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Everything posted by jakerod

  1. Can you post your editor.sqs with the line to your roads in buldozer? Also can you post the location that your WRP is saved to?
  2. jakerod

    Layers generation fail

    Check the paths found in the "bia_myisland\data\gdt_grass_green.rvmat" file. Those should be pointing to textures that exist. You're also playing a dangerous game by naming your class gdt_grass_green as it may conflict with Altis. Out of curiosity, why does your project start with bia?
  3. I'm assuming that abc_sample is the terrain that you are packing. If you're using the standard roads then the only other thing that should be required is that you have a file called "roads.shp" in the folder specified on that line. That should be the only requirement.
  4. jakerod

    Finding topography

    Depending on what you want there are all kinds of options. National Map Viewer - Useful for finding elevation data from the United States. Some areas have 3m elevation data. CGIAR - This has SRTM data which ranges in quality and size. I feel like average is 90m but I think 30m SRTM data has been released. World coverage. ASTER GDEM - Don't remember exactly the quality but I think 30m and covers the world. Those are the best sources I have. If you're not picky about what you want to make, the United States has enough diversity in it that you can find elevation data that can be used to represent any other part of the world. California around Los Angeles can be used to represent Greece for example. Maine can represent northern European countries. Arizona can be used for deserts etc.
  5. jakerod

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I doubt there is even that.
  6. jakerod

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Wikipedia disagrees with you (not that it is the best source but it's late and I don't really care)
  7. jakerod

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I can almost guarantee you that that is not the case. EDIT: by the above I mean that I doubt that you can dig into the ground. I just want to make sure that I was conveying that because the wording might be confusing.
  8. jakerod

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Probably a mangrove forest or something similar.
  9. jakerod

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Not saying you're wrong or that they didn't use it for inspiration or anything but the angles of that are all wrong. They aren't lined up the same way so at the very least it is not supposed to be a 1:1 copy of it.
  10. jakerod

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    You guys are missing some other big VBS news. I'll point you in the general direction: https://bisimulations.com/company/news
  11. That isn't gender equality though. As others have said, that is gender inequality. You're lowering standards for one person which is not equal treatment. I agree with him that if you can't do the job you shouldn't be able to do it (he did go about it in a bit of an asshole way though. Frankly he sounds somewhat sexist to me). However, if there is a woman who can do the same job just as well or better than a man could I am all for them being there. I don't fully get his whole fireman thing though. It just comes down to accuracy. If there is a woman on the team she is not a fireman because she is not a man so calling them firefighters is more accurate. If there was a group of women who fought fires they would be firewomen. A group of men would be firemen and a mixed group would be firefighters (or firepeople). At the same time I also view that as a bunch of people who just don't want to change their ways. If a woman firefighter doesn't want to be called a fireman, why would you call her that? Call her a firewoman. Is that really so difficult?
  12. jakerod

    Grand Theft Auto V

    Whoops :D Yeah that is possible.
  13. jakerod

    Star Wars Ep. 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS

    Not saying that it isn't for sure but it probably wasn't an advertisement. Today/yesterday was May the Fourth (May the force be with you) and a lot of people dress up in Star Wars gear for it or Celebrate Star Wars in some other way.
  14. jakerod

    Grand Theft Auto V

    Not sure if this is true: Steam banning players for using mods in GTA V
  15. jakerod

    Star Wars Ep. 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS

    But they could've used the story as it was still. I suppose there could still be something similar enough that I might like. .
  16. jakerod

    Ukraine General

    Russian Roulette (Dispatch 107) - Meet the Texan Fighting for the DPR (Didn't link it due to some possibly offensive language)
  17. jakerod

    Star Wars Ep. 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS

    I'm really upset about this... or about as upset as I can be about a movie. I was really hoping it was going to be a Rogue Squadron movie. I think that would've been really cool. But now they seem to be undoing one of my favorite game franchises and characters; Dark Forces and Kyle Katarn. Damn you Abrams!!!
  18. Agreed. Too bad Rogue One is going to be "undoing" it most likely which is a shame because Kyle Katarn is probably my favorite SW character.
  19. jakerod

    Ukraine General

    Another new Dispatch is out (105). Can't link to it again.
  20. jakerod

    Star Wars Ep. 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS

    I'm a fan of the theory at the beginning of this post: http://imgur.com/gallery/w5MHii8
  21. jakerod

    Ukraine General

    New Dispatch up. Can't post due to graphic content though.
  22. jakerod

    how to change the waterlevel in TB

    You can't. Water is assumed to be at 0 meters. If you want to change the water level relative to your heightmap you have to shift the heightmap up or down. If you want to do this in L3DT you can use the "Operations > Heightfield > Change Vertical Range" option. You just need to make sure that you add or subtract the same amount from both the highest elevation and the lowest or else you will skew your heightmap. Example: There is no config elevation to change the water level. You can change maxTide but that only affects the max tide and not the minimum to the best of my knowledge. Different people use different configs so line 2658 in your config might be different from line 2658 in his or mine. Just something to keep in mind in the future.
  23. You can export and import objects in the file menu I believe.
  24. The config.cpp would be useful. Additionally, you can try removing that building from your terrain temporarily and see if that fixes it. The reason that Addon Builder will build your terrain and pboProject won't is because pboProject looks for errors and will stop if it finds one. It will generally tell you what the problem is so that you have a chance to fix it. Addon Builder will just make the pbo and leave you guessing about why it won't show up ingame. That's why people swear by pboProject. It is FAR more helpful.
  25. I don't think I have had this problem. How are you launching TB? From where? And what are your sampler settings from your mapframe properties?