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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. Iroquois Pliskin

    Changing environment due to pollution

    So you just ignore this; you can download the archive yourself and shuffle through +3k email by the top AGW 'scientists'; the convos of those 'scientists' are the definition of fraud. Next time I meet one of your AGW types, and you start wasting my time - you will be painting the pavement in your own red.
  2. Iroquois Pliskin

    Changing environment due to pollution

    Enjoy your future, cattle. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/11/19/breaking-news-story-hadley-cru-has-apparently-been-hacked-hundreds-of-files-released/ http://market-ticker.org/archives/1648-Global-Warming-SCAM-HackLeak-FLASH.html Archive is 60 meg, unpacked at around 150, containing text and encrypted .pro files: over 1000 e-mails, 70+ documents. Like it was said before the subject of the matter is a new religion and/or cult and you're not the High Priest.
  3. Iroquois Pliskin

    Organ donation.

    I know, I know truth bleeds the eyes of the spineless ones. How fast europeans forget the atrocities they and many others themselves committed; where are we now, 70 years into it? There's a good chance it might repeat again, but in our life time; spark of conflict starting south-east this time. What will you do then, still keep buying those bridges & greenshots? If the above doesn't make any sense to you, then you shouldn't be discussing in threads such as this, since the public has no guts whatsoever for what is true. Edit: an obvious truth is that the public, in the western world at least, votes themselves the feel-good state of affairs, truth matters not. Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care, till unemployment in times like this rises to one forth of the working peasants.
  4. Iroquois Pliskin

    Organ donation.

    No need for voluntary donation nowadays, there's official organ farming going on in China. Of course the customer is curios where his new heart, or liver is coming from, but does he have any other reasonable choises?
  5. Iroquois Pliskin

    District 9: The Movie. Your views.

    Great FX, acting; bullshit story.
  6. Iroquois Pliskin

    Lest we forget...

    [...]Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason Should ever be forgot... But such is all of humanity's history.
  7. Iroquois Pliskin

    Why in the world....

    OP: one word and it's - CPU bottleneck. You'll change your mind later on and placebo effect will fade away when you get into some woods. :D
  8. Iroquois Pliskin

    Why in the world....

    Annunaki have blessed you with +1 to goldmining yield. No other reason toexplain the feat you're experi encing. :D
  9. Iroquois Pliskin

    Mild Sexual Themes?

    Show them titties and their eyes bleed; show them dismembered bodies and they'll praise the realism. :D
  10. Iroquois Pliskin

    Recession effects on global economy

    A world war is usually due in such conditions; war always destroys ignorance for a limited time, for the peasants cry: "No more, NO MORE, NEVER AGAIN!" soon after.
  11. Iroquois Pliskin

    Missing Weapon Sights

    Remap Jump Over to Y, bind V as weapon sights.
  12. Time your cannon bursts accordingly and you'll become l337 as me. :D Rudder must be fixed.
  13. Iroquois Pliskin

    Warfare Question

    Three: 1) You can transfer funds /only/ to others players using Options -> Team menu. 2) You can not unlock vehicles that do not belong to you (you have not purchased them). Even if the crew is... missing. 3) To buy vehicles w/out AI crew, untick the Driver (steering wheel), Gunner (looks like a crosshair), commander icons, so that they are not highlighted in the Purshase Unit menu.
  14. Iroquois Pliskin

    Recession effects on global economy

    Savage greed. Without greed of the peasants you can't have what you've described above. Enjoy the consequences.
  15. Iroquois Pliskin

    Why are there literally 0 PVP servers?

    XR #1 & #2 is running Warfare, along with 5-6 other servers. XR is packed 24/7. Just be sure to install your perception implant before joining my team, otherwise I'll rip your guts out and hang them on the closest airfactory.
  16. Iroquois Pliskin

    OS Performance Survey

    Where's Win 7 RTM 'Good Performance'? :D
  17. Iroquois Pliskin

    Thai or Russian Version of the game....

    :D:D tuttuttt
  18. Iroquois Pliskin

    patch 1.03: xdelta3 returned error code: 1

    I too pay for good alcohol. :D
  19. Iroquois Pliskin

    patch 1.03: xdelta3 returned error code: 1

    Don't pirate ARMA TWO. :D Seriously, bad CD_COPY_/IMAGE.
  20. Iroquois Pliskin

    Useless AT Soldiers?!?

    RPG monkeys FTW, they sometimes get me tank if I'm taking capping a town in warfare;rpg bums coming outta nowhere I tell yous. :D
  21. Iroquois Pliskin

    PVP anim bugs - vote if you care

    I have not read this thread but I approve of this thread.:D
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    Do You find ArmA Infinite Land Spooky?

    With no regards to replies being posted in this thread - yes. Infinite land is spooky for one reason... the void, the unknown. The final frontier... - space this is a freightening environment for us, human, to live, study... Drunken ramblings
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    1337 :D: Can't wait to bonnie-hoppp before a BMP. :D:D edit; god fucking damn dunque posting first time hetrer! Exposing the true pLiskin to you; no i dono t bunny hopp. :D
  24. Iroquois Pliskin

    Does the basic Russian grunt really lack NVGs like in ARMA2?

    Link was removed due to, quote "Explicit content". Google it up if you want realism in your games, as this topic implies. Military forces solidarity is one this, bullshit is another.
  25. Iroquois Pliskin

    Where did the good servers go??

    Confirmed ~60-70% of the servers under 50ms gone. I'm in Europe.