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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Yep. I'm not representing anything at all. Just trying to explain engine limitations and how it has been done in the past, or what we've been showed or got explained this far about ACE2. I'm very happy to be corrected in the cases I'm wrong. :)
  2. Inkompetent

    Swine Flu has mutated!

    That example of 50-year taking the vaccination... He should probably never have done it since being in that state as a person it is pretty much potential suicide to let someone inject a weakened variant of the virus in him. Good riddance, I say. Indeed there are many doubts whether the vaccination is too strong or not. Personally I couldn't care less. It's silly. Most countries haven't had more than a few cases of people dying from the flu, most (or all) of them definitely in the risk-zone of death from ANY potent flu. Swine flu definitely feels like a scam. A very successful one though, considering how many millions of vaccine shots have been produced. I bet the CEOs of the medical corporations are bathing in money at the moment. ^^
  3. How long distances do you shoot at in that case? Five meters? Sit crouched for a while with iron sights up (no need to Hold Breath) and try to aim at something 200m away? The rear and front sight with misalign back and forth and it's practically impossible to get a good shot off. Have to be standing or prone to get good accuracy.
  4. Inkompetent

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Thanks for the update!
  5. Only gibs I've seen in SLX are people getting totally vapourized, but I guess I might not have seen enough. And yes, running speeds were adjusted in ACE, but they were under no circumstance adjusted on a loadout weight ratio. That's what the stamina was there for: to exhaust people quicker the more they carried, to prevent them from moving overly fast by penalizing an attempt in doing so. And I didn't say recoils can't be changed. I say that we are limited to the muzzle's vertical plane, with the shoulder as pivotal point of the recoil, and that it limits how much one can alter the recoil.
  6. Inkompetent

    Aeneas2020 WIP thread

    No rush, Aeneas! Do things at your own pace. You've churned out a lot for us to play with as it is! I'm sure it'll keep us busy for quite a few weeks ;) And cheers for the update!
  7. I can hop in quickly and comment the recoils. In ArmA2 one only modify recoil in the (muzzle's) vertical plane with the shoulder as attachment point for the weapon, around which it pivots. One can sure strive to make recoil feel as good as possible, but it will never become truly realistic since it'd require modding the game's binaries. Also, running speeds are animation-controlled, and animations are rigid. It's an engine limitation that it isn't really feasable to get around as far as I know. And gibs won't work afaik. It'd require entirely new models to replace the player model for each bit of limb removed. Hardly feasible to do, if realistically doable at all, and even then it wouldn't be combatible with any other existing unit mods or BIS units.
  8. Inkompetent

    SLX Mod WIP

    Nopes. Still no more clues about that crash, really. I'll try to get updated on what happened after I left, and during Sunday when I couldn't participate in the testing, and hopefully I can even get my hands on peopes' RPT files.
  9. Inkompetent

    Swine Flu has mutated!

    And in the end: So what if it kills some ten thousand people globally? It's not much really. Not compared to a lot of other stuff. We just don't care about the 'other stuff' as much since a lot of it stays in South America, Asia and Africa.
  10. Inkompetent

    Swine Flu has mutated!

    Heh, bring it on! Let it come and skip the stupid meds. Those that are healthy enough lives. Others don't. Way of life. We need to reuce the population of humans by 99.9% or something anyway to give the rest of Earth a fighting a chance against our stupidity, so why not let the flu help out a little? At least it'll slow down the relentless population increase a bit (world's population going to double in 50 years) :)
  11. Inkompetent

    SLX Mod WIP

    It seems from some posts of the higher-ups at TG that the birds are one of the major reasons for lag. Simply that the game spawns so many birds all over the place that it starts becoming quite a burden for the server (much like the reason why practically no single mission ever use the ambient wildlife module I guess). If it could be optimized to only keep birds close to the players existing I guess it'd be a bonus, and maybe decrease that amount of birds as well.
  12. Inkompetent

    Operation unknown wip

    Now those are beautiful!
  13. Inkompetent

    SLX Mod WIP

    I know that in the Swedish military they practice to reload it while both jogging and walking, and that's with the 200 round rigid box, and not the 100 round bag. Thing is that it's not that troublesome to hold the 7kg Minimi in one hand and holding 3kg of ammo with the other and put the box in place. After all the gunner can just drop his weapon and let it hang by sling while picking up the box from the combat vest, if he can't pull out a box with one hand. Secondly, on supersonic cracks, the firer of the weapon won't hear it, since the bullet never passes him. What little wizz/crack/snap that can be heard from the bullet travelling away from him will be drowned out (and likely deflected, but I don't know the exactness of that) by the muzzle blast of the weapon. Thus you'll only hear bullets flying past you. Not those fired by you. :)
  14. Inkompetent

    SLX Mod WIP

    Probably the one and only PBO file that has 'sounds' in it for sounds? :P And the one is REALLY self-explanatory as well. Just look at the PBOs and you'll find it.
  15. Inkompetent

    Australians at War Addon Team

    Well, considering the A6 is specifically designed to have an improved after-armour effect I bet it's really nice for that kind of use. Also sounds quite logical to me. After all that's what most AT4s tend to be used for as well, and it feels like having more and lighter shots seems sound in that case ^^ Thanks for the info! And I can answer for the disposables, since it relies on my addon: No, you won't be stationary. It'll simply be tossed off of the shoulder, and since we can move in ArmA2 while switching weapons and reloading you can move as soon as you've fired. As a little note on that: It'll be a good idea to give the launcher a proper mass in its geo lod. It'll counter the 'happy empty launcher' bug :)
  16. Well, we don't know when OA is coming, and the rucksack-code already existed since ACE1, with abit of need of improvement, polishing and adaptation to the new game :) Far from as much of a burden as writing an entirely new system ^^
  17. Inkompetent

    Aeneas2020 WIP thread

    M90 would be nice indeed! Splinter pattern camouflage isn't really common, but I think that the standard M90F (Fält) would work well in Chernarus!
  18. Inkompetent

    SLX Mod WIP

    Ohhh, also! A lil' request! Would it be possible to let LMGs (or MMGs as well if it can't be helped) reload on the move without going through overly much trouble? IRL it's no problem really to reload a SAW on the move, and even though I love the longer reload speeds it feels annoying to have to stop to reload such a light weapon, when all other things can be reloaded on the move. I don't mind if the M240 and PK variants aren't reloadable on the move though, since they are much heavier and bulkier weapon systems.
  19. Inkompetent

    SLX Mod WIP

    Well, the thing is that in SLX they can be putting suppressive fire onto an area several minutes after the last person there is dead or incapacitated, with no AI being able to see any survivors. I guess it's just that they don't actually see they kill them either, and thus never confirm a target as dead. And since they can't see the corpse they keep shooting. That's my theory of course, which might be wrong, but seeing half a platoon plus BMPs put down suppressive fire for minutes is both awesome and ridicilous ^^
  20. Inkompetent

    SLX Mod WIP

    Okay, here's the first batch of RPT errors. There are probably several errors in there that are because of mission bugs or that are BIS network errors, but included them to be on the safe side. Enjoy the read!
  21. Inkompetent

    Australians at War Addon Team

    Well, on the other hand there is a vast gap in armour between AFVs/APCs/IFVs and MBTs. A M72A6 is likely to penetrate most AFVs, APCs and IFVs apart from the absolutely most modern ones, even with its meager 150mm of armour penetration, and it is both much smaller and lighter than an AT4. That's unless the target has sharply angled armour, spaced armour plates, slat armour or ERA of course. It is more or less completely worthless against even old MBTs though, unless scoring a lucky hit, but since even an AT4 is more or less worthless against a MBT you need to step it up to heavier AT weapons anyway at that point.
  22. Inkompetent

    SLX Mod WIP

    By the way, what's with taking damage from shooting into the ground 2m beside oneself? Empty a mag with an assault rifle into the ground 1-2m away and one commits suicide with the splash damage. o0 ---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ---------- We're currently in the process of evaluating SLX on the TG servers atm, and we do crash regularily, getting memory leaks of 10MB/second on occasion. Unfortunately I haven't seen any script-errors for those occasions, so it seems to be a logical bug rather than something else. Have got a bunch of other script-errors though. I'll be posting a parse of the RPT log once we're done, trying to filter out what's mission bugs from what's SLX bugs.
  23. Inkompetent

    SLX Mod WIP

    I guess the bigger problem is that one needs a key for every single pbo, and with the speed he updates there are quite a few for admins to change. And also, SLX DOES NOT WORK ON SERVERS THAT DOES NOT RUN SLX. IT WILL CRASH THE SERVER. Lots of nice changes come at a cost ^^
  24. Inkompetent


    Due to how this addon works it can be a necessary evil. The addon catches the bullet after it is fired, and for weapons with a different muzzle velocity (in real life) than what is defined for the specific ammo type in the config the bullet will be slowed down. Since the AI aims by the values in the configs it won't be able to shoot properly and will likely aim too low, since it thinks the bullet goes faster than it actually does after this addon has slowed it down to appropriate speed. Until BIS lets us define a muzzleVelocityFactor or somesuch on a per-weapon basis this is the best solution available while keeping it compatible with servers/clients not using the addon.
  25. Inkompetent

    One thing that really bothers me

    What's hippie at all about his statement? o0