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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Btw, Kinno. Recommend you use the
  2. Inkompetent

    Help with mission end

    Thanks for the forceEnd-suggestion W0lle. Didn't know about that one, but might help with my impossible-to-end missions (i.e. End #1 trigger fires, but everyone gets stuck with a BLACK OUT overlay). That's the way. You'll have soooo many less headaches if running windowed when editing ^^ Edit: Using a BLACK OUT effect with a "Mission Success" text I simply added the following to the On Activation line and it works beautifully: handle = [] spawn {sleep 5; forceEnd};
  3. Would probably have to be a script to make it work: Init: handle = this execVM "crate_content.sqf"; crate_content.sqf: _r = floor random 5; // Gives a number from 0-4, i.e. 5 different ones switch (_r) do { case 3: { this addWeaponCargo ["ClassName",Number]; this addMagazineCargo ["ClassName",Number]; }; case 4: { this addWeaponCargo ["ClassName",Number]; this addMagazineCargo ["ClassName",Number]; }; };
  4. Think we all can agree though that the main problem is that it doesn't throw a visible error, like "Error: Type ANY. Expected BOOL."
  5. Inkompetent

    Isla Duala

    Tried to search the thread but got no hits: What's the reason the BLUFOR (Afrenians) only got half as many magazine slots as the Molatians/Rebels?
  6. Inkompetent

    New Beta build 70100 is up!

    If you are using okt_noblur, disable it. It doesn't work for the last two betas. If you aren't using it, make sure that the shortcut is correct target: "/WhateverPathToYourInstall/ArmA 2/beta/arma2.exe" -mod=beta start in: "/WhateverPathToYourInstall/ArmA 2"
  7. Inkompetent

    New beta build 70054 is up!

    Aaaaand yet another beta is out at http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php ! 70100, with no documented changes in the .log file. They sure are churning them out fast now. ^^
  8. Okay. As I suspected then. Thank you. :)
  9. Oh, btw. Just out of curiosity. What is the difference between ACE_M72 and ACE_M72A2? They both appear to have identical configs in the config-browser, aside from that the ACE_M72A2 inherits the M136, and the ACE_M72 inherits the ACE_M72A2.
  10. Awww... Was looking forward to the beta! But then again, there's no waiting too long for one waiting for something good!
  11. Inkompetent

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Maps can be limited by missions makers. The mission can be confined to a particular zone and it's easy to kill people stepping out of it. There's even a BIS-made function for it in the in-game functions library. I do indeed think though that it can be good to limit the freedom. People see the huge map, and even though the mission is just intended to be played on a small part it might be intimidating for a more casual player, or one not used to the works of ArmA. And as far as PvP goes too much freedom can be a game-killer unless the mission is made to be low-intensity. If everyone gets too spread out and it's hard to find something to shoot at the shooter-game loses its charm to a lot (most?) players.
  12. Inkompetent

    M4 Carbine config for ACEX

    No worries, Panda! I assumed that the lack of basic M4s was because no one had made M4 models. Only M4A1s. So it was either due to lack of time/other priorities among the model makers, or it was to keep the size of ACEX down. Either way it's nice with an alternative config, even if the model now is a tiny bit wrong ^^
  13. Inkompetent

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Goes for every single game that the majority of the players never visit the official forums and simply 'play the game'. Nothing unique about ArmA2's situation at all. And since ArmA2 (unlike for example the Battlefield series, regardless of branch of it) isn't specifically tailored to be pretty much exclusively played in multiplayer you'll see a lot of people that doesn't buy it for that purpose. Then of course there are people that'd probably like multiplayer. They just don't know it yet. Those are harder to catch. But the state of ArmA2 public multiplayer (which is to a great part to blame on admins, to a degree on publically released multiplayer missions, and to a degree on the still pretty much broken VON) is hardly anything I'd see making most people interested in multiplayer. Rather the opposite.
  14. Ahh, thanks. And as far as that effect of the sound goes I guess it might very well be what they sound like with proper hearing protection. I wouldn't know. But it definitely killed the immersion ^^
  15. Anyone else have had their weapon sounds go totally bonkers in the latest (friday) update? Every single weapon now feels weak to the sound. Can't explain it better than saying that the 'bang' is gone. The guns are silent and unrecognizable. Just curious if it's only me, or if more have the issue.
  16. Inkompetent

    M4 Carbine config for ACEX

    Awesome! Always bugged me that regular units have been given A1s in ACE. Thanks for the 'fix'!
  17. Inkompetent

    tank FCS poll

    A new FCS would definitely be welcome. However I think that the makeshift FLIR (the radar) is decent enough as it is. Maybe with FLIR getting into the game the 'digital map' suggestion will be nice. Don't really know. But for now the 'radar' is doing its job well enough. Laser ranging and lead calculation based on range and turret traversion speed is needed though, since at the moment the tab-targeting only adjusts for elevation.
  18. Radial commands however risk become very slow, even if it is a more intuitive system and easy to use for newcomers. Not to mention that it risks 'blocking' other controls (like the ability to fire) and your field of view. A radial command system can be awesome, but due to complexity of the commands existing in the game a lot of them can't be easily translated into a raidial menu without making it 10x more complicated to use than the current way. And what radial menu did good ol' OFP have? I can only recall the usual 1-0 number menu (unless you mean that horrid abomination made by Codemasters?).
  19. Aside from the most basic commands I'd say that the current system is the fastest one. Quick and fairly easy-to-learn number-sequences means that lots of commands can be given quickly. The only area currently needing improvement is to enter specific positions in vehicles or loot ammo/weapons from bodies, since it's kind'a hard to find the 'right one' in the list.
  20. Inkompetent

    Persian Hammer

    Ohhh, really pretty stuff! About the Spetsnaz btw, what branch of armed forces will they be from? VDV? Army?
  21. Ah, yeah. Looked again on YouTube, and not the hotlinked mini-format video here, and saw it was but a CCIP one. Still, a CCIP pipper is super-fantastic news. :) Heck, rocket cue, gun cue, CCIP pipper. It's so beautiful it's crazy! The HUD is the prettiest I've seen in history of OFP/ArmA for sure <3
  22. Did I not only see a gun cue on the HUD there, but a CCRP pipper? That looks like pure sex!
  23. Inkompetent

    ACE2 Command Line for Dedicated Servers

    That's a thing that the forum does to very long words :)
  24. In addition to the above: Run the game with -showScriptErrors in the shortcut. Makes error messages that are logged in the RPT file also pop up in-game, so you can see exactly when it encounters an error. I do however not have a clue why the darn waitUntil {player in chopper}; wouldn't be enough though =/
  25. Inkompetent

    Persian Hammer

    Those screens are better than sex! Keep it up! :D