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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    So you don't care for this, unless AI is involved? Simples: remove AI suppression and never add it to the player. Win-win. I agree with you that AI is currently being unresponsive and lacks aggression: rate of fire should be tweaked for all stances and all alertness levels as a minimum to resolve the issue. Well, and aim shake is at least realistic due to heavy breathing, faster movements, but not bloody muscle spasms, or hallucinations! This is why what I had provided as examples in ACE 2 is enough.
  2. Iroquois Pliskin

    Is Arma3 still the "Flagship"

    Dayum... Scary for whomever would be inside. That's 170 degrees killing field from two assault rifles. :p
  3. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Now wounds would be something to be discussed in-depth: lots of "effects" and options to be considered. Morphine scavenging for the win. :p
  4. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Well, you see, Rye, if such crap is introduced in ArmA III with jelloscreen and dust being thrown into your eyes every time an opponent misses, or you get schizo spasms whenever there's "danger", then the people that had not played the series before won't spot a difference, but we would be pissed off and probably adapt to this in the end, but some wouldn't on principle. Kill the fetus with fire before it hatches.
  5. Iroquois Pliskin

    Is Arma3 still the "Flagship"

    It is a shame CQB has come to be associated with BF3 and/or COD. Real life is very twitchy and you will bend yourself, and crouch, and perform miracles to neutralise the threat, this is why Smookies animations are so awesome, but what's equally important is proper physics engine - you want to see that motherF drop down without delay and provide instant feedback as to your success or failure to neutralise the threat, because as it stands right now, some death animations are played with half a second delay, which is killer. Everything considered, this looks to be an awesome combo for CQB in ArmA III.
  6. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    How would that work for players: optional "head-bob" slider for visual effects? Any physical crippling mechanics will bring everyone to the lowest common denominator of weeping pussies - count me out. ---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:56 ---------- I don't understand where AI come in: they won't have 1 to 1 skill level and tactical awareness against a player no matter how you twist and gimmick it, until we get more processing power and better code from the developers themselves. Discuss this scenario from your perspective, add flying bullets = what do you get? Sobbing, praying, Darwin award winner?
  7. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3 hands on @ Gamescom 2012!

    Cool, were you playing a regular infantry when disarming the mines? Great info on PhysX and graphics of the environments; I think 3D editor can be added in some later expansion, it's vital to focus on core gameplay at this moment.
  8. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    It could be difficulty-dependent, I don't know how it's done in ToH, though. For multiplayer, you'd have server-side settings, so if this expert model already exists, I see no reason not to port it to ArmA III.
  9. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Check my YouTube channel, most of the footage had been taken on i5-430 (a generation older than your i5-2430M, which is Sandy Bridge) and GT 330M (class 3), your 555M actually had been middle-to-high end mobile GPU a year to a year and a half ago. Use this website, it has all the info you need - http://www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-GT-555M.41933.0.html 1.1K in 3DMark11 is about half of what the current generation GT650M (Mid-range Kepler) is capable of. General rule is: if you can run ArmA 2, you should be able to do the same with ArmA III minus a few settings. Though, if I were you and into mobile gaming, I'd upgrade to i7-3610QM + GT650M as a minimum, if you can.
  10. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Hey, you know, electrodes in the brain is the next step in immersion! Might as well simulate post-traumatic stress disorders and everything else taken from a psychiatric encyclopedia. What OP describes is real, but it manifests months after the action is over, because mere adrenaline will keep you going and no you will not get any hallucinations during combat in real life. ---------- Post added at 11:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 ---------- It has to do with evolutionary fight or flight, if you're pinned down hardcore, bet your life you will fight back any way given any margin of success. There's no try, there's do. ---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 ---------- Indeed, male health seems to be deteriorating these days, and I came within an inch of calling you all pussies, but you know that. :p ;)
  11. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    You can already set satchels by cycling through F and Left-Clicking MB - Set Satchel & Touch Off need to be removed from the Action menu, because this is an accident, which is waiting to happen. :cc: Timer functions could still be retained via Action menu; Touch Off would happen by cycling through F and selecting the placed satchel, then Left-Clicking. Basically, what I would do: unload the Action menu from similar actions that should not be there and then possibly rework the Action menu system to something like radial selection by one key (middle mouse button, or whatever you bind it to) depress activation -> mouse over -> releasing the depressed key/button will trigger the action.
  12. Iroquois Pliskin

    Is Arma3 still the "Flagship"

    But then again it is not only mission, animations and movement mechanics are crucial here, and Smookie brings his expertise to the field, which could actually make CQB fun.
  13. Iroquois Pliskin

    What if IRAN will be defeated before Arma 3 will be released?

    Hmm, that could be an authentic scenario, if they can get their hands on decent payload delivery systems - China could source the ICBMs, and then the gradual build-up for 15-20 years to 2030. Over-stretching, but believable. :)
  14. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3 hands on @ Gamescom 2012!

    Thanks, Madeon. One can always find something new with these walkthroughs. MRLS arty was firing from 3 KM away - that's one narrow arc, I wonder how high do they go before reaching the apex. :) Ooh, you can designate targets with the SDV periscope, which means I'll be a frequent guest in your harbour, destroying your base. :icon_twisted: Underwater lightning looks Great! It must've been a very sunny day, as you can make out the clouds clearly reflecting sunlight down to the surface, rose tint could signify morning time. At 8:15 you can almost make out the exact shape of the muzzle flash suppressor used by the muzzle that it produces, detail is so high. 8:30 infantry sprinting kicks up dust. Engineers have visual detection built-in for mines, which are designated by a red triangle - this can be turned off in higher difficulties with no aid given whatsoever. No info whether regular personnel will be able to disarm and re-use simple traps, such as tripwires. 10:35 - Jumping frog mine. Barely seen in the ground. :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted:
  15. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Precisely and the OP still hasn't formulated, or presented his case; I had to define it for him. What I need to remind everyone, is that we're not talking injuries, but adding some artificial "fear" system to simulate "danger" and subjectively reduce your ability to effectively fight back. It would seem there aren't enough high testosterone recruits for the army these days.
  16. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    So we're simulating internal organs now? Which of the features comes one before the other? ;) Show me an example, so far ACE 2 and vanilla cut it, I haven't seen your implementation anywhere. ---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:49 ---------- Incidentally, here's a "non-vital organ shot", J-zH3a07XVw Time stamp: 5:00. ACE 2. Everyone wants the epic, uber, "suppression", "derpression" effects, yes? Good - you may use ACE 2 as an example. BIS, you have my permission to go forward with this. :)
  17. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Shellshock is a very well researched "feature" of the human nervous system dating back to World War I, it is far easier to go deaf, than to start having hallucinations by merely having bullets fly past you. Nor will your vision be reduced in any way due to the aforementioned scenarios - the human eye is a very resilient organ by itself and the system that governs it is also well adapted and dependable.
  18. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    It is rather obvious he had been hit by an underbarrel grenade and knocked unconscious with multiple bleed wounds, which resulted in his death moments later. Simply: no. Most of the ammunition fired on the battlefield travels at 800+ m/s, which is multiples of the speed of sound - if that hits you, there won't be any epic slow-motion or warning, you will drop dead.
  19. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma III - Explosion and Tracerbullet effects

    Very High particles may not be feasible on CPU... but I bet there will a tick option, Nvidia PhysX. OH YEAAHHH. :cool:
  20. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Apart from bullets flying, no. RPG hit them at one point, resulting a shellshock ringing effect, but that's nothing major. Again, I haven't seen good examples of what people are describing: if they want ACE 2 effects of deafness, shellshock, loss of consciousness upon being severely wounded, then I suppose we could have such mechanics in vanilla. Anything above that would be overkill and gimmicks.
  21. Iroquois Pliskin

    Is Arma3 still the "Flagship"

    I bet you could find that on the Urbandictionary. :p N0M4D1C, following BF 3 in pursuit of a share in an over-saturated market would be akin shooting yourself in the foot. BIS hold monopoly on the ultimate simulator and everyone, I mean everyone goes to ArmA for general simulation goodness, be they DCS: KA-50, Lock-On pilots, Silent Hunter or any other sim enthusiast. Besides, look at all the DayZ hysteria by people who hadn't played OFP/ArmA prior to the mod. Clearly, they love the concept and complexity, but they would prefer a prettier package, and that would be ArmA III.
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    One more time... V8TXBuXCeL0 Are they not suppressed? What would you people change in terms of "effects" in this scenario, I can't see how you could improve it.
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Interesting thing is that even in missions with respawn like Warfare, there's a genuine amount of fear going on if you're in a town and know there's an enemy player(-s) present: you may be denied respawn very easily and ported back to base, thus losing control of said town/resource.
  24. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    As has been said, depends on the physique of the individual soldier, but techniques have been developed to train people to make uniform response to a threat and it isn't to "run away" or "fall face down and cry". Unless you want to play an AIDS-infected, hallucinating schizo soldier, I don't think such mechanic belongs in ArmA. What would be even more sad, is that the second this is introduced, I would regard it as a gimmick and roll my eyes as my character is "suppressed" and then probably uninstall the game, since I can't bear seeing such a beautiful masterpiece with very elaborate maps like Chernarus go to waste due to an unrealistic mechanic.
  25. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    We get exactly what you mean and my final advice is to install ACE 2 mod, it has everything to make the game suspenseful: nothing like a sustained firefight with you firing a high ROF weapon and gradually going deaf/shellshocked as a result. The sound mod built into ACE is brutal by itself and it totally changes the way you perceive ordinary things, such as a "simple" shot in your direction. bkYpi-mqRjY Can't get any better than this.