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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Edit: Nvm. Didn't read the OP properly. No idea how to adjust the specific kill scores. Although one can intercept the scoreboard by adding something else to the scoreboard key. Dunno if one can make it to simply not pop up, but you can force the screen black with a black frame covering the viewspace.
  2. Inkompetent

    AKM vs. AK-74 sound differences

    Hard to get it to sound proper. An AK-47 or AKM has more of the loud 'thud', while a 74 got a sharper sound. More of a 'crack'. Then again sound is so subjective. I'm mainly happy we got a difference between the two so you can hear what rifle is being used. :)
  3. Inkompetent

    Smaw > m136

    And that's why we eagerly wait for ACE2 and the stamina system, so that people get punished for packing lots of heavy weapons! People will run to be first to get the M136 *instead* of the SMAW, since they won't be able to run far at all with the latter.
  4. That was the current implementation at the time of W0lle's post. It's just a minor change to make the 'invisible' units bright white, so I wouldn't take that screenshot as definite.
  5. Inkompetent

    Smaw > m136

    Simply put: SMAW is better than M136 in all aspects, so it is up to the mission makers to restrict the access to specialized weapons like the SMAW, compared to 'grunt-weapons' like the M136. Now if we could just get remotely proper loading of the SMAW, and maybe less people would use it, since the preparation time is so much longer than for the M136 :P
  6. Inkompetent

    Weapon smoke replacement

    The bikey file is for servers only, and is a specific author's key to verify bisign files. All the client need to worry about are the .bisign files, which should be PBO-specific :)
  7. That's because the standard outfit for soldiers were to have a backpack with extra ammo. Usually some ammo for the automatic rifleman, then some for themselves, and a couple of hand grenades. The AI did however not know how to access that ammo, so it never used it. I guess it mainly can be called performance-saving, not to have the AI check if it has something in its rucksack it can use, and if it has, use it. With 100+ AI on the map it becomes quite a few extra computations per frame.
  8. Ohhh, divers! Sexy, and very welcome!
  9. What I think is most interesting with what Fortran and Sakura are showing here is that the BIS aircrafts are crap compared to how they *can* be done in ArmA without a ridicilous amount of extra effort. BIS just got a new standard to meet in Operation: Arrowhead.
  10. There is nothing preventing the maker of the ruck to look how ACE have done their rucksacks to make it ACE-compatible, and if that would be too much work I don't think the ACE team would say 'no' to worthy donations :)
  11. Inkompetent

    Cheytac M200

    That's because of how SLX works. SLX either makes the whole person explode, or nothing happens at all. Mod SLX to fix the problem ;)
  12. I don't think that there is any equivalent round for the GP-25/30 launcher, so I'd assume it's only for 40x46mm launchers like the M203, M32 MGL, and alike.
  13. @ BeerHunter Actually TG is the only place I play at at the moment, despite being from Sweden and the servers don't usually get populated before midnight here. I've tried playing at other places, but most of the time that means trying out Domination or Berzerk, which leaves me disconnecting after 10 minutes at most again since I get bored just getting into those missions. I don't mind long briefings. I don't mind a two hour foot patrol without firing a single shot. Different kinds of missions are nice for different moods. However I feel that something that could be done with 5 minutes of planning with humans and then however long the execution takes is much more fun than 5 minutes of planning and 30 minutes of micromanaging AI to get them to do something the humans would do autonomously. Any kind of SP (or MP) where I have to control AI more than just set them on follow is dead to me, and even on follow that means most single-player missions are screwed up since they aren't designed for using the AI that poorly.
  14. Holy, schmoly macaroni! I'm never going to fly another fixed-wing! I'm starting to feel like scuba on this one. It's simply too good for ArmA!
  15. I try to play singleplayer. I download several awesome-looking SP missions, realize that they *are* good, but don't play more than 10 minutes before I get a breakdown, start crying, wish I was playing it with other people, and subsequently rework the mission to an MP one in the editor. I simply can't play singeplayer anymore. It's completely impossible to perform any kind of good tactics or nice maneuvers within a proportionally acceptable timeframe with the rodent-brained AI screwing every attempt of doing so. However I got to agree that most public servers are abyssmal. If you enter a server with 30 people on it you find that only 3 of them are willing or able to perform communications at a post-baby level.
  16. Inkompetent

    Player IDs

    If one isn't admin the #userlist command will just give their name and connection-specific number. No user ID.
  17. Inkompetent

    Player IDs

    I'm not sure how to aquire it, aside from through banlists, but the number is not changeable. It is unique to each CD-key.
  18. Because most people don't want to play on Expert settings. I like 3rd person view since I think it's comfortable and I like seeing my dude from that angle. I can be without the improved ability to see things. Just like to see my soldier in 3rd person. Not to mention driving certain vehicles or landing with helicopters. How many people have ever had door gunners assisting with landing? I like being able to see who speaks on VON. Without that tag enabled comms break down completely on public servers. I like being able to see my squad mates, or at least my squad leader. Otherwise organization is very hard due to the restrictions on character recognition imposed by the fact it is a game. Heck, talking about 'Recruit', 'Veteran' and 'Expert' modes are completely redundant for any decently configured server. For servers where the admin has been too lazy to tweak them I suppose they work, but in general both Veteran, and especially Expert, just screws up gameplay to unplayability unless everyone on the server is really hardcore and know their stuff.
  19. Inkompetent

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    If using white phosphorous rockets I can imagine there's big enough risk of start of fire to include it. For HE however I would think the risk is very, very small. I don't have any statistics to back up my claims though, so could very well be wrong. Just seems like the most reasonable to me.
  20. Inkompetent

    Is my FPS good?

    Well, there *is* a certain point in having higher FPS than the screen can has update frequency, since LOTS of calculations in games are done at a per-frame basis, which means the game overall will run smoother. So the game might *feel* smoother, but visually it shouldn't do any difference. :)
  21. Inkompetent

    Is my FPS good?

    You know most computer screens can't upate faster than 75 times a second, right? ^^
  22. Also, I might add that I don't think there are any major issues with the provided statistics. However I think it is more important to get relevant statistics. Like for example a poll about how many are happy with the missions they do find online, and how many play anyway even though they can't find what they want, and even then it only represents the english-speaking part of the community that are active on these forums, which can't be a very big part of the ArmA community.
  23. Ohhhhh! Now that looks inviting!
  24. If the secondary sights are done like in ACE1 they will vary with the sights. Some weapons got the older model ACOGs (like on the above picture), while some rifles have newer ACOGs who don't have any backup-sights like that. Windage and backup sights. Man, this looks lovely! The nuke seem to be a real beauty as well, although personally I dunno if I'll use it.
  25. Inkompetent

    WIP British 4 Rifle Soldiers

    Pretty rifles! Good work! :D