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Everything posted by jotte

  1. jotte

    CIA Operator Teaser Pack

    Very impressive diversity in this pack. Good work! Count me among those that eagerly look forward to it too.
  2. jotte

    Red Hammer Studios

    *sound of jaw hiting the floor*
  3. jotte

    Using CSLA II units in regular OFP

    BinView and PboX are the tools you need for this.
  4. jotte

    Csla 2

    Looks very good CSLA team. Hearing the praise from Shadow is good indeed as I "know" him as a bit of a perfectionist.
  5. Altered the GrenadeLauncher lines Sancturay posted about and the error messege have disapeared.
  6. Did a little peaking into the config. Might it come from that JAM Magazines is not being listed in "required addons" line of the config? Funny thing was that I didn't get the error messege when I used one of my addons folders while I got it with the other (both have JAM (v2) though so at least its not that)
  7. Didn't get it earlier this morning but when I ran it in a folder with less other addons I got the same error messege as Buliwyf. I have all the pbo's in the rar in my folder.
  8. Yepp I have to second Sancturay on that, finest piece of soldier model work for OFP so far imo. Absolutly brilliant!! And the weapon pack is so extensive that it is almost unbelievable. In the Micheline guide of OFP you get 4 stars out of 3 on this one Laser!
  9. Working night have its bright sides. Thank you for your hard work Laser!
  10. jotte

    Csla 2

    They don't owe us anything. That is a very selfish attitude. And one very probeble reason that you won't get any comment IF they are hire or the models bought in is that they have signed a NDA. Being enviouse and whining like a sour loser about it is just bad style.We should instead be glad that some of the addon makers in the community acctually get to do what they loved to do for free and now get paid for it. It will hopefully also positivly effect the quality of future BIS products. It have happened in alot of other game communitys and I sure am glad to see that the developers pic up talents from their fan ranks in this community too.
  11. jotte

    New Mi-24 Pack v1.1 Fix

    When you lock a target with the fixed 23 mm it will still travers its firedirection even though it should just fire straight forward. Visualy this is a very nice addon.
  12. jotte

    LSR Addons

    Ah, I thought you ment Lasers own units. Unfortunatly for HYK's units with Lasers weapons there is no "officaly" released JAM config using Lasers models. It's either with JAM weapon models or Lasers weapons models unless you open the config and replace the standard mags for Lasers weapons with JAM ones.
  13. jotte

    LSR Addons

    You must have the latest released version of the units (ie soldiers) for this item to appear in the units menu.
  14. jotte

    Csla 2

    Maa, there is really no need for a email request. Go fishing through HYK's thread and you'll see that he left a charta blanc for others to use his soldiers in their mod without futher need to ask for permission provided they just credit him and the other makers in the read me. Here it is HYK thread, page 23 There you go. Tip; Hyk 85 SF CQB --> BlackOp Day Edit: Oh and I forgot to say that I really like the new west replacment vehicles. Good job there. Its so much more fun to blow up nice looking stuff.
  15. jotte

    Csla 2

    Roger on the helmet Maa. Was just curiouse. Speaking of west replacments, while your at it, how about using the HYK 85 soldier model as west soldier replacment? HYK was happy to let anyone use it as long as he is credited.
  16. jotte

    Csla 2

    Will the helmet(s) be reworked? Or are you sticking with the "thick shelled" ones similar to original ofp?
  17. jotte

    Csla 2

    Looks very promising Edge! A bit of texture stretching on the upper arms but otherwise good. Question: Will the armpatches be part of the arm textures or is it one of those "external" types? The reason I ask is that the ones that are not part of the integral armtextures get missaligned when ever you use custom anims.
  18. jotte

    LSR Addons

    Just a little question. Does all the SOPMOD M4's have ACOG sight?
  19. jotte

    LSR Addons

    And even a M16A2/M203 combo unless it was dropped since v 1.25
  20. jotte

    Best island made!

    Avignon gets my vote. Link 5.10 mb Tonal and Mapfact Nogova are also very nice.
  21. jotte

    Csla 2

    Maa, Will all the single missions have briefings/names descriptions in english this time? Was a bit frustrating in v2.0-2.02.
  22. jotte

    Csla 2

    The desert stuff is a separate CSLA II project; Operation Lacerta. And it is currently on hold. The new guerilla/FIA stuff and several other things are in the upcomming patch (called Update 1) that they are working hard to release as soon as they possibly can. This contains some of the stuff that have been shown screens of in the last...ehhh .... 20 or so pages. But CSLA 2 version 2.01 have alot of candy in it and unless you are on a modem or limited bandwith, I'd suggest you download and check it out while waiting for Update 1.
  23. jotte

    1980's SEAL units

    Thanks, I've wondered which one was the PIP and which one was the original version. Only ever used the Para version but that was a nice experiance. Shar have made an awesome skeleton stock M249 for SFP4. If you want I can ask if he'd share the model with you Miss Cleo.
  24. jotte

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    Bloody brilliant! Just like Lasers D/R pack, this is a true work of art!
  25. jotte

    1980's SEAL units

    Do you mean the M249E1, ie the version with a tubular stock and not the solid stock? The is a version with a solid stock and no optics in Lasers pack.