had read page one and looked at the screens fighter posted on page two so I didn'tt reflect over that it might have been a "common" problem. Sorry, my bad.
  14. jotte

    Project: UK Forces Land Rover Pack

    Edit: Problem solved
  15. jotte

    COMBAT! Addons Release!

    Instant classic!! More toys for my virtual sandbox!
  16. jotte

    LSR Addons

    IIRC both SA80 and M4A1 uses STANAG compatible magazines, ie they can use the the same type due to NATO standardization. Coding it by caliber and burst/auto/singel etc, as done in JAM, is a good way of not having to release a new version of JAM every time someone does a new weapon they didn't think of in the code, ie didn't include its name on the magazines. Just having the caliber and the firemodes is a way to go around that and the fact that the magazines themselfs in OFP deceids the weapons firemodes, not the weapon. Even if it by limits of OFP gives you the same sound for a SA-80 as for a M4A1. We are straying away from the topic here though.
  17. jotte

    LSR Addons

    Excellent news Laser. Looking forward to see these guys running around in my virtual sandbox.
  18. jotte

    Red Hammer Studios

    T.E.A.S.E.R.! Ok there , now its been said so show the rest of us some sceens!!!
  19. Top notch work there guys. Well worth looking forward to
  20. jotte

    Legal issues with Valve & Vivendi Postpone HL2!

    And the lesson from that Sgt Milkman is? Yes thats right, never sell the skinn befor you've shot the bear. ;)
  21. jotte

    LSR Addons

    Very nice! A little question though. Isn't the green on the RACK a tad bit to limegreen?
  22. Thx, that was the problem. I had it in my modfolders res/addons but that didn't work but when I moved it to the standard res/addons folder it works.
  23. Jepp, just noticed that and in the Harbour on the east coast and the large airfield/base too.
  24. My problems disapeared when I switched to AGS IND 3.0. Though now for some strange reason I get white textures on the grass under the bridge, but only there. I'm using the standard OPF island textures so it's not related to that at least. Any ideas?
  25. jotte

    ORCS RF Motorized Riflemen

    Or you could just use removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon..... on a regular soldier so he carrys a MG or whatever. The way it is also have advantages in mp when you are trying to locate a specific person/weaponsystem in your squad. Telling who is who by face and body posture don't work to well in Flashpoint.