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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Inkompetent

    1.06 beta patches.. when?

    We'll probably see 1.06 and probably even more before we see any OA. There's still a lot to fix and improve, and with the new beta patch system we have I think we'll see a lot more happen a lot faster than it did for ArmA1. On top of that OA seem to be a big, expensive production, contrary to Queen's Gambit, so there's a lot of money in that basket, and I bet they want to polish their product (read engine) as much as possible before the release. Considering it's a stand-alone expansion it'll probably mean even more purchases than if it was dependant on ArmA2, which makes the polish so much more important for a successful release.
  2. Cargo-commands are only for weapons and ammo in the cargo space of vehicles. Soldiers have no cargo space. Your latter command seems right (although why not simply put the init-line stuff in the unit's init field in the editor, rather than in init.sqf? To add the GPS simply use this addWeapon "ItemGPS";
  3. Inkompetent

    Russian Spetsnaz

    Well, we *have* Spetsnaz in the game in Gorka-E, and we have MVD if you want the MASKA helmets...
  4. Inkompetent

    New to Multiplayer? (Read this guide)

    Add a questionmark to the headline and it's a hit! Nice job!
  5. Inkompetent

    Is this possible?

    You can take a sniper with ghillie suit, and by using the command setIdentity in his init-line, together with an identy configured to have the name "Squad Leader" he'll show up as Squad Leader when you point at him.
  6. AWESOME! Really been longing for this one!
  7. Really love the updates to both the F-16 and MapPlus! Keep it up! :D
  8. Inkompetent

    Footmunch/eddyD F-16 in ArmA 2

    Really awesome updates on the F-16! Automatic detection of RKSL and MMA, improved cockpit and so many goodies. It is definitely starting to feel matured now. Thumbs up! :D
  9. Inkompetent

    WarFX Particles

    No, it is a complete replacement. The first version included duplicates of ArmA2 files, which was completely unnecessary. For the new version Opticalsnare has sorted out a lot of the old issues, which among other things drastically reduced the download size :)
  10. Pretty, pretty things you got there NZX!
  11. Inkompetent

    Is it really that hard to run smoothly?

    Heck, I'm running at a single ATI HD4850 1GB and I have quite decent graphics settings (3000m view distance, PP and AA off, medium or higher on everything else), usually staying at 25fps or more, and I'm at a far older system than you have (Core2Duo [email protected], 2GB DDR2 RAM, WinXP Pro 32bit). Even though it'll be the bottleneck of your system it hardly stops ArmA2 from playing well, even if you don't get Crossfire to work like you want it to :)
  12. Inkompetent

    WarFX Particles

    Which is awesome since it maximizes compatability. ALL addons using eventhandlers of any kind should use it. Just use CBA and you'll have the XEH :)
  13. You need to have a script "handle" when doing that, so that you can reach the script while it is running if needed. The general convention for that, for scripts you don't care if you can reach when they are running or not, is to use "nul" as handle to make it: nul = this execVM "script.sqf"
  14. Need to straighten you people out on how mod parameters work. The order they are written in is only used if load priority cannot be sorted through the requiredAddons[] paramter. ACE is dependant on CBA, so regardless of where in the order CBA is written it WILL load before all components in ACE that require CBA are loaded (which I believe is designed so that it means all of them). In the above case the only important thing is to load Zeus and GL4 after ACE in the order one wants them. Could be fourteen more addons after ACE, and then CBA, and CBA would still get loaded before every single addon that requires it. :)
  15. Inkompetent

    How to protect a player on respawn?

    It can be syncronized through publicVariable or by creating game logics with the appropriate code in its init field.
  16. Inkompetent

    How to protect a player on respawn?

    This could always be used: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allowDamage
  17. Probably because it is twice as much work to monitor two forums, and because I suppose 90% or more of the community already is starting to get used to visiting dev-heaven ;)
  18. Inkompetent

    WarFX Particles

    Awesome, OpticalSnare! Thanks a lot for the update!
  19. Well, it can be achieved to 100% by playing missions that technically are multiplayer missions (i.e. started like a mulitplayer game) but designed for playing one player. That way you get all the controls you ask for, the player can choose his slots, and every single squad/vehicle can have their set of waypoints to make them work without player control. And since it can be achieved to 100% through creating a multiplayer game I don't think we'll see a feature like it added for singleplayer anytime soon.
  20. Inkompetent

    ARMA 2 Online Numbers?

    Unfortunately a lot of public servers won't offer more than that. Some will however, so keep on trying different servers. To my experience also, playing Domination or Warfare (to take some examples, but any generic randomized mission will do) on public servers tend to have less communication since people are "only there to shoot something" rather than actually work together. Can be worthwhile looking for alternative missions and small-size missions like 6 player coops since they can provide quite a stunning experience. Also, I'd recommend getting ACE2 (with ACEX) since a lot of servers have converted to it, and despite being beta is a real hit!
  21. Inkompetent

    Installed ACE , can't join ****

    And just because it hasn't been replied to yet: ACEX is the 'eXtras' part of ACE2, with additional weapons, vehicles, units and weapon sounds.
  22. Inkompetent

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Correct. The skill slider for a unit is a skill multiplier specific for that soldier/vehicle only. So regardless of your aiSkill and aiPrecision levels in your config, a soldier with a maxed skill slider will always have twice the skill of one with half a skill slider. (Okay, I'm not entirely certain if it'll be exactly twice as high. Might be hidden numbers affecting the skill levels, but you get the point :) )
  23. Nice idea! Looks really nice this far! As for vehicles, is it not possible to check a crew's/passenger's animation state to see if they are turned out or not, if no more simple solution exists? =/
  24. Inkompetent


    Definitely agree. And actually, to a big part, that's what CBA is all about. A common base for functions and extended eventhandlers for maximized compatability. I do agree Mando Missiles and CAVS (once done) should be included as well. The broader standard the better :)