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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. If that's a bounce, then it's the most controlled bounce I've ever seen ;) Just someone having fun with modding. That actually has loads of potential. Imagine large dogfights with flying T-90s vs Abrams! Now *that* is something I don't think we'll see in OFP: DR !:D
  2. Inkompetent

    Shorten Night Cycle

    Could always run a script using the date and skipTime commands, so that for example between 20:00 and 04:00 (dark hours varies depending on map and date) you start 'skipping' (fast-forwarding) time. The game will run at normal pace, but the in-game time (and clouds and tidal water) will move faster.
  3. I think this is an often overseen truth. Practically every single one of the most skilled coders, animators, texturers, modelers and sound engineers are already spending all their free time creating stuff for ArmA. They neither have time nor energy to write tutorials about it unless they'll start getting paid for their time, and who is going to pay that? The majority of us, even though we can manage to create working stuff here and there, aren't qualified to write tutorials since we do not thoroughly understand what we are doing.
  4. Inkompetent

    Lock/Unlock is server side?

    Probably not allowed because it could be used as cheating, so that people could run scripts on servers to access vehicles they shouldn't be able to get into. Looking at the 'lock'-command all effects are only local, so you will have to - one way or another - make the server aware of the unlock attempt, and unlock the vehicle server-side.
  5. It'd probably take a lot of work, but with the SecOps and Ambient Combat modules I'm sure quite a lot can be done. Just that the documentation about both of them is a bit lacking at the moment.
  6. Ouch. Didn't think about checking for a command to detect the damage state. Was too happy about the setHit-command :( Oh, well. I'm sure improvements can be done anyway, so I'm a happy banana anyway!
  7. It is probably because they aren't confirmed dead. If you report them as dead (using the 'space'-menu) I think they disappear.
  8. Inkompetent

    More people than 40?

    I've played a 45v45 PvP match in the first ArmA. We'll definitely see stuff like it in ArmA2. Just that the communities/clans with the most powerful servers need to switch to ArmA2, which I don't think they'll do quite yet. They are probably still waiting for more people to get the game, to test and evaluate the capacity of their servers in ArmA2, and to design and test new missions specifically tailored for ArmA2. Hold out a few weeks more and you'll see more and more powerful servers pop up.
  9. Wrong, CM would NOT want to compete with BIS. As we all know BIS have trouble surviving on the gains from the OFP/ArmA franchise as it is. Otherwise they'd never had to release ArmA in the first place, and especially not the cheaply made expansion to it, just to keep the money flowing so that they could finish the actual 'Game 2' (ArmA2). If CM and BIS were to try to share that money neither of them would profit enough on the game-making. (not everyone can afford both, or would buy both even if they could afford it) Also, as by looking at most the stuff produced by CM the last years, they lack integrity and wish to make something unique. They make whatever gives the most profit. BIS on the other hand really strive to make a unique game and keeping their integrity, merely limited by their budget. I'm 100% sure that CM will earn crap-tons more money on OFP: DR than BIS will make on ArmA2, but I can with 100% certainty say that OFP: DR to me lacks the soul and spirit to make it a long lasting game, and thus I won't pay a cent for it, since I only spend my money on games I can imagine playing for years, and not only for a couple of months.
  10. Inkompetent

    Minor but important things

    I can with 99% certainty say that you won't see them in a patch. However mods such as ACE2 will include jams to the degree they are feasible to model in ArmA.
  11. Inkompetent

    SVD too weak?

    Think of the fact that all regular soldiers (USMC, CDF and RDF) wear body armour in the game. Even though not strong enough to stop the 7.62x54mm they would dramatically reduce the effect of it (talking in gamey terms here, where damage are pure numbers. In real life they may actually make the damage worse depending on where/how the bullet hits, because you have a smashed-to-bits bullet tumbling at high speed through your body). The above can of course not in its own justify 4 hits needed (assuming you didn't hit the weapon), but then again I'm not sure if there's been changes to the way bullet damage is calculated.
  12. Depends on the mission. The 'Battlefield Clearance' module has to be used on the map. And in 1.0 and 1.01 the improved first aid systems were very buggy in multiplayed as I've understood it. I've heard it's fixed in 1.02 though, so hopefully we'll see more and more missions using the advanced wounding system and dragging/carrying.
  13. Inkompetent

    What ever happened to coop?

    It is indeed a distinct lack of proper coop servers. Mostly due to the lack of missions at the moment I think. Most coop-missions are in-house ones used by only some specific clan server, and the most 'popular' game modes are the 'no cooperation ever'-ones like Evolution and Domination (at least that's how they've appeared to me through ArmA and ArmA2). I strongly suggest you try to find some community or clan to play with that have more structure and people that care about actual teamplay. Public gameplay in *any* game is terrible, and despite its nature ArmA is no exception :(
  14. Inkompetent

    On the Role of medics

    I haven't tested it properly, but it does feel like it. The AI will instantly start shooting suppressive fire into the smoke, but I have successfully moved through smoke screens and dragged wounded away from streets thanks to smoke. Done it too little to be sure it wasn't coincidence though.
  15. Inkompetent

    Trial by Fire

    Haven't ever seen the Cobra hit the BRDM. The Hellfires always hits the trees around it, so the BRDM is left intact. Have had to try to take it out by shooting up the wheels until the crew bails out.
  16. Inkompetent

    On the Role of medics

    Nice one! Only thing I don't agree on is the satchel charges. I'd assume the medic has enough to carry as it is, and blowing holes in walls is the job of combat engineers and regular breaching charge-equipped troops. :)
  17. Inkompetent


    I haven't actually checked if there is any 'Reveal'-key in ArmA2 as it is in OFP and ArmA, so that automatic spotting can be disabled. Only seen automatic spotting on, or automatic spotting off with no 'reveal on RMB-click'.
  18. Wouldn't know if it is feasible to try to do proper gunnery procedures with laser rangefinders and a ballistic computer adjusting the cannon. But!With ArmA2 came a new command: setHit. This command let you set the damage level on a specific component in a vehicle, which probably could be used in part to more effectively script a proper vehicle damage system. We'll see what modders manage to do with this, but it sounds like it has lots of potential.
  19. Inkompetent

    ARMA 2 Adult content

    Heck, the game already includes direct references to sexual abuse, actual mass-graves, references to hanging and other civil violence, and the whole game is based around SHOOTING PEOPLE. How the hell can some nude content be worse than that?
  20. Indeed! Massive public bug-testing is the best testing there is. Would be truly awesome if one of the methods do work in ArmA2, but I'm not having too high hopes. :(
  21. Jams can be, and I think currently are weapon-spefic. However all use the same default value at the moment. Adding more weapon-specific characteristics will be done, but it was more important to have a working jam system at all than 'correct' jam values, whatever they are (hard to judge since it is very different depending on environment, weather, weapon age, weapon maintenance and skill/discipline of weapon user, so any kind of statistics available are very hard to turn into useable numbers)
  22. Inkompetent


    Really, really incredible work on this one! The whole MFD system is truly fantastic and it is awesome to see with the bare eye how many FFARs are left when inspecting the helicopter from the outside. Only got one real complaint, and that's the non-bulletproof canopy. One round from my M4 and I had killed the gunner. Best aviaton-addon released to date! Grand work!
  23. Tweaking jams are on the to do list
  24. Inkompetent

    Largely Mod-able AI

    Depends on how ArmA2 is done. As I've understood it the game is made so that the core game runs on one core and AI on the other, in which case the FSM itself is a single-core system, so it shouldn't be problematic.
  25. Inkompetent

    River in ArmA 2??

    Teletubbies are scary indeed!