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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Query: How are modellers supposed to help code new features when their proficiency is making models and not write scripts?
  2. Correction: You had a bug with parallax effect of the the Aimpoint sight making you see the red dot even when not looking through the sights. No weapon in ACE1 had 'working laser sights', and not red dot either ^^
  3. It is easy to do for the M79 because it has a one-round magazine. Sights cannot be animated, so it simply deletes the current weapon and puts a new one in the soldier's hands to flip the sights up/down. This however automatically makes the weapon load the most full magazine available in the inventory, so if you do it for a normal rifle the rifle will get magically reloaded. It *can* be worked around for rifles with some ugly methods, but the question is if it is worth it considering the strain the mod puts on the average computer anyway.
  4. I can agree with some earlier posts that the latin proverb tends to get way too much space. Sure, it can be there to read for the patriots, but I find it odd and tasteless to slam something in people's faces (like the ACE1 trailer) when most of the people not having been in the armed forces (and even some of those who have been, especially depending on nationality) don't have a clue about what it means. Have it where it fits, but don't wage a battle against good design just to squeeze it in. The ACE logotype sure is enough :)
  5. Inkompetent

    pimp my gun (beta)

    You do realize it's an Ingram MAC-10 and not an IMI Uzi, right?:D
  6. Inkompetent

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    Heh. "PC gamers will have an online experience functionally identical to console players." As if that'd be a good thing...
  7. And all addons have to be realistic? ;)
  8. Inkompetent

    DICE pays attention to PC Gamers, apparently

    Well, we'll see how the numbers turns up. I bet Codemasters have earned just as much as they hoped for with Dragon Rising since people are so quick to buy to test it, instead of waiting for player reviews (Yes, player reviews. The professionals want to be the buddies of the game companies or they won't get any interviews or free game copies to review, and thus won't have a job) or a demo. Since it (at this point) seem to be economically sound to lie to and rape your customers there's nothing speaking FOR that DICE would have any kind of professional pride or integrity. Still, I'm hoping.
  9. Inkompetent

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    I simply think it is more of "that kind of people" that play those games. A pity one can't asshole-filter the servers like with addons, so such people couldn't even connect :(
  10. As far as I've understood the campaign doesn't work on a dedicated server due to the missions not being designed for it. The localization of scripts and triggers are designed for a player being the host.
  11. Inkompetent

    Tank turret behavior

    You can't "lock" onto things with a tank. The fire control computers works with laser ranging and gunsight traverse speeds to calculate a firing solution for that distance and relative target movement. The sights are always gyro-stabilized to compensate for tank movement, or it would be impossible to even observe on the move, even less actually aim at something.
  12. Simply because of fundamental changes to unit layouts, and both unit and weapon behaviour that can screw mission balance (or even the possibility to win at all) over completely. For example stamina and backblasts are very good game-breakers for some missions.
  13. Inkompetent

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    Very nice analysis indeed! It was already known that RAM/SSD drives vastly improve ArmA2 performance, but it's lovely to get see some actual numbers on it :)
  14. Inkompetent

    PvP: An Endangered Species

    How can you possibly like playing against other humans?! Same kind of reasoning ^^ Different people have different goals. Some do NOT want to be competitive but rather enjoy a specific experience intended by the mission designer, rather than the experience being at the mercy of how your opponents play :)
  15. People have constantly been taking a piss at the blackouts with very little constructive feedback. It has been like 20 pages of repeated banter, and when the devs say that they have made a new stamina system and scrapped the old one NO ONE listens. What the hell did you think would happen? That they would hug you for filling the thread with pointless shit? Maybe one page total if summing up the posts of the last twenty is reasonably constructive. Complaining about something that doesn't even exist anymore is NOT constructive. ArmA Forums - Episode 1: The 4chan Menace.
  16. National constitution? Not even the politicians in Sweden knows that, even less the soldiers!
  17. Inkompetent

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I'm wondering, what IS wrong with the soldiers' hitpoint system in DR? They die with one shot to the head and 3-4 to the chest. Every single soldier in the game is carrying full body armour of what to me appears to be Class III or Class IVA. 5.56mm and 5.8mm SHOULDN'T penetrate that at one shot. That's what the vests are there for! And on the other hand a .50 rifle kills on one shot to the torso because it slams straight through the armour. Now what is the issue with that? You need something to complain about for the sake of complaining wether it is logical or not? DR has many, many, many faults indeed. But that's not one of them.
  18. Inkompetent

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Of course we judge it. Have you seen CM's support for their other games? You will be LUCKY if there's more than one half-assed patch for DR.
  19. Inkompetent

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I just think it is hillarous to see people's outrage. First CM go on with their extreme advertising and it's already then plainly obvious they don't care at all about OFP but just want to sell as much as possible, which with 110% certainty means the game will be so mainstream that other mainstream games seem unique and niched. And then people BUY the game to see if it is as much shit as they expect it might be. What's with that?! You've already given CM their money and they couldn't care less what you think about the game, since you've already paid for it! Gullible, gullible people. If you've paid $0.01 for the game you don't have a right to complain about being screwed over by the way the game is designed. By the bugs? Yes. By mainstream design choices? No way.
  20. ACE2 is about realism, and I can assure you that unless the soldier is just going to carry the rockets 100m from a vehicle to a defensive position he won't ever carry more than 3 at a time, and even that is heavy. If you face so many tanks you are playing poorly designed missions, or aren't even close to the number of AT soldiers the mission should be designed for.
  21. Inkompetent

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Well, the .50 isn't an assault rifle ^^ And there is a small climb in sights. Not much, but a little that do make a difference at longer ranges. I agree the offset could be bigger, but there's something about the how the gun moves with the recoil that I really find.. comfortable. Feels like the shoulder moves with the gun, while in ArmA it just feels like the gun rotates a bit around the axis of the shoulder.
  22. Inkompetent

    Shift left mouse click on map equals.. donut?

    Yes, it works when you have no group, since then you are technically the leader of a 1-man squad ;)
  23. Inkompetent

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Oh, one more thing I actually do like with DR. The feeling when firing semi auto with assault rifles.
  24. And if counting all variants of weapons (each variant of for example the M16A4 counts as one weapon), grenade types, and vehicle weapons I'm sure there are those advertised 81 weapons.
  25. Inkompetent

    CD key and original cd

    Simply put: One ALWAYS gets what one pays for. If it looks too cheap to be true, then it is.