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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Hahahahaha! That's brilliance, PuFu! Guess it's up for free to everyone who actually fell for Conmaster's PR and bought FPDR!
  2. Inkompetent

    What's the overall best rifle for the AI in Arma II?

    Good question what the AI manages the best. They tend to fire so fast I don't think too heavy weapons (like the Mk17) suits them well. AK-74 PSO, M16A4 ACOG, and G36 are probably the best kind of rifles you can toss the AI.
  3. in the init field of each unit: this disableAI "MOVE"; Alternatively this in the init field of the group leader if it is a squad: {_x disableAI "MOVE"} forEach units group this; See http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableAI for more info.
  4. Inkompetent

    FDFmod 1.0

    Finnish paratroopers? That's pretty much just free-falling and taking the rough landing like a man?
  5. Inkompetent

    AI simple mode

    Statistical tables actually sounds awesome. I know the AI switches to a 'simple mode' routine when far away, but I have no idea how close it is to statistical tables or to the AI's ordinary routines.
  6. Inkompetent

    1S91 Fire Control Radar

    Awesome! Awesomesaucetastic even! Really nice with a mobile AA-radar! :D
  7. Nice picture! They look really awesome! However I'd reduce the image size to max 100kB before a moderator come and keelhaul you ;) Feel free to maintain a link to that high-res hotness though!
  8. Well, the difference is that a person without headbob can observe better while moving, and thus much more easily spot a person than say... someone with 50% headbob. And Ziggy, if you want to get respect when playing, better earn it. That last post of yours is hardly worth of it. Either way, why do we even have this discussion, and here of all places? granQ's question was answered in the first few posts. Oh, and high resolution can be a disadvantage. Much harder to notice a pixel or two changing colour at 1920x1080 than it is at 800x600 ;)
  9. Inkompetent

    ARMA 2 1.09 vs ARMA CO

    I'd believe it is as NkEnNy says. The fixes in 1.09 are for files that are used both by the arma2.exe and the arma2oa.exe, and I believe that running the game as CO still gives more advantages due to the enhanced performance and other improvements in OA. I've even played CO in multiplayer with 1.09 installed while the server and other clients did not, and it went without a hitch (playing custom MP missions). For savegame-compatability though I'd recommend checking the 1.09-sticky.
  10. Unfortunately it can't be forced by the server, even though I wish it could be. At least some head bobbing (15-25%) is a quite nice value that allows immersion without being crazy and nauseating.
  11. Inkompetent

    scar's sa6 port to ARMA2

    Well, can't really compare a SA-2 to a SA-6. A high-altitude, low-agility missile designed to shoot down big bomb planes, and a medium-altitude, far more agile missile designed to shoot down attack and fighter planes, not to mention the 13 year gap between entering service for the two of them. But I can't dispute that not even SA-6s hit their target. Far more so against small targets than SA-2s though :cool:
  12. Inkompetent

    Can't for the life of me figure this out...

    Try Eliteness with the newest unPbo.dll (can be found at Mikero's tools, dev-heaven.net)
  13. Inkompetent

    Mission realism question.

    Another +1 from me! Heck, I like both. Completely depends on mood. Recently made a 'home guard' patrol mission with very random enemy placement. Been doing that mission (30+ minute foot patrol) without even seeing an enemy some times, other times it feels like four men against a whole platoon (which it probably is if one is unlucky with enemy placement). Other times I just want to shoot something, in which case action-packed wins out, obviously. If anything it's nice with variation in the kinds of missions out there, so make the missions like YOU want to play them :)
  14. I'd assume because the 'shooting around corner'-animation has nothing at all to do with how the soldier grabs the weapon, but all to do with body animations.
  15. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php No listed changes, but hearsay says it is a stability fix.
  16. Inkompetent

    FDFmod 1.0

    In addition to that I'd recommend a look into stringtable.xml rather than stringtable.csv (which I'm unfortunately a complete newbie at myself). They are referenced the exactly same way in the config files, so no need to change those, but stringtable.csv doesn't support localization properly in ArmA2 afaik.
  17. Inkompetent

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    There's a car's windshield strapped onto the thing for a reason! :D
  18. Both the links in the first URL I linked works like a charm. Second link takes you here: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mikero-pbodll/files Just get the newest DePbo download and put the DLL in the same directory as your Eliteness.exe
  19. Either you can try using setSkill or setSkill array to make him a godlike shot, but it still won't get rid of mechanical inaccuracy in the weapon for example, and possible deficiencies in AI. If that isn't enough what you could try doing is to catch the bullet with a fired eventhandler and setVectorDir and setVelocity it to a perfect path, but now it is starting to get pretty complex. If it wasn't for the bullet cam it could easily be faked, but following the bullet it doesn't allow for the 'cheap' solutions.
  20. Here a simple little test I did to prove my earlier statement. I simply put a player soldier on the map and added a radio trigger to run the script. The weapon in my current test is that of a BAF grenadier; a BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG which does NOT have a defined magazine array, but rather only inherits the magazine array from L85A2_base_BAF through another weapon in-between. magazineHint.sqf // Run with: // nul = [player] execVM "magazineHint.sqf"; _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = currentWeapon _unit; _cfg = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "magazines"); _count = count _cfg; _text = "Magazines:\n"; for "_i" from 0 to (_count - 1) do { _text = format ["%1%2\n",_text,_cfg select _i]; }; hint _text; With the short and simple information from Das Attorney it could easily be converted into showing the UGL-magazines.
  21. Shouldn't be needed to check for base class in my experience since all 'children' classes inherits the parent class, and thus will have copies of all its variable definitions once the game is running and the config files have been parsed. Will test in a moment ^^
  22. First to avoid formation: For each unit, just by their rank and name field, set their 'Special:' to None. This will make them start where you put them. To make them get up upon enemy detected you could make a 'X detected by Y'-trigger with a bit tweaked condition-field. Let's say your group has been named sitGroup with sitGroup = group this; in the leader's init-field. Trigger condition: this || behaviour leader sitGroup == "COMBAT" This would make it so that if enemies are detected within the trigger radius, or the group enters combat mode for some reason, you can use the On Activation to break them out of their sitting. If you for example have a script running that forces the group to sit down (in this case it is easiest with one script forcing all group members to sit, rather than one script per group member), just make sure it has a named handle (like for example forceSit = [group this] execVM "forceSit.sqf"; in the group leader's init) and you can use terminate forceSit; in the trigger to stop the script from running. Example On Activation field: terminate forceSit; {_x enableAI "MOVE"; _x enableAI "ANIM";} forEach units sitGroup;
  23. Inkompetent

    Advice for a new player?

    Capture The Island. A collective word for game types where two or more team contest about map dominance, each team having at least one base where the players can buy vehicles, weapons, and maybe even AI soldiers to help them win. Capturing nodes on the map (usually cities and towns) increases your team's steady income to buy said things for.
  24. I have the flickering white dots in Chernarus myself. No AA enabled. Using a GeForce GTX465 768MB with the 266.58 drivers, with AA forced off in the nVidia control panel.
  25. Inkompetent

    How to play this game?

    If the mission allows switching between characters it is the 'T'-key as default. Think it's possible in all campaign missions, but just beware that outside of the campaign it's often not the case. As for spotting soldiers I can't really give more advice than to make sure your 3D Resolution in video options is at 100% or more (higher sort of works like antialiasing. Depending on graphics card it might actually give better results than using AA), and to watch carefully. Zooming in generally helps to (hold right mouse button, or hold NumPad+). Careful when being on foot and holding right mouse button though. It is also Hold Breath, so I recommend either remapping the zoom, or the hold breath button, so you don't get exhausted just from observing.