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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. I'll take your 1500 and raise you 1.7k,
  2. https://performancemanager4.successfactors.com/career?career_ns=job_listing&company=EA&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&rcm_site_locale=en_US&career_job_req_id=17373&selected_lang=en_US&jobAlertController_jobAlertId=&jobAlertController_jobAlertName=&_s.crb=S1JaSzAGXkWtkhCRH3y8DH5SZrY%3d Heh-heh. DICE made Mirror's Edge &, of course, the Battlefield series.
  3. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

  4. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    In... 1080p - perhaps on Low-Medium with this config. You'd be close to maxing it out at 1366x768, tho.
  5. Iroquois Pliskin

    ARMA 3 donation

    I didn't mention any "sales lost", I said demand would be removed from the system and they would get only 101 sales, as opposed to 201 - which is obviously a more preferable scenario.
  6. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    That's server-side problems, same thing happened in Warfare after the server had been up for several days without restart.
  7. Join that EU Alpha testing group and add me on Steam -> I'll be playing A3A 24/7 for the whole of next week, so shoot a PM whenever you see me online, even if there are no "official events" planned.
  8. http://i.imgur.com/VgCNEVuh.jpg Album: http://imgur.com/a/b8q01 OK, that does it. First thing in the morning on Alpha's release: Throw a GRENADE down the this slide. PhysX, yo. :cc:
  9. Iroquois Pliskin

    Which version will you be buying?

    City pay not defaulting you to Supporter edition, eh? ;) Can't go wrong with the Forum Badge & the seasonal DLC pass. :) Well, of course, and the fact that you'll be supporting the development in a tangible way. http://imgur.com/a/cKKWU <-- New Screens speak for themselves.
  10. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    That's what I was talking about in the Control scheme thread months ago... F key for FIRE SELECTOR only is FTW! Hand grenades & other functions that are all stacked onto the F-cycle in ArmA II could receive their own dedicated key(s).
  11. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    http://i.imgur.com/CoPsoIXh.jpg You mean the 5-sectioned line running just below the weapon name & caliber? Let's see... Safety//Single fire//Burst//Full Auto... and the 5th one? Perhaps it is the under barrel GL? The above isn't necessarily in that order, but to fill out all five settings, that should be he case. P.S. The featured weapon doesn't have a burst mode, but there's definitely SAFE on the safety trigger on the rifle itself.
  12. Iroquois Pliskin

    Download Size?

    A dev confirmed it: 7.5 GB for the Alpha on Steam.
  13. Iroquois Pliskin

    Steam vs BIS Store & Exclusivity - Explained

    QFT. Valve with their Steam may become the Google of the PC gaming world, if they aren't already. Speaking of Google, GabeN is generating more profit per employee than them, or EA.
  14. Iroquois Pliskin

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Missed that.. just woke up. Watching now. Dat AH-9 screenshot at 1:01 with the rain of casings being ejected...
  15. Iroquois Pliskin

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    Imgur is down with those 3 screens, here's the backup, Full resolution: http://i47.tinypic.com/125tkb6.png Full resolution: http://i50.tinypic.com/dfkb38.png Full resolution: http://i48.tinypic.com/syqn2p.jpg
  16. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    Since imgur is down, here's my backup of the 3 screenshots: Full resolution: http://i47.tinypic.com/125tkb6.png The new, clean UI in the top right, overall scene lighting/colour palette is fantastic. Full resolution: http://i50.tinypic.com/dfkb38.png Check out the textures on the tree. <3 the chuch/monastery here. Full resolution: http://i48.tinypic.com/syqn2p.jpg Tell me that's not a real life Med photo. :)
  17. Eggcellent. :) Poke him to keep the mission challenging, i.e. not giving copters & jets to total nabs with only 30 points. MHQ/teleport can stay in the game, but then the transport helo runs should reward the pilots more on per cargo delivered basis. I think last time I played it was only 1-2 points per player.
  18. Iroquois Pliskin

    Steam discussion

    Great analysis! Gabe running down the toilet a multi-billion business "just because". They haven't even went public, get a grip on reality.
  19. Once the key is activated, your Steam account will contain all the bonuses/gifts/invites and the Alpha. You won't have to purchase anything else, Beta version will become download-able/upgrade-able once Beta phase begins, and when the retail game comes out - BIS will enable its download on respective Steam accounts. That's my view.
  20. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    I think that's the status report from that M-26 Radar facility, and as Christie mentioned, it's time-stamped. Yes, this is the year that the story is set in.
  21. Iroquois Pliskin

    Steam discussion

    Lucky for everyone else, you're not in charge of things here. What's your reason for disliking Steam? Didn't you say that you lived in your parents' basement and that somehow prevented you to get/utilise the game on Steam? I could understand if you don't have a constant Net connection - then we do empathise, but this is a negligible percent of users. Perhaps, you can't afford the title on Steam at official Euro prices -- AFAIK, ArmA II received its regional pricing, so the total cost was a fraction of what we had to pay. In Russia I think it was £10 at most. But that's no reason to slander the company, or anyone else on the forums for that matter. P.S. March 5th onward, I hope their Steam-this-Steam-that bullshit stays out of ArmA III section, as they're not customers and have no business there.
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    Helicopters in the Alpha?

    You're forgetting the SDV & the boat -> I don't think we'll be seeing MBTs in Alpha.
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    That's the ASL/elevation... don't ask me how I know. :) Camp Maxwell is higher still, and that hill just South of it is third-highest on the Southern half of Stratis.
  24. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    Where'd you get that from? :eek:
  25. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    Rifle manual, ArmA III Alpha guide.pdf, 3 .jpgs & that .txt I quoted. CBA to look through all the other directories, but I'm guessing there's nothing of importance there.