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Everything posted by Jackal326
I recommend a tool released by ColKlink called BinarizeIT! (BIT! for short). It adds an easy to use interface to Binarize and is well worth the download. Grab it from OFP.INFO (roughly half way down the page).
Thanks SickBoy, withthat information I've narrowed down the two textures responsible. Can this be fixed by simply altering the dimensions of the texture? I've never had any experience with this particular error (probably because previous addons I've been responsible for haven't been popular enough to be used on ded. servers ). As it stands now, I've resized the two erroneous textures to 1024x256, should this fix the issue? @1in1class: Monty has released a script that can add all the weapons, and relevant magazines to an existing ammo-crate/truck/whatever, check earlier in this thread for a link.
The strange thing is, the SD rounds are defined WITHOUT tracers, but they seem to have them anyway and I have no idea why...god damn OFP... @remcen: I recommend a program called PowerArchiver (available from www.download.com) which is like WinZIP/WinRAR, only far better and can extract/compile all manner of archive files - Its what I used to pack and unpack the BETAs and the FULL Release, and frankly I can't fault it.
OK, I've finally completed the model tweaking (the muzzle-flash causing elements of several models to become invisible when viewed directly behind the flash texture). I have also modelled the M4A1 CQB SD, which will also hopefully be included in v1.01 of the pack. I am still debating whether or not to include the updated models in the patch, as it would require re-shipping SJB_TOSM4.pbo, which is responsible for the bulk of the filesize of the original addon. If I just include an update for the weapon names, ballisitcs etc. then the patch will only be ~400kb, as only SJB_TOSM4_cpp.pbo will need to be updated. I was instead considering releasing an interim patch, fixing the config.cpp reltaed issues with the pack (ballistics, weapon designations etc), and then releasing a full-patch, including the updated models, and adding new weapon variations, at a later date. If the interim patch is decided upon, it could be released as early as next weekend, however the "full-scale" patch would take slightly longer, as it would require more time to code and test the new weapon variations etc. Please post your opinions
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">- M4 SOPMOD w/ M203* ** - SJB_TOS_M4_M203 - SJB_TOS_M4_mag, M4, SJB_TOS_M203_Grenade, SJB_TOS_M203_Vest, GrenadeLauncher, Flare, FlareGreen, FlareRed, FlareYellow
Thanks Kyle, but I found a slightly quicker way, I sim ply opened the model, selected the entire weapon (minus the muzzle-flash) and then clicked on faces, then 'Send Bottom'. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though, its saved me a lot of hassle. I'll be uploaded the updated class-name file shortly.
I boosted the initspeed (perhaps too far) as most of the weapons the rounds, for some unknown reason, were dropping less than 200m from having been fired, at such a rate I could stand on the large hill on desert island, fire due south parallel with the ground, and the rounds would drop and hit LAND before making it over the ocean. I'll tweak these values accordingly in an attempt to find realistic values. I too discovered the BMI Blackop issue when using the handguns. Strangely, I remember using them in several 'fun' missions I created without incident, the problem only seemed to start when I took the handguns from crates/dead-bodies. It only happens, in my experience anyway, with the BMI Blackops, so as has been said I imagine its a BlackOp issue. Thats an issue with the .PAA texture format. Earl explained it to me once and I can't quite remember what he said, but it was to the effect of OFP incorrectly layering the .PAAs so when the Muzzle-flash, with Alpha channels to make areas-tranparent is loaded "in front" of a PAA without Alpha channels, sometimes it causes the 'vanishing' model-parts issue. The only way for me to fix it would be to re-do the muzzle flash in EVERY Model, which I am prepared to do, but there are more pressing bugs to be resolved first, so this will be done in more of a major update. I still haven't got around to editing the classname file but I will hopefully be able to sort it when I get home from work tonight.
I know how it was fdone (I helped BETA test the pack), and in terms of the C-Mag in combiantion with the M4A1, its not possible. It would be possible if I only had the one M4A1 in the pack, but as I have many different optic versions, each one would turn into the 'iron-sighted' M4A1, due to an issue with the modelspecial command in the config.cpp. Its quite hard to explain without going into huge detail (as its almost midnight thats not something I want to be doing), but be safe in the knowledge that I have previously considered it, but decided against it for the pure fact it would replace every model with the same M4A1 w/ C-Mag model.
@Hornet85: Did you installed SJB_TOSM4.pbo to your addons folder, because if you're getting it for EVERY WEAPON, it would seem you didn't (or, you renamed it). @OG_Killer: As for the AK sights, they will be changed in a forth-coming update (release date to be determined). I'll allow the default M4s to take the C-Mag, but like you said, it wont show on the model... The eotech optic is still mirrored? God damn it how many times does that need fixing? @Sickboy: As far as I know, all the textures are correctly sized (otherwise they wouldn't load in O2). If you do discover it is DEFINATELY caused by the pack, please let me know and I will see what I can do to fix it - until then, I don't know what, if anything, needs fixing
The FN-57 (Five-seveN) is already part of the pack, and also comes in a suppressed format. I'm about to head off to work so I don't have much time, but when I get home tonight I'll edit and upload a 'complete' class-names list.
Did you re-save the mission after adding the script, as often OFP doesn't 'detect' new scripts until after its 'saved' the mission. On another note, I made a cock-up in the readme, I accidentally added a class of a weapon that doesn't exist yet (SJB_TOS_M4_CQB_SD). Please ignore that classname, as, like I said, it doesn't exist as part of the pack yet, and as such, will give you errors when trying to use it.
Various images (some are from VBS1): M249 w/ M145 optic MP5 Tactical AK47 w/ scope Desert Eagle Glock 19 SG552 UMP-45
Yeah, I merely did that for speed at the time. I always meant to replace it, but never got around to it and eventually forgot. Rarely ever dropping the individual magazines when I use the revolvers I was never 'reminded' to fix it either. Thanks for remininding me - I replied to your PM as well, hope you like the answer
The pack originally started out as a wapons pack for the SEALs, and as SEALs are heavily leaning towards SOPMOD M4A1s, I figured, add a 'total package' of variants. I understand people are getting tired of M4A1 variants, but I figured people were more tired of downloading dozens of single weapon addons just to play one or two missions, so decided to make an 'all-inclusive' pack, a "one-stop-shop" as someone said earlier in the thread. Other variations of currently included weapons are planned for future versions, exact details of which I'm not prepared to give out at this time, so it'll just be a case of waiting...
I've just been in talks with Lt HuNTeR regarding his FN-FAL model, so expect to see it feature in a future update.
The LR300 is manufactured by ZM-Weapons based out of Massachusetts. A bit more information can be found at the ZM-Weapons Website. Judging by the fact ZM are selling 'kits' to attach to your own M4/M16 lower receiver, I suspect it originated after the M4 series of rifles.
Well, I'm glad the pack, for the most part, has been a success. The bugs with the elcan sights not loading has been fixed, and was caused by the last minute addition of the suppressed optic views. The designation issues raised in this thread are down to the inherited classes (i.e. I defined the MP5SD6 for example, and then when it came to define the MP5-N SD I inherited most of the define from the SD6 define). This issue will be resolved shortly, as will the other issues raised here. EDIT: I forgot to mention, I had planned to include a HK G3A4 in the pack, but never got around to it. It should appear in an update at some point though, probably with a few optic variations. Also, the M16A4/M203 optic variations should also materialise in a future update.
SJB has just begun work on SEALs, based around those featured in the recent film, 'Tears of the Sun' starring Bruce Willis. The website can be found at http://sjb.ofpr.com/tos/, where you can locate several early images of both the units, and the weapons from the pack on the relevant pages. If you have any further questions/suggestions about the pack, either post them here, or sign up to the SJB Forums and post them there. This post will also act as a news post, where new screenshots and progress will be reported.
The pack has been released - check this thread for more information. I ask however, that the moderators DO NOT lock this thread, as work on the SEALs is still ongoing, and locking this will mean having to create a new topic, which I would rather not do as the forum is crowded enough as it is
I think the reason for the new post was because in the original post title, which can't be edited after posting, Vit got the designation of the chopper wrong (he wrote 'UY-1Y).
JJR Vietnam Pack Re-Release - New Thread
Jackal326 replied to Big Dawg KS's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
You could use an eventhandler (the 'getin' one) to detect when a unit gets into ANY vehicle, and then hide their helmet (and any other affected segment of the anatomy) using a script with the setobjecttexture command. -
Put the 'O' folder from your O2 folder, into the Binarize folder before you run Binarize on the addon. If you fail to do that, it causes the 'missing textures' even if they're not actually missing.
The pack, should be released sometime tonight (Sunday 14th of August). Failing that, it will be released sometime tomorrow (its basically dependant upon if my router wants to let me connect to my FTP to upload).
Looking very good mate, nice job. I haven't tried the addon out yet (still downloading), but I feel I may be able to shed some light on the subject of the 'missing mid-section' bug. It may be an issue with the model names in conjunction with the cfgmodels section of the config.cpp coupled with the cfgmodels section of an, as of yet, unknown addon. Let me try and explain:- Say, for example you named the model ABC_123.p3d, and made a cfg models entry for that model, it would look something along the lines of this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgModels { class Default {}; class Head: Default {}; class Man: Default { sections[] = { "head injury","body injury", "l arm injury","r arm injury","p arm injury", "l leg injury","r leg injury","p leg injury", "medic", "hlava", "krk", "zasleh" }; sectionsInherit=Head; }; class ABC_123: Man { sections[] = { "head injury","body injury", "l arm injury","r arm injury","p arm injury", "l leg injury","r leg injury","p leg injury", "hlava", "krk", "zasleh" }; sectionsInherit=Head; }; If however, another addon had the same model name (ABC_123.p3d) and uses a cfgmodels section correctly, it may be over-riding your cfgmodels section, and may be causing the warping and missing mid-section bug some people are experiencing. Without this unknown addon, other users are experiencing no problems at all. I may be wrong about this, but I'm fairly sure its somehow related to the selections defined in the model - its just odd it doesn't present itself for everyone who tries them. *EDIT: Glad to see the SJB Animated NVG idea is being used more widely these days.
@Ardvarkdb/Exigent: Sorry for the mix-up, I made the post early in the morning when I was still half-asleep @supergruntsb78: Understand that the SEALs are a while off yet. The imminent release is that of the Weapons Pack on its own, as its stand-alone of the SEAL units. When I release the SEALs (like I said, thats a way off yet), I'll probably release an update to the weapons pack adding new weapons/variants, and fixing any bugs that slip through the net (which will hopefuly be few/none at all).