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Everything posted by Jester983

  1. Jester983

    Joint operation

    I believe its novalogic's Comanche 3 engine.
  2. Jester983

    Joint operation

    Yea i saw this a few days ago. Got to wait like 5 months for it to come out. IMO. If this is modable (i hope it is) i think this could give OFP a run for its money. Not realism wise but just MP wise. While OFP is a great game lets face it MP can have its hassles at times. Now in no way am i saying that this will definately be better than ofp. Cant tell a whole lot from the trailer but one thing that i know that i figured out is. Its going to take a kinda powerfull gaming computer to run this possibly. More screenshots. I am however really exicted to see how well the flying and driving will be.
  3. Jester983

    Bas ah-1w source code release

    Awesome. Thanks alot BAS. Im not a modler so i really cant use this to much of my advantage but im sure there will be quite a few who can use it to theirs. *jester tries to use o2 but somehow ends up shutting down his computer* DOH!
  4. Jester983

    Schwarzenegger to run for governor

    Make it ofp2 and vbs and youll get my vote.....in a few...years.
  5. Jester983

    How would you rate your firearms knowledge?

    oh well. I tried. Anyone here good at identifying older weapons? Like civil war, WWI and II
  6. Jester983

    How would you rate your firearms knowledge?

    Hey mister frag ill trade ya my .22 for whatever your willing to trade   I would say im a intermediate. I can identify most weapons at the drop of a hat and their round. I dont know the RPM though
  7. Jester983

    Us working on new weapon!

    why not just make a new thread about it? I believe that fits into politics?
  8. Jester983

    Microsoft security flaw

    Alright thanks man.
  9. Jester983

    Microsoft security flaw

    Okay someone want to tell me the difference between the 64 XP version and 32? cause im not sure which one to dl.
  10. Jester983

    Bad virus

    btw do you have your firewall down most of the time? Or do you leave it up. I only got one virus from a site once. Havent had it happen recently. One i do get kinda often is "JSNOCLOSE.exe" anyone seen that one before?
  11. Jester983

    Bas blackhawks

    *cleans up drool off of keyboard* i hate to be a jerk but bas you owe me a new keyboard. Nah im j/k. Seriously guys made a REALLY DAMN GOOD ADDON. Your finest yet. You guys never cease to amaze me at what you show can be done with ofp. Thank you for your addon. Im sure therell be alot of people putting it to some really good use for misisons. Keep up the damn good work.
  12. Jester983

    New bas thread

    Its 10AM BAS. Do you know where you MH60s are? PS: Ive got my f5 key taped down on your dl page bas. and im holding your bandwidth HOSTAGE. The ransom... I think you can figure it out....
  13. Jester983

    Preserving wwii antiques

    I just recently was given an old WWII US flag from a US destroyer. It has 48 stars and is in very good condition. I would like to keep it in its current condition but i dont know how. Anyone have any experience with something like this or know of someone to talk to? Thanks.
  14. Jester983

    Again sad news

    Good luck Col klink. Get well soon. *salutes*
  15. Jester983

    Preserving wwii antiques

    Like so 11B? Im looking to get that someday too. Thank you for the suggestions all.
  16. Jester983

    Tours of armories?

    I would try and get a hold of the armorie's phone number and call them. They might or might not. And if you do get inside mind bringing us back a few things? I.E mp5s, m4s, M1a1s, m113. etc. and some ammuntion.
  17. Jester983

    Tigershark's "caption this photo" comp.

    "Damn... 2 is down..." btw can we suggest more than one caption?
  18. Jester983

    Not another mp5!

    the gun looks great from the picture but the soldier leaves something to be desired.
  19. Jester983

    Terminator 3

    Really? Hmmm... Then fandango was wrong.. Maybe i can sue em for the incorrect time...
  20. Jester983

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    Okay well after those dune buggys were released me and my friends have made a map to use em on. So last night we decided to go on a road trip. We went all around. Then we kinda split up and went different ways. One of my friends destroyed his buggy then the other ran out of gas. I had a half tank of gas left and barely made it back to the airport (where all our stuff was). So i got on a klr250 and loaded it up into the MH47 and took off. I went to my friend that had run out of gas and was by the mountains. I paradropped the 250 only to see it land on the side of a cliff and slide all the way down into the water. We were laughing for like 2 mins. Then i quick landed picked him up and we picked up my other friend. The morale of the story is when paradropping a object make sure it has a wide area to land.
  21. Jester983

    New bas thread

    I have a question for BAS. This is about your MH47. Will you be updating it when the seals come out so that it can carry the DPV? Or is it too big for the MH47? Like size wise. I dont think its that heavy...but i could be wrong. One more question, how many klr250s can be packed up into the MH47 cargo? Not sure if these have been answered before. I just got these questions when i was playing MP last night.
  22. Jester983

    Real duty calls

    Good luck FP. Well miss ya.
  23. Jester983

    Army videos

    LOL. now thats pretty funny.
  24. Jester983

    New bas thread

    And i think the east side has enough to fear already.
  25. Jester983

    How about a nice game?

    I feel your pain... at my elementary school they made us use macs and i ended up wanting one. *also runs and hides* Does anyone feel that the trial game could be the next 3d pong that entertained us all till resistance came out. But this time itll be for OFP2?