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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Inkompetent

    Soviet military doctrine?

    Thanks a lot! Really useful links, and looks like I've got A LOT of reading to do :)
  2. What they need is a blurred rear post so that it doesn't obstruct the view so much. Heck, all guns need a blurred rear post. The rear sight on the M4/16 is called a 'ghost ring' for a reason.
  3. Inkompetent

    Make Arma series under subscription ?

    I'd be willing to pay a subscription of say... up to €5 a month. I don't feel motivated to pay as much as I do for WoW, which both has and gets much more content, balancing and fixing (no shit, comparing company size), but I definitely wouldn't mind doing so for ArmA2 either. However as a demand for that I think there should be lots more work on vehicle simulation, which is the biggest and worst lackluster in the whole game and has been since 2001.
  4. Inkompetent

    Chopper Flight Sim needs to be reconfigured

    Indeed there are improvements to make that shouldn't be too hard. Like that making sharp turns (both in helicopters and airplanes) make you drop like a rock, or that helicopters can't pull up from a dive fast enough. It's all in the algorithms used for the flight model. One doesn't need proper physics or aerodynamics to fake them. Not at the level of fedility ArmA has. Just improved algorithms for more sensible behaviour in the air.
  5. There's SPON Map for that in ArmA. I'm not sure if it works for ArmA2, or if there's an updated version of it, but that tool was truly awesome.
  6. A good idea, but it would be nice if there was a choice. Either a flag-cap, or a normal 'secure area'. Makes more mission designs possible, and variety is nice :)
  7. Inkompetent

    PvP: An Endangered Species

    I wouldn't say that the missions available are bad. It's just that there are only non-CTI PvP missions designed for larger numbers as far as I can see, which means that either you have to find 30 players at once to get a good fight going, or you can't play PvP that isn't CTI. More maps ranging from just... 5v5 or something and up need to be made so that there are good maps all the way from a low playercount to a high. Hard to fill servers otherwise.
  8. Inkompetent

    Ranking system, why not?

    The game with the best modding and mission making support short of Half-Life.. I hardly think it needs any ranking system like other, poorer games. Ranking systems within specific tournaments and leagues are fully possible and definitely reasonable, but a global ranking system would be even more ridicilous than that for BF2.
  9. Bravo 2-0 looks like a quite fun thing to get inspiration from. A few local vehicles with too little fuel to reach any gas station would be pretty fun as well, giving a moment's increased mobility at the cost of making people pissed off. Maybe some script to halt vehicles and force people to leave them (like the taxi in the movie). The fuel level in the vehicle can easily be adjusted for when a person enters it. :) skipTime and publicVariable will be your friends I think, so that you can make the time go faster and give a more feelable day/night cycle for the escape.
  10. Inkompetent

    PVP, TVT Gaming (good post)

    I just wonder in the definition of Warfare and crCTI, why 'coop' differs from multiplayer. How is coop less multiplayer than PvP?
  11. I suppose such a date doesn't even exist :P
  12. My problem is nothing at all. I just wrote a post that I realized was irrelevant and didn't contribute to the thread. Glad that you got it working though!
  13. I guess it's for the performance so many complains about. With more enterable buildings performance would be even worse since there'd be even more polygons and shadows ;)
  14. Inkompetent

    BRDM-2 crew

    CAVS wasn't realistic either. It was still based on the same hitpoint-system. However it did the best possible out of the existing hitpoints-system. That much I can agree on. Essentially BIS need to make a completely new system for armour penetration and vehicle damage though. Can only hope it gets into ArmA3, because this current one is ooold.
  15. Inkompetent

    Allow shooting from the hip when running?

    Wrong. Since they made new animations anyway there was no extra effort spent in NOT making an animation for shooting from the hip when running. ;)
  16. Weather was not syncronized in ArmA afaik. Maybe it is in ArmA2 though. I'm not entirely sure. Could need some research. But at least it's easily syncable with a looping publicVariable once or twice per minute :)
  17. Inkompetent

    Is online even playable?

    Can admit I haven't done that. I'd rather crack my ArmA2 DVD than play DM even once. Have played CTF, AAS and TDM though, and had no problems there.
  18. Inkompetent

    Knife in ArmA 2 ?

    I know I've read about some SEAL soldier killing a soldier with a knife once after emerging from the water, but that's the only knife-kill post WW2 that I can recall reading about at all. Well, then a US Ranger that breached a house and got so close to an enemy he couldn't use his rifle, and instead grabbed his tomahawk and chopped the Iraqi in the head, but that's it.
  19. You can always use the attachTo command to glue a trigger to a unit.
  20. Inkompetent

    Is online even playable?

    Well, on the other hand ArmA2 isn't Unreal Tournament or Quake Arena. You don't *need* Ultra-Super-Duper Framerates of Doomâ„¢. If you have 25-30 FPS you'll do very, very fine, since ArmA is so slow-paced.
  21. Simply use Countdown (add your wanted number of seconds into the Min, Mid and Max fields) in the trigger. That way it runs the On Activation-stuff the delay amount of seconds after the trigger's conditions turns true.
  22. For that you need to change the configs, alternatively add a new female class through configs. Unfortunately that means making a small addon.
  23. Inkompetent

    Knife in ArmA 2 ?

    Throwing weapons are a complete joke really. You are stupidly unlikely to ever kill anyone with a throwing knife, and even less with a shuriken (shurikens are more of a multi-blade dagger for close combat that *can* be thrown to cause your enemy pain and reduce his effectiviness in fighting). Only thing one would manage to would be to hurt them a bit and make them scream, alerting everyone within 200m. No soldier with self-respect and with any kind of sense would ever throw away his knife, and silenced pistols were invented for a reason. A shot is almost always prefered over the knife. I do agree though that knifes do have a place in ArmA. Although I'm not really sad if we never get them.
  24. Inkompetent

    Identifying the other team

    Space-scanning. Hold down spacebar and point at a unit and you should see their tag, as long as the unit is 'revealed' to you (i.e. someone in your group has spotted it, you can hear it, or you reveal it yourself (hold right mouse button). The best way not to shoot friendlies without using cheaty methods like the above though is to never have your finger on the fire-button unless you intend to shoot, to communicate with the team (obviously means they need to communicate back), and never shoot unless you are certain it is an enemy or it fires on you first.