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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    How is it different when it does the same thing, for a millisecond activation with snap-back action if released, when it disengages your ability to perform your primary function with a weapon - to point and kill? You can still WSAD in both cases. We're talking about a radial rose menu for Actions, not lean! Lean is still E & Q keys. Reread the previous two pages, ignoring the "OMG 1-9 wepaonz = ArmA = COD" troll comment. Under no circumstances would the key layout change with a radial Action menu, activation is still by middle mouse button. ---------- Post added at 10:33 ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 ---------- Very good point! Shift plus number keys - a bit tedious, but doable. I'd duplicate the entire command menu in a radial format as well, giving people choice. Also, can ArmA differentiate between the numpad and number keys? All desktop keyboards have a numpad, most laptops over 14" do as well. Although, you'd have to relocate your left hand to use it, suspending any motion, or turning in the case of the right hand. Weapons-Command problem solved? Or! Bring a toggle key for command mode - once toggled, weapon selection via number keys is disabled, instead you get your current command interface/mechanics. Remember, not everyone uses advanced AI command, but everyone has to utilise weapons/gadgets.
  2. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    The problem with all this theory is that in experienced professional who endanger themselves daily, the release of adrenalin is minimal, as the nervous system has come to adapt to certain criteria of "danger". Like I said, tunnel vision, arms shaking, vomiting = virgins' first experience.
  3. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Do you use ALT during firefights? My point exactly. Millisecond activation. Besides, why are you using the Action menu during a firefight? I don't recall Actions that are useful there: Open/Close doors? Go down ladders? HAHA. Try doing that with the scroll menu. My point exactly. I take it you don't use freelook. Provide a better alternative. ---------- Post added at 09:53 ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 ---------- What is the longest chain for the most unaccessible AI command at the moment: two or three directories down? Agreed on radial Action menu - we can test run this first, since it brings no changes to the key layout, it even frees up the scroll wheel for whatever is needed. Actions would be middle mouse button -> mouse over -> release activated, there's even minimal mouse movement required, a couple of pixels at most to trigger the change in Acton highlight.
  4. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Well, it has to do with the observer being present in front, or parallel to the muzzle. Muzzle breakers suppressors on smaller calibers usually provide a uniform shockwave dispersal at the end of the barrel, while higher cals are somewhat directed. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriegszitterer ---------- Post added at 20:29 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ---------- "First they came for the communists, and I wasn't a communist... etc" :)
  5. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Oh yes, you'd cycle through different grenades types. All types of mines could be set for 6, binocs/LD/rangefinder 7 or number key 3. I confess, I haven't played ArmA in almost a year and I don't remember what else is present in terms of equipment. :o
  6. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    You're being irrational here, 10 keys (0 through 9) take up the command interface, while we have A LOT of equipment to deal with: primary weapon, secondary sidearm, grenades, smoke grenades, AT mines, satchels, tripwire mines, binocs, laser designators, range finders (B key can be freed up if necessary in this case) - lots more is, or will be there, I'm sure. As opposed to trying to scroll a 1-dimensional list in a middle of a fight? Don't be silly, middle mouse button + mouse swipe takes milliseconds, while keeping the crosshair on target - any movement is disengaged much like when pressing ALT. These suggestions help the game survive, because the interface is antiquated. Rainbow Six Raven Shield must be in the same category as COD now, huh? ---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 20:08 ---------- I will sleep well tonight. :)
  7. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Um, can anyone guarantee that it will be implemented in a realistic manner without crippling competitive gameplay? Well, aim shake already happens and the heavy breathing is pretty authentic too. Plus above? Wouldn't you think concussion, deafening sounds and other features of shellshock is enough? :) hdZpiAqdDSM ACE 2 has most of that - just saying. wU-om1eEHeA Excellent example of tank cannon fire effects on infantry at 0:40. "There you go again, Pliskin, wanna patch ACE into ArmA." hPExkMXGqXs Close proximity to heavy caliber MGs at 0:40. Don't tell me the same should be experienced by the people 600 m. away on the other end of the line of sight, in addition to being in danger of simply dieing.
  8. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Something like that. A few reservations, on which we both must agree: 1) 1-9 keys for weapon/gadget/misc items selection is best for streamlined gameplay. The bar itself should be positioned at the bottom of the screen, preferably in the lower right corner. The iconography must be refined to a level, where it blends in with the rest of the HUD elements and does not stand out against whatever you're looking at, or against any environment for that matter (Chernarus, Takistan, Lemnos). Ideally, when selecting a handgun for an example, only the second icon to would pop, leaving the rest of the bar hidden. This way you maintain HUD distractions/immersion breakers to a minimum. 2) Action menu must include self-Actions & player-world interactions, since this is essentially the same thing. A dedicated "action window" on HUD is not optimal, a better solution is a radial menu which changes depending on the context, much the same way the current Action menu does. Action menu would be brought up by depressing the middle mouse button -> move mouse over the required Action -> release the middle mouse button -> Profit. 3) Wholly agree on the command menu layout - a radial style cluster of hexagons. Activation by depressing the Space Bar, command & sub-section selection by mouse over -> left clicking. Right clicking would become the navigational "Back" button. So far minimum shuffle, yet a lot of change in gameplay dynamics: Space bar for radial command menu, 1-9 for weapon/gadget selection, right mouse button becomes "backspace" when command menu is open. This frees up the scroll wheel up/down. One radial Action menu, one radial command menu, one self-hiding, semi-transparent, slick weapons/item bar. Win? :)
  9. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma III - Explosion and Tracerbullet effects

    They haven't? Oh, do watch the MRLS arty strike video - the explosions may look like petrol bombs, but the way they propagate through the smoke is the best implementation I've seen so far.
  10. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Well, you see, a simple screenshot doesn't provide any info on how the menu operates: do you want to integrate Actions & commands somehow in a single radial menu with a lot of sub-sections? You can have the same mechanics but separating the two is more practical, since not everyone uses AI and everyone has to utilise Actions. ---------- Post added at 13:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:08 ---------- Self-Action is interaction: at any one time you only need a handful, four or five Actions, to operate effectively in any environment. I suspect PR adds a lot more stuff to do with objects, this is why I would rather proceed from vanilla. My solutions entails simply porting existing Actions (not commands) onto a radial wheel with one key press activation under any circumstances.
  11. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Well, I wouldn't know - haven't played PR mod, since ACE 2 is "first come, first serve", wink, wink. :) I'd rather take vanilla and work up from there.
  12. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I was making a comment on the HUD-cargo interface with which I was presented. We're talking Action menu, which is wholly different from command and the one you have there appears to have the same mechanics/structure as in Rainbow Six 3, so I see no reason for disagreement.
  13. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    The perception that people in the military don't expect a sniper to blow off the top of the skull of a fellow man-in-arms while patrolling down a capital of a foreign country, and then losing all bearings as a result of a shocking, shocking traumatic experience. Completely unexpected I tell you.
  14. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Of course we're not fucking robots - holy fucking shit I just finished watching your video in its entirety - you better remove that: there's a dead child, several more children wounded, a family devastated and you want me to sympathize with some fucking monkey with an M-16 losing it?
  15. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    What a farce, one unstable soldier losing it, while the rest of the squad is functional - what do you want to prove with it? If that was the norm, humans wouldn't evolve past hunter-gatherer cave-hiding monkeys. ---------- Post added at 11:53 ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 ---------- And since when are videos posting of real-life engagements not against the rules on this forum? Well, not to be outdone, I see your U.S. mortar video and raise you this, Video removed due to problematic content /Thread.
  16. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Then there's clearly a lot of people with health problems in this world. And what did you think would happen when a human being gets torn into two? Rainbow fountain? Patriotic duty of killing fellow human beings is so patriotic, until shit actually hits the fan and the idiot is weeping face down praying to whatever deity he has in his head, while the other side is doing the same thing, minus the weeping. Fucking yenius. I think you people may want to look into RPGs. Jesus wept the perceptions the sterile-environment crowd has of the real world is frightening.
  17. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    But that's a first-time, virgins only. When you've been around danger all your life, the subjective feel of the tunnel vision quickly dissipates and you often get what everyone had seen in the "Skittles Diplomacy" video - kill or be killed.
  18. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    OK, now we're getting closer: to simulate adrenalin. Can someone clearly define how would it look like and what are the physical effects of it, if any? I recall adrenalin sharpening my vision during extreme danger situations in real life - tunnel vision is subjective, your periphery is still utilised perfectly fine. So in conclusion, a little of motion blur around the edges is what you people want? Please, somebody define it already. :( P.S. To reiterate on my position of military engagements: people knew fucking well when they signed up in the military, and if they start weeping, praying and otherwise being irrational, then it's just a Darwin award winner waiting to happen.
  19. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3 hands on @ Gamescom 2012!

    Oh, no, you didn't! :icon_twisted: Nobody asked for this. :(
  20. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Meh, looks convoluted for ordinary Actions. I have the following in mind, http://www.sztab.com/tapety/galeria/tom-clancy-rainbow-six-3-raven-shield-3.jpg Resize it, displace off-centre, partition it to whatever configuration suits best and voila.
  21. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Heavy machine gun fire happens often, you'd cripple the entire enemy squad by this "trip", in addition to killing them with 850 rpm wall of bullets. I see this "psychedelic trip" mechanic as something like: I win if I miss you, I win if I hit you. That's another issue altogether, wounds could be properly simulated, along with loss of consciousness, deafness etc.
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3 hands on @ Gamescom 2012!

    Interesting self-reseting firing range at 19:53 - more of these are needed in the final game for each weapon class and other misc challenges for infantry. Gotta engage those newcomers and expose them to the beauty of ArmA in a way, which won't detract from learning by its sheer complexity. I also loved the sniping range with picture-in-picture tab on the target in the lower right corner of the screen, there's even a spotter prone with binocs out - very immersive.
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Wait. I thought we're all reckless Rambos, who require a sedative injection and a splash of motion blur every time we're being fired at to simulate realistic derpression effects on the human psyche? ;) You can't possibly argue on any angle as to the benefits of having this suppression mechanics imposed on players. I still haven't seen a successful example of whatever it is you people describe! I have patience, though. :) ---------- Post added at 18:47 ---------- Previous post was at 18:45 ---------- Show me an example, go on, off with you to YouTubes! ---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:47 ---------- Found it, WBJ-nKXsfEY What does this have to do with players? AI use proper ROF on their weaponry and quick aiming timings - Great! Though where do players come in? As per your vision should people be dropping uncontrollably behind that rock formation and weeping in fear, in addition to being suppressed by that barrage of bullets?!?!
  24. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I'm in total agreement with you there on dedicated keys for unique/often used Actions, such as satchels, grenades. I used F as an example of what is already in-game, but given some thought we could free up a key for this particular Action. Said radial menu could be positioned in the spot of the current Action menu, bordering the lower-mid right edge of the screen and it shouldn't exceed it in dimensions either - well depending on how big you want the text to be inside each "petal". Something like a hexagon-shape with 6 equilateral triangles could be employed, giving you the choice of max 6 Actions to be placed there, but you could then divide the triangles in half, giving you 12 in total, though I'm not sure the text is going to be readable. An octagon is another option, North-South parts may present a problem in readability. Another configuration, Or, http://archive.ck12.org/ck12/images?id=300645
  25. Iroquois Pliskin

    What if IRAN will be defeated before Arma 3 will be released?

    Say it isn't so! :(