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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. Iroquois Pliskin

    Warfare BE

    Qaz, he's right, WASP use their own configs, settings & unit balancing on top of Benny's Warfare, they don't even have the BE in the mission name - total cannibalization of the original mission, resulting in a bugfest. :(
  2. Iroquois Pliskin

    U.S. Ambassador to Lybia Killed

    We call it "Accelerated colonised evolution of the planet" - helps destroy old infrastructure and build up new one in its place, in both minds & body. ; )
  3. Iroquois Pliskin

    U.S. Ambassador to Lybia Killed

    I meant the ones, where the masses were directly involved, indirect/covert operations is another realm. Iraq 1990-1991 was a rather quick & clean sweep, though on false pretenses. People should be grateful there hasn't been a major war for a whole 12 years in this New Century. :) There's still time, though, there's still time... ---------- Post added at 03:32 ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 ---------- gd8SdV80AL8 CNN, Gulf War. Wag the dog. :icon_mrgreen:
  4. Iroquois Pliskin

    U.S. Ambassador to Lybia Killed

    Can't blame them after Vietnam, 2001 Afghan, 2003 Iraq, Libya, Syria (?), Iran (?). Zero profit for (almost) all involved.
  5. Is there a particular reason why ArmA III doesn't have this style of weapon transitions? o1UlMdWH8FI vs Second example looks unnatural and unauthentic, rifle sling is used in both cases. :+/
  6. Iroquois Pliskin

    U.S. Ambassador to Lybia Killed

    Chess piece by chess piece, a decent strike for can be assembled, check the Stratfor map: 2 CVN groups, another CSG is lurking somewhere - there had been three at one point in the Persian Gulf, plus 1 LHD and another one is now en route with said 4,000 marines. Infantry numbers don't mean a lot in today's age, a few thousand trained troops can leverage their firepower with GBUs, Tomahawks and other toys. Besides, recon comes first. P.S. ZH isn't a moonbat website. ;)
  7. Iroquois Pliskin

    U.S. Ambassador to Lybia Killed

    Of relevance, I suppose, 4000 Marines Headed To Middle East As Part Of Peleliu Amphibious Group Dispatch http://www.zerohedge.com/news/4000-marines-headed-middle-east-part-peleliu-amphibious-group-dispatch
  8. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Anyone not desperately looking for a new graphics card may want to wait till the release of either ArmA III, or a new generation. Here's a rumour, http://www.guru3d.com/news_story/amd_oland_radeon_hd_8800_series_info.html Bigger die size means better heat dissipation - the overclock potential, if specs are to be believed, is going to be outstanding, especially with a reduced TDW of 160W. Nvidia's current Kepler GPUs have a larger die than the 7800-Series Radeons and run at considerably cooler t*, while provided the same, or even higher performance. ---------- Post added at 21:53 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ---------- Spec check, http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/graphics/display/radeon-hd-7970_2.html#sect0 Texture, pixel fillrates of the alleged 8870 are by 3-5% higher than the current 7970. Not bad for a middle range GPU, which is half the price of the 7970. Here's hoping its not a fake. :)
  9. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    I completed vanilla ArmA II campaigns and missions on release with a Phenom II x550 & an HD 4890 @ 1080p, everything high, AA off, and then a year online on the same rig with great results. Always wondered how people manage to break the simplest of things. :)
  10. Iroquois Pliskin

    Warfare BE

    Hasn't WASP always used a modified BE version? I remember 0.71 there being 0.71, but not exactly 0.71. :D
  11. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    i5-2500K is Sandy Bridge, thus previous generation, they're equal clock-for-clock, both can reach 4.9 Ghz, but here's a more detailed answer, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=i5-2500k+vs+i5-3570k+overclocked http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/cpus/2012/05/01/intel-core-i5-3570k-cpu-review/6 ;)
  12. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2012/05/10/nvidia-geforce-gtx-670-2gb-review/4 The above review has an i5 2500K as the test system, compare your GPUs to the list. BI were running ArmA 3 on GTX 580 at E3, no ideas as to their settings (High/V. high?), but VD looks like 3 km or more. ---------- Post added at 15:23 ---------- Previous post was at 15:19 ---------- If there's no native stereo 3D support in ArmA III, like we have now, then you'll need 3rd party software, like Nvidia's 3D Vision or its equivalent. Look up IZ3D and DDD TriDef drivers. http://www.mtbs3d.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11389&Itemid=57
  13. BasileyOne, my muzzle velocity comment was to acknowledge that ArmA is indeed an FPS, and a very twitchy one at that. The controls are already FPS-like with WASD, E/Q lean, Z-X-C as standard (for Swat 4/Rainbow Six RS at least), the only remaining impedance is the weapons/equipment control and selection mechanic, which is COMPLETELY irrational, since the whole UI is built around the AI command interface, which takes up the 0-9 number keys. hTlAiYUS5JE Peoples' eyes flare up when they see this vid; most of the above is already in ArmA III by the looks of it, except for the back-to-wall cover. Add dedicated weapon keys along to these animations, and then we can talk about having some semblance of PvP community. Bonus vid, DK7UJdBhRNU Whole dynamic stance operation is executed via CTRL+WASD & Shift+Z/X/C AFAIR - you will not want to be punished by the controls with scroll list weapon selection and F-cycle on top of this. Proof of concept, can be applied directly to frag, smoke grenades with them being on a dedicated key, as would be the sidearm, o1UlMdWH8FI Speed of the animation is debatable. The primary weapon can be positioned sideways in relation to the body and not completely straight down, along with a shorter sling - both of these can be used to ensure, that the long barrel rifles don't hit the ground while crouched, as seen on the following video, zcybVuORN5A Smookie probably has some ideas on what to do with prone position and handguns. Update: Here's the current ArmA 3 weapon transition animation, from primary weapon to sidearm: & From sidearm to primary, The primary is still being slung behind the right shoulder, it's still on a sling - I wonder why Smookie decided to change it, seems overly complex and unnatural. Found an interesting quote by Smookie, That explains it, and I can see how running with a pistol would make it look awkward. There's gotta be a solution out there, though. How about keeping your rifle against your chest with your left hand, while the handgun is in the right one while running? Upon stopping, or slowing down to a walk, the character returns to both hand grip of the pistol. ; ) The following is in reply to the above quote, You know what you have to do, people, if you want the original transition back. :dancehead:
  14. Iroquois Pliskin

    Advanced DX11 and PHYSX features

    There's a rule under which your post falls under, but I digress, enough "spamming" about features nobody gives a fuck about. Enjoy the life in the 3D Editor and underground bunkers.
  15. You're the clown here, it's obvious CONTROLS imply weapon controls, as in dedicated weapon keys, not "Space bar to jump". Like I said, enjoy your one-dimensional scroll and F-cycle lists.
  16. Non-retard animations for starters, see the Arma 3 GameStar.de 7/7 infantry combat video above. ---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ---------- Then, I guess the rest of the nabs will have to adapt to antiquated scrolls lists. They haven't with ArmA II - gee, I wonder why. Oops. You're not listening. Read the controls & interface thread from cover to cover if you're that interested and knowledgeable. Nothing, enjoy your RTS experience. Or is it turn-by-turn?
  17. The same 2000 people, who have been playing for 10 years have adapted and they of course will not see a problem with controls. CQB in ArmA? Nah, we're not "cod", "bf", "rainbow six", "swat 4" etc, etc. Do you know why people avoid CQB in ArmA? Because of crap controls, there are so many situations where you have to use the frag grenade, but you know it's stuck on that crap F-cycle list and you might mistap and instead of selecting Frag, you go to Smoke (red), and then all the way back to Single fire rate mode, through Smoke (red) -> Smoke (green) -> Satchel -> Mines -> Single -> Burst/Full. And this is but one example. And even if you do end up selecting the grenade in the F menu, you get to wait a long animation, which arrests all movement and often bugs you to the point of this grenade being a waste of time. You might as well run behind that wall and kill the enemy point blank. Keep telling yourself that ONE-DIMENSIONAL Action scroll list and the ONE-DIMENSIONAL F-cycle key is "BETTER" in an FPS game, which ArmA is. The average muzzle velocity of ammunition is probably 800 m/s in this game - if that's not twitchy, I don't know what is. Don't kid yourself. RZEMJpn4ACU First we didn't need animations, then we didn't need proper physics, and now redundant scroll lists for an FPS game are fine, and "compliment the complexity" of the game, allegedly. I rest my case.
  18. We could even say that game falls apart the second you step into a building... ArmA III fixes that with new animations, weapon handling, stances & the improved physics simulation, and maybe even controls - dedicated weapon/equipment selection keys, anyone? ---------- Post added at 16:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:30 ---------- OTDDwKQncEY Starved for info, so we're left with this footage. I'm confident that if they continue in this direction, we could see an overall revive of PvP. The key to newbie PvP is infantry: when a new player gets ArmA III, he expect the same controls as are in other FPS titles; vehicle and aircraft controls are already up-to standard and it is expected that they would differ from other games, but the single unit - the character of the player is sacred and must be refined to a point, where the player doesn't have to battle the controls in order to even access the main features of the game. Everyone would appreciate dedicated equipment keys and the removal of vital weaponry from the F key, which should be a fire selector only.
  19. Iroquois Pliskin

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    A DVD is not really cost effective, unless it's another ArmA X Edition, which I'm not sure that will happen with ArmA III on the horizon.
  20. Iroquois Pliskin

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Can't you purchase through Bistore and burn it to a medium? :)
  21. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Solid high settings at 1080p - a HD 7850 is almost GTX 580's territory. BIS were running I7 970 & GTX 580 at E3. Ref.: http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2012/05/10/nvidia-geforce-gtx-670-2gb-review/4
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    Advanced DX11 and PHYSX features

    I found this gem, very detailed demonstrations of PhysX in VBS2, most of the vehicles tested have fully articulated suspension, http://www.myvideo.de/watch/5527428/VBS2_Humvee_aufladen In this demo, a Humvee is being forklifted onto a truck, then driven around the base. The added weight of the Humvee, requires the user to use more torque, which is simulated by the engine, tyres also leave deep tracks in the sand (could be a nothingburger, though). More here: http://hx3.de/203341-beitrag163.html YouTube version (different), classic ArmAverse civilian car being forklifted, pmJlHPM1mKc tS8mTRqHj40 Disregard the boxes, Humvee has full suspension, Stryker at the end of the video simulates independent shock absorbers, similar to Tatra truck. All of the above is from VBS2. Here's something you won't see there, GebXTjMDh-o This could become a logical conclusion - (LAV-25 RL mobility trials, some with 4 out of 8 wheels missing) :)---------- Post added at 14:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ---------- 3D Editor, physics goodness, loading an M1 onto a HEMTT platform, walking in transport helicopters - full freedom... watch your step, CEAT8cMuhYY HEMT truck confirmed for ArmA III. :)
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Physics is the most complex part of that equation, and if I were them I wouldn't focus on anything else, prior to accomplishing the tasks of integrating the PhysX into the core engine, creating the required ragdolls for units and vehicles, creating believable collision boxes, fine-tuning the mass and other values and somehow integrating all that into the MP netcode. Lots of work, thank Poseidon they have experience with VBS2; perhaps Nvidia themselves are assisting - there's a paid Dev support option for their engine. ---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 ---------- Funny thing about the "redo": I wonder if ArmA III bullet ballistics are completely simulated on the new engine? Handling could vastly differ even for the same weapons, compared to ArmA II. There shouldn't be anything left of the old physics, because even the water looks like it doesn't come from RV, but some 3rd party - PhysX. :) I remember someone remarking on VBS2 ballistics being different in a good way. ---------- Post added at 12:16 ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 ---------- P.S. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2718679/Re_VBS2_updated_to_version_1_2.html ---------- Post added at 12:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 ---------- Still digging on the topic of ballistics, Page 29 - http://distribution.bisimulations.com/docs/VBS2_Whitepaper.pdf Very relevant to ArmA III. Inconclusive, can't link PhysX to ballistics, will have to settle for RV solution. :)
  24. Iroquois Pliskin

    Confirmed features now cancelled - your thoughts?

    Hmm, interesting question, but as we have seen, there's at least something to alleviate this - hands on the steering wheel are going to be animated, as will hand fixtures on mounted machine guns and other usable vehicle objects. Here's the vid with the boat, GebXTjMDh-o That diver has some guts and internal balance, standing upright like that; most of them are scanning the horizon. Overall, feels very fluent and believable.* :) *Till they hit the mini-yacht, but lets say that this particular patrol boat design has good ergonomics and comfy seats with safety features. :D Having them fall out of the boat would be an over-the-top feature in my view. ---------- Post added at 11:18 ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 ---------- Do you have in mind the use of the new dynamic stance animations inside vehicles? HEHE. Tilting at the waist in a 5T truck could become a passtime - doesn't serve much purpose, though, unless... Nah!
  25. Iroquois Pliskin

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I'm disappoint. :( :D Thought that maybe there was some Grand Design in place for this.