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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. Iroquois Pliskin

    Found out how to turn Vsync off on ATI cards

    Forcing Vsync off in ATI Control panel does not work, FPS still at 60. I've downloaded ATI Tray Tools 1.6beta, setup a profile for Arma II, in Direct3D Tweaks forced Vsync off (setting - Vista Workaround). Launch Arma II w/ the above setting via the Tray tool, FPS at 130. ;]
  2. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmaHolic ArmA 2 Optimization

    Interface Resolution is your Regular Resolution like in any game, 3D on the other hand as I understand it is the fillrate level, it's not the resolution setting per se, more like a negative Anti-Aliasing that doesn't render the whole scene. :D Always Match your 3D Res to Interface Res.
  3. Iroquois Pliskin

    Found out how to turn Vsync off on ATI cards

    Interesting, does Arma II indeed force Vsync? I haven't had any FPS issues, but I'd rather disable it. I'll see what I can find.
  4. 4890 w/ Cat. 9.8, Win 7 64 Bit here, no issues at all, previous Cat 9.7 - no issues. Ask any questions you might have concerning the above setup &/or 4870; people with XP need no apply, since you should not be running that OS in the current environment.
  5. Iroquois Pliskin

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Very Satisfied, though I admit I liked the banana island of Arma 1 for the reason of simiplicity & urban combat (Corazol, Paraiso, even Cayo provided good fun). :D Is the Iraq (or was it Afganistan) island out for Arma II? Tactical Gamer used to have some great missions on that island. Also, I'm liking air combat/flight a lot more, since the introduction of proper AA defences; be damned Avengers. :D
  6. Iroquois Pliskin

    Changing environment due to pollution

    I would be banned for saying a certain truth that is dear to a lot of great people in the history of the human civilization, and I don't imply tyrants & dictators. Since that truth has always been instantly marked as inhumane, or violation of human rights, at least as the average Joe, Mary & occasional Ivan interpret it. The average people. So, instead let me give you something else: If you think that what you hold is true, what the arrogant present to you that you think is true, is indeed a reality - global warming, et cetera, then no matter what action you take, the technology you develop (except for something out of sci. fiction, perhaps) will improve your situation & the situation of your children, their children's kids and this planet. For the average people: not the people in Hawaii, or the US, not even the whole Western Civilization have a say in this; I'm not talking about morality. For the average people in China, India, almost any "developing" country would rather face death before even a thought of reduced consumption enters their mind; there can be no pre-industrialized civilization, not anymore, but there can be a stone age. For the average people would be stamping on your face, if you ever tried anything mentioned above; no politician could stop it, no agitation, no scientific theories; billions human beings would have to be murdered in order to achieve what you strive for. That is the truth that is now & always been there, someplace, where the average Joe has been afraid to look since as long as he can remember; the thought of the mass of people viewed as cattle.
  7. Full Grass, Distance usually 3500m or more. 1920x1080 @ Everything very high, except AA = off (Haven't really played with the settings yet, but you have to be fucking crazy to enable Adaptive AA in Arma, at least in theory :D ), textures/vidmem = High, HDR = Low (Low, since I like the blur on objects in the distance & HDR is properly applied to cloud formations, hud, & glass; high/very high setting makes the game world look unatural, gives an impressing that you're fighting in 50c heat on some desert landscape.) Phenom II 2x 550 @ stock XFX 4890 @ Stock, Cat 9.8 4 GB 1333 mhz @ 7-7-7-18 timings Win 7 64 bit EDIT: I've played with grass off for a while, but the game/terrain looks f-ing awful with vegetation off; even if you're at a disadvantage, you should enable grass. :D
  8. Iroquois Pliskin

    Throttle & Afterburner control in planes

    This is great news, maintaining speed is crucial! Time to break out the Saitek Cyborg X. :icon_mrgreen:
  9. Iroquois Pliskin

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    1.08 = No bullet holes, no textures for them either (poof). BI never promised holes. They promised: And I most certainly see marks on all vehicles and objects when I shoot them. Yes, indeed, well, mate thats the least that worries me and the MP community. ))
  10. Iroquois Pliskin

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    1.08 = No bullet holes, no textures for them either (poof). Decreased velocity of sabot rounds. Impossible to turn off engine while operating the gunner/commander (tanks). Tanks will spin out of control/do it indef. if you switch to gunner position while moving (even 1km/h is enough). 1 Javelin = 1 dead T-72. GG bis. Â
  11. Iroquois Pliskin

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    GG bis )) fucked up tank warfare completely.
  12. Iroquois Pliskin

    Kellys Heroes patched

  13. Iroquois Pliskin

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

  14. Iroquois Pliskin

    Berzerk Map Pack

    Bumpage for a bloody awesome mod. Mi-24 support would be beyond awesome.
  15. Iroquois Pliskin

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

  16. Iroquois Pliskin

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    : ) No one in the military or ex-military would start a thread with 'x years in the FFL, then returned to me homeland to join SAS, my best friends all are in the navy seals just because.' etc etc RedStorm, this thread needs to be purged and future threads to be closed on sight, don't you agree? Today people more and more tend to be just a waste of oxygen. : ]
  17. Iroquois Pliskin

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    Soviet, people do not need demonstrations and pretty shows, people need numbers. 'AK-47 is a machine gun because it has a full-auto fire selector, which makes m16 a true rifle w/ the semi-auto firing mode.' - This is dog sht, a narrow perception if you will and most important this it the reason people do not watch these promotional shows. Stupid f...s talking all day and night. Give a man 'his' freedom and he will cut his nuts off. As was said this thread is pathetic for one. Using a romanian/bulgarian clone (it's not even a clone and I have no doubt that these shows use what's availiable at your local store - bulgarian (licence expired), romanian (poor quality and I'm not talking about clones which have key elements placed on the opposite side compared to the original) to view it as an orignal is bit retarded at best. Then there's AK-10x (1 to 6, except 7 and 8 which where re-designed for export). The 5.56x39(45). You know, it's much more effective to leave wounded, not battle-capable soldiers on the battlefield, to make your enemy take care of the wounded which will cost him much more. (unless you fight banana republics and monkey dictatorships) Remember WWII? But then again 80% of casualties were from artillery. As for the accuracy/reliability/ease of use well, mate, don't you worry the USSR/Russians never created something that was a waste of time and money; it's a mindset: they need something, they create it and they make sure it kills, and does so effectively. Kill this thread, the AK reputation is well worth it.
  18. Iroquois Pliskin

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    I dont understand nobody mention that movie... Some reliable informations! Discovery show with chinese subs. Very reliable.
  19. Iroquois Pliskin

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    Good post. EDIT: OP, as for the AK reputation, well, sir - it's worth more than your life and in this case makes you a waste of oxygen. Good day.
  20. Iroquois Pliskin

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    The OP is pathetic, take it to the military forum if you care, but when your internal organs get ripped you won't care about the rifle. nor the caliber. You sound pathetic and are pathetic by comparing AK47 and 74s 7.62x39 v 5.45.39, first one will make an exit wound you will never forget, the latter will rip your internal muscles and organs and go out in style - out of your arse. AK47 - cheap, RELIABLE, easy to use (saw how yankees hold their m16 - you don't shoot with a bloody ak like that). The OP has a narrow perception of the world and thinks that the only AK out there is the 47 model which was developed back in the 47, all the existing modifications not even now can complete with the original design (i'm talking about bulgarians and all that shit). So say it short, by starting with - I've been in the service for x years, reached rank x, been in x hotspots and got a wounded in my nuts several times - you sound pathetic, but know one thing, once you go to a war with a real enemy, not some monkey guerillas (vietnam, iraq, afghan + many others to come no doubt) you will see that all this talk is useless, but then again tanks + infantry will be obsolete in that case, except for sabotage missions at the start of the war - rest nuclear warhead exchange. Â These threads need to end.
  21. Iroquois Pliskin

    Body Armor In ArmA

    Problem with you people is that you claim too much. And when it's time to prove that it will go agaist a burst of 7.62x39 you take it to the promotianal videos on your local dubaya tv.
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    DSHKM - effective range 3200-3500m. (12.7 x 108 cal.), 600 RPM and projectile velocity is 870 m/s. Quite effective at around 800-1200m. but the falloff will be too great at 3km to hit anything except stationary targets (as with all calibers). PS. here's a sexy pic of the DSHKM on a T-55. Â http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped....47.JPEG EDIT: what you described is pretty much what happens in berzerk mod (players v players, no retarded bots). With the T-72 optics its easy to shoot down a BH at even 2km. Main turret vs all choppers, sometimes the 7.62mm mg against BH/LB pilots, when the opposite team gets a cobra, well it's time to stay behind a building and turn the engines off, waiting for your prey. In berzerk it's no problem to strike 8 out of 8 armoured vehicles with the hellfire, but after that you still have to get in close and hope they don't respawn fast enough )) since rearming in berzerk is not possible. Cobra is really effective at 2 to 6km but if you get within 1.5km of my 125 mm 2A46M smoothbore turret you'll be meeting my SABOT friend. Â
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    Body Armor In ArmA

    Body armor is its not worn to keep you from getting wounded, its there to keep the bullet from passing through you to the buddy behind you. © Body armour against higher caliber is a myth, most wear it against smaller cal. (9mm+) and against shrapnel obviously. The second you say 'dragon skin' and other propaganda shit on your favourite dubaya tv channel is real, is the moment you strap that sh.t on and take a burst of 7.62mm up your chest. This is not worth your life.
  24. Iroquois Pliskin

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    Have any military service? Ever been to Iraq? Ever seen an AH-1Z in action? I'd like to know how you rate writing me off as a dumb rambo-wannabe grunt. I have come to expect responses like that in this forum, and maybe when I was 13 I would've done something similiar, but I'd just like to hear how you're qualified to make such generalizations. I started this thread to bring up the issue of tanks being overpowered against aircraft, and apparently I'm not the only one who has an issue with it. I'm glad to admit, I don't know jack about tanks or their anti-aircraft capabilities, I've learned some things from this thread regarding that, but my point is that air support is effectively nullified whenever you have a couple of T-72s around, and I'm talking about the AI air support. And my radar doesnt even detect the tanks at 5 km... Overall I'd just like to see it go back to the way OFP was...tanks don't engage helicopters unless they are in visual range, and they aren't snipers with their co-axials. If there are Shilkas or stingers around, you're proably screwed. This allows for mission editors to have missions with air support without have to have that air support get destroyed by a couple T-72s. If the maker wants the aircraft to get shot down, just put a couple stingers in there. I've gotten what I needed out of this thread so I'm not going to be responding any more. That, and I have better things to do with my time than argue with teenagers, so feel to flame now, but if any BIS personnell are reading this please do look into this issue if you haven't already and thoroughly test your missions involving helicopters because right now it is just ridiculous. I don't give a sh.t who or what you are, nor where you've been. In iraq you are fighting monkeys with rpgs, so you can afford air support at 300m. without it getting raped. As for AI - you go to the bug tracking system, not whine here. If you are playing 1.05, prepare for 1.07 rape since shilkas will be useless and tanks will rule the battlefield (land & air) no matter what you bring.
  25. Iroquois Pliskin

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    1) Learn to fly and to play. 2) hellfires hit up to 5km - tested. 3) rambo movies and flying at 50m alt will get you killed. Mr. marine you ever saw the optics on the t72 turret? Obviously not, so go play berzerk or go to the editor and research. Velocity of sabot rounds? 1,4km/s to 1,8km/s. You=rambo? Obviously. Learn to think, grunt.