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Everything posted by Jackal326

  1. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    OK, here is a quick run-down on how to replace sounds in the pack: Step 1: Download WinPBO (CLICK HERE) and install it in an appropriate location on your computer. Step 2: Extract the files from SJB_TOSM4.pbo - as there are some similarly named sound entries, also extract the config.cpp from SJB_TOSM4_cpp.pbo and check the sound files used for each weapon, to save you the time and effort of replacing the wrong one by mistake. Step 3: Replace the appropriate sound with the one you want, back up the old one just incase you wish to revert back to it in the furture. Step 4: Recompile the PBO (due to its size I recommend NOT compressing it, unless you have 2 hours or so to spare). Step 5: Re-install the PBO, overwriting the old one if necessary (back it up just in case).
  2. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Actually, I wasn't looking for suggestions, I was merely looking for something to make to put-off having to re-map the wood texture onto the WA2000. It seems that by posting that its opened up the bloody flood-gates again. I have plans for some G36 variants, but at the moment they're just that - plans, and no work has begun on them yet.
  3. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    heh, sorry mate The idea came from someone mentioning me making a HK416 a while back, and me, being rather lazy, said I wouldn't be, and the whole "Why not? Its basically a slightly modified M4A1!" argument that came about as a result. Plus, I was bored with re-mapping portions of the WA2000 textures to the model to line up the wood-grain
  4. Jackal326

    H&K UMP & UMP SD

    Its funny, had Syphboy made one PBO for his weapons, you'd have the other half of the community complaining about the size of the pack, and what if mission makers only want one weapon, then they have to download the whole pack - Simply can't please everyone. On another note, the UMP is looking very nice, keep up the high standard mate.
  5. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    If the SEALs are part of the MWP Pack (not heard of it personally so I'm not fully briefed on the ins and outs), its fair to assume the OLD version of the weapons are too, so remove the OLD version of the pack from the MWP Mod folder, and install the new version of the pack there. That should fix it. It sounds like its simply a conflict with the older version being in a mod folder when trying to run the new version in another folder. EDIT: Glad you got it to work, hope you have the patience to keep at it and get it working 100% In other news, I've begun work on the HK416 - Yes, I know I said I wouldn't be adding it, but after I was stumped for further weapons to work on, a quick Google search later I found some awesome hi-resolution source images (1700x2165) which have come in really handy for detail on the markings etc. Here are a couple of screenshots: From the left From the right Markings and the overall model are still work in progress, and as such shouldn't be held as final, nor overly criticised as being inaccurate
  6. Jackal326

    Marines v1.1

    In what way are then not compatible? The whole "broken-back" deal again?
  7. Jackal326

    Marines v1.1

    It just occured to me, if its a Linux server, the files will need to be renamed to contain no UPPERCASE letters, even in the PBO exntension - that might be the problem.
  8. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    I am truly at a loss as to what is causing your problems Bobcatt666. All that is required for the pack to work is as follows: > OFP: Resistance V1.96 (i.e. the latest patch) > JAM3 (as of v1.1 of the pack) > All files included in the .CAB archive - sjb_optics.pbo - 7,087,319 bytes - sjb_shotgunmisc.pbo - 393,851 bytes - sjb_tosm4.pbo - 186,088,374 bytes - sjb_tosm4_cpp.pbo - 338,023 bytes If all those files are present, and are the correct version/size, then I have no idea what is causing your problem. I doubt it its an issue with the pack, as you're the only (reported) sufferer, so its either a setup issue (i.e. the way you've decompressed/installed the files) or a hardware issue. In other news, the FAMAS etc are progressing well, and I hope to have some more screenshots probably around Thursday or Friday.
  9. Jackal326

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Marines preparing an ambush for a convoy on northern Malden (Safetycatchs Marines & SJB Weapons).
  10. Jackal326

    Marines v1.1

    I'm not sure as to whether Safety has plans to update the pack, and if he does what he plans to include, I can however comment on the Urban MARPAT camo for the E&S Pack. As I own an Urban MARPAT BDU Trouser/Jacket set, I can say the textures in the M.A.P. are very bright in comparison. Where as the M.A.P. are bright blues, grey and dark-blue/black, my BDU (as an example) is more sub-dued colours, greys, blacks, and mid-blues, like the M.A.P. textures, only imagine they've been washed 100 times and have substancially faded. Anyway, to get this back on topic, I'm really glad Safety has finally released his units, having helped him out with previous projects that fell through due to real-life commitments and such, I've seen him progress in his talents, and he's come on leaps and bounds. Hopefully he'll decide to keep on making addons for OFP/ArmA/Game2.
  11. Jackal326

    What about a demo??

    Knowing our luck, we'll get a demo two days before release a la "Total Overdose" and by the time its downloaded and you've had time to try it, you could have camped outside your local games store and purchased the game on day of release
  12. Jackal326

    Using ODOLex to convert to MLOD

    Depening on the face (poly) count of the model you're converting, e.g. a high-poly weapon model from my pack, you may also experience issues with the LODs on the model. Say for example you convert a weapon model with a total of 7 LODs (0.350, 1.50, 4.50, 6.00, 9.00, Memory and View - Pilot), after converting to MLOD using ODOL Explorer (even v 2.44) you'll more than likely end up with a model with 0.350 and 4 or 5 LODs with 4.50 as their resolution and the Memory and View - Pilot lods. This varies on the model used however.
  13. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Actually, I'm the plank for leaving it in . Cornhelium is correct, thats part of the change due for v1.2. I forgot to mention that when posting the readme.
  14. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Just a quick post to let you all know I've uploaded an updated readme.txt file that now incorporates the M249 variations I missed from the previous version of said file. It can be found HERE. Note, some of the columns are skewed when the file is viewed in Internet Explorer, but it should work fine if viewed in Notepad/Wordpad with WORDWRAP off. Cheers.
  15. Jackal326

    Marines v1.1

    There are groups included yes, or at least there were in the BETAs, not had time to test the final release yet (despite helping Safety Binarize them last night).
  16. Jackal326

    New Screenshots

    Either I've missed something, or you know much more about BIS' plans for ArmA. What would lead you to think BIS are even CONSIDERING such things, given their track record of OFP servers generally being free (unless you rent a 3rd party server of course), or for that matter, them having a word-filter. This is easily over-come by using 3rd party voice-communications applications such as Ventrilo or Teamspeak (although I highly recommend the former, as TeamSpeak is a little low in terms of codec quality). On a side note, I'm very glad BIS fixed the "shadow bug" that really angered me about OFP - the bug where if you're cresting a ridge, with the sun behind you, your shadow "floats" in mid air and stretches through the air down to the ground where it casts. Another annoying lighting bug I disliked in OFP was the ability to turn object shadows off, but still see player/avatar shadows, which has got me killed in MP a few times, due to players being able to see my shadow on the ground, when I've been in a building unseen.
  17. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    I plan to expand the content of the pack, hopefully including a few AK variants i.e. the AK74, possibly adding an AK47 with GP25/30 launcher(s), as well as possibly an AK101. This is only a plan thus-far, and no promises are made. Its all depends on the amount of time I get, at the rate I'm going, the pack wont be out before Armed Assault is released, a date I fear an addon pack for OFP will become semi-redundant, but I'm not going to get into that argument here, thats for another topic. Although having said that, I could release it for Armed Assault, OFP and VBS1 simultaneously (depending on the nature of Armed Assault's addons of course, they may be constructed differently to those of OFP/VBS1 - at the moment we just don't know). I had planned to convert the pack to Armed Assault anyway, so we'll have to see when its released, and how hard I am able to puch myself on the pack without burning out and losing all interest. Edit: Do not take this post as me saying "I'm giving up on making the pack for OFP and am focussing on Armed Assault" - this isn't the case, I'm simply saying, "Its unlikely the next version of the pack will be finished before Armed Assault is released (depending of course whether or not it slips to 2006, or until late 2005), so I'm being realistic and considering tri-developing it for OFP, VBS1 and Armed Assault."
  18. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Thanks a lot Kyle, I'll look into editing the script tomorrow night when I return home from work. Scripting was never my thing, but I'm sure I'll be able to sort it. Thanks again. For now though, I'm going to bed, its been "one of those days" today
  19. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Thanks for the long and helpful reply Kyle. The JAM Pistol issue has been sorted, and will be fixed for v1.2 in the way you described. I missed this during my last-minute testing, as JAM compatability was a very last minute addition (2 days before release). But anyway, it'll be fixed. As too will the muzzle-flashes for the empty pistol models, wont be too hard to sort. I already use the custom shells for the shotgun (red shells are ejected when you fire a shell, and green for firing slugs, just for variety really). I welcome the suggestion for using the script, if you could please e-mail it to me I'll be sure to attempt to incorporate it into the pack ASAP (with full credit of course). The P90 issue will also be fixed.
  20. Jackal326

    Mercenaries 1

    I've had the honour of trying out the VBS1 version, and I was blown away. I hope all of the features of the VBS1 version (which I wont go into as they may be being kept as a surpise), are retained for the OFP version. They are simply fantastic.
  21. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Yeah, I've already semi-implemented animating the cocking-hammer on the FAMAS (probably the wrong term, the 'hook' in the carrying handle anyway), using the method you described Kyle. Also planning to incorporate something similar into other weapons, not sure which yet. You mean apart from the fact the WA2000 going to be in the next version of the pack, and the HK416 isn't? Also worthy of note is that, although M4s make up approximately 1/3 of the pack, there is still another 2/3 of the pack which aren't M4A1s.
  22. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    The pack has already included recoil values and other various config values as "standardised" by STGN for the M4A1 rifle series. I may incorporate the animated chamber as well, I'll investigate the possibility at least. The M16 textures, which many people have mentioned are too dark, I am hopefully going to edit in due course to brighten them slightly. The ELCAN and M145 (which is virtually the same model as the ELCAN) are the only two optics in the pack which you can't look through, given the right angle of course. Most (the ACOG, Aimpoint, Reflex and the WA2000's scope) include small versions of the optics used within the scope itself - something I plan to incorporate into other weapons within the pack (the M21, M24s, M82A1s, PSG1s etc).
  23. Jackal326

    BWMod Tiger!

    Very nice Tiger, downloading as I post this. One question, what island is it featured in this image?
  24. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    I've another question about the HK416: What relevance does it have to this thread when its not, nor ever will be most likely, in the pack?
  25. Jackal326

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    I'll consider the requests, and I'll take a look at brightening the WA2000 Scope textures. @Bobcatt666: I'm not sure what to suggest then, except for re-downloading v1.1 and perhaps try using a download manager (e.g. GetRight or Download Accelorator Plus), as these will help to combat what I beleive to be the root cause - a corrupt download. If this doesn't work, then I do not know what to suggest. If thats the error you're getting, its an issue with SJB_TOSM4.pbo, as this is where the "SJB_TOS_WeaponsPack_Models" CfgPatches entry lies.