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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Inkompetent

    2010 and still warping/lag

    What bandwidth do you have on your internet connection, and what missions is it you are attempting to play? I am from Sweden and I tend to play on Texas-servers with about 200 ping and I don't notice neither lagging or warping, and most people as far as I know from my years playing ArmA1 and 2 online don't suffer problems other than the in-game voice chat breaks up, unless there's something terribly wrong at their end.
  2. Inkompetent

    Questions & suggestion

    It can all be done with mission-specific scripting (thus not even needing a mod for it, but all is contained in the mission itself). Maybe not the easiest to do, but perfectly doable.
  3. Inkompetent

    Knife proposal

    Indeed! Which is why one carries a sword for melee combat, so that one has the advantage in reach. :P We need scots with claymores people! Not fecking K-BARs!
  4. Inkompetent

    Knife proposal

    Which demands you actually hit a minimal (and probably moving) target with a weapon demanding massive amounts of more practice than a gun for the same accuracy, and that you actually attack from the front which means he'll shout a warning even before you finish your throw, so people nearby are alerted anyway. Throwing knifes are a Hollywood-weapon. They aren't designed to kill a target to start with. They give you the opportunity to WOUND your target before you close the distance, so that you have the advantage when engaging in melee combat. Even ninjas don't use throwing weapons to kill. They use shurikens as melee weapons that CAN be thrown if needed, and same with the throwing knifes.
  5. Inkompetent

    [OA] Leanin' while in vehicles

    Think the alignment takes about 8 minutes in the F-16 (generally needs to reach 10.0/30 before takeoff), so not especially fast unfortunately. Although not terribly slow either :)
  6. Inkompetent

    Knife proposal

    Throwing knifes? Seriously? What's the point of knifes if it causes your enemy to scream at the top of his lungs in agony? Could just as well shoot him with an unsilenced pistol in that case.
  7. Personally I think mine and zGuba's co-developed solution (and what is present in ACE with slight modification) is the best system for disposable launchers, at least considering how I've got the impression that OA is working (i.e. you carry either a launcher or a ruck. Can't carry both. I don't have OA yet, so correct me if I'm wrong), turning it into a concious decision of a single AT-shot, or extra ammunition (possibly extra AT rounds for other AT-gunners), making it a "more AT launchers or more ammo for fewer AT launchers"-situation. ACE (ArmA2 version) got the additional weight management to help it out and launcher + back slot for ruck + launcher, so it's a completely other beast and can't really be compared with OA (yet). On another note satchel charges should take more space considering how bulky they are, as a simple solution. At the very least 3 slots a satchel. Maybe 4.
  8. ArmA already does that for terrain. However NOT for buildings. But I think that is a concious decision from the developers because - as STALKERGB says - without it most computers couldn't possibly keep up with loading the needed textures when something pops up, so the game keeps them loaded into memory for fast enough access. Plain gray objects/buildings would be a common sight otherwise =/
  9. Inkompetent

    would this be considered warez?

    How fast is a sprocket download then? Can't be *that* bad, can it? Even then I don't think you'd be able to play the game without your Sprocket download, since FADE would likely be triggered by your torrented version and thus successively break your game.
  10. Inkompetent

    anyone remember m1 tank platoon?

    Campaigns can be designed that actually, with campaign-specfic 'keys' depending on the outcome of earlier missions and stuff like that, the keys being used to tell the next mission what to do and what not to do. I'm not that well versed in campaign-making though, but it does sound like a technical nightmare if one wants big diversity in missions depending on earlier results. It is definitely doable though. Definitely. Just a lot of scripting-headache. :)
  11. Inkompetent

    Taxiing of helicopter

    Simple (although a bit odd) solution: Reverse it. Have breaks on per defeault, and force the person to hold a 'break release' to let the helicopter taxi. For a scripted solution it'd work fairly easily. For a solution directly hooked into the existing engine - not so much.
  12. Inkompetent

    recoil for mounted, static weapons

    I'd say that we should optimally get single shot super-accuracy (to the weapon's capability) while full-auto would cause wider dispersion and camera shake, without moving the sights. I.e. the weapon rocking in its seat, the barrel and housing vibrating, and so on being the issue, rather the shooter's body moving and the compensation of muscle-memory not being enough. I'm not really sure how the game works for that. There is only one single dispersion-value which is applied to all rounds, right? And the rest is stability and recoil forces for different stances?
  13. Inkompetent

    Holy keypresses Batman ...

    Only way to change UI colour is by addons. I don't know their names however, but they do exist (search on Armed-Assault.info or Armaholic.com or some other such place and you should find it. At least for ArmA2. Dunno if anything has been released for OA). I can't say I've experienced a difference in movement speed on the mouse either when zooming in and I too use a MX518, but have you tried to play with different DPI-settings on the mouse? Might be that too high or low settings weird out when zoomed? As for keybinds - yes, it is a bit clunky when thinking of the actual command interface that might need a lot of button action, meaning you have to stop to issue commands. Most other things are easily reachable though. Action menu on the mouse, other keys on V, F, R, Z, X, C, Shift and Ctrl. If you want to reduce the amount of keys you have to use, think of that you can use modifiers in the game, like Shift+M for minimap, or double-tap keybinds like double-tapping Ctrl to switch stance between 'safe' and 'high ready' (to mention some defaults). That way most stuff that you use frequently can be moved to be within easy reach.
  14. Inkompetent

    recoil for mounted, static weapons

    There's a huge difference between 'recoil' and 'muzzle climb'. All bitching I see is about muzzle climb. The mounted weapons should have feelable recoil, be it through camera shaking or animation (since many mounted weapons are mounted with a recoiling spring letting the weapon travel straight backwards towards the gunner it feels pretty natural with animation. As long as it is *something* to make it go from perfectly stable, to 'merely vastly superior to non-mounted weapons'. Should of course only be subtle though, or it defeats half the purpose of the weapon.
  15. Inkompetent

    Get plane weapons right.

    I guess one issue is the bold text here "thrusttime = 10; engine burn time, after that, ballistic trajectory used", since if that is correct for missiles as well, and not only rockets, we might have an issue. Do missiles stop steering onto their target after the thrust-time is over or not? The primary method of defeating missiles (in BVR fighting) after all is to out-fly their engine, and then force the missile to keep turning causing it lose energy until it no longer manages to keep up with the plane.
  16. Inkompetent

    Game Length diplay.

    There are server browser websites having that feature. I do agree though that it could be nice to have in-game as well.
  17. Inkompetent

    Get plane weapons right.

    It's a tough subject indeed. I guess that basically we'd need another icon on the screen telling if the locked target is within range, and it'd be up to the pilot if to fire or not (for example if the target is headed away from you he'll out-fly the missile, but towards you he'd be in range). I don't really use anything with lock-on capability at all in the game, but to my knowledge there's a square on the HUD for a target, and an overlayed diamond for a solid weapon lock. So if that was reduced to a square for a locked target, and a diamond over that for when the target is within theoretical weapons range (regardless of target's speed and relative heading) it could be enough. Or the audio-tone of a solid beep or an IR-missile's growl. That'd be a quite basic implementation, yet making it universally working without specific knowledge of weapons ranges. All one needs is some basic understanding and common sense not to fire at the edge of the envelope if the enemy isn't headed straight towards you. On the matter with configs I sympathesize though. It is quite sad with such issues when one can't config the stuff properly. But what values are generally needed for a missile? Acceleration power, agility, drag, engine burn time, max speed, and fuze range? I can't see the need to make it very much more complex than that to get believable missile flight models.
  18. Inkompetent

    Multirole, Fighters

    That's because of the nature of the war. UK had no land-based air fields and instead had to fight with a carrier air group, i.e. Harriers. A necessity of naval-based warfare rather than a preference ;)
  19. Inkompetent

    Stinger missiles seem useless.

    Which still is bugged though, since only the most modern and expensive aicraft have launch flash detectors, which is the only way to my knowledge one can by machines detect an incoming passively guided missile. Popping flares is a thing done by intuition and tactical procedures - a precaution against missile launches, since unlike an actively guided missile (for example radar guided) you get no missile lock warning. I do understand however that such a thing is hard to code for the AI, but then at least it should be more random if they use flares or not, and how successful flares are (flares are launched several at a time in pre-programmed sequences for a reason. You need to spew them out for a fairly good success rate).
  20. That was in ArmA1 afaik. As far as I've understood the ArmA2 engine it is fully capable of higher rates of fire, instead stacking and delaying shots into the next displayed frame, since the graphical FPS and script-FPS are two distinctly different things.
  21. Inkompetent

    Knife proposal

    Well, not saying that there has to be any advanced physics and a modelled sling, but the weapon has to go somewhere, all unit skeletons have to be updated to support the feature, and I'd expect there to be new animations for dropping the rifle and pulling the knife, and putting away the knife and re-grabbing the rifle, in addition to the attack animation and combat stance. Just saying that if we want it any properly done it's a fair amount of dev hours that we might want to see invested in other (much more used) things first.
  22. I want to play TvT, but I sure as *beep* don't want it to be Berzerk. Even AAS is a stretch for me because even though I like the game mode I don't like the way people tend to play it. I did however have the opportunity to play in the roughly 100-player TvT between TacticalGamer, ShackTac, and what more group it was (it was three communities) with organized and structured battles, and that was really awesome. However it's kind'a hard to pull off on public servers without the presence of a very strict admin, so I understand that kind of mission doesn't get a lot of space, which is sad. So at least on my part public TvT is dead (heck, public coop is too. Free-for-all domination servers or too-many-hour Warfare? Bleh.). Communities. Communities. Communities. That's where ArmA lies :)
  23. Inkompetent

    Knife proposal

    Sure, knifes could be good IF the game simulated lack of space to maneuver even better. I can think of two things that'd motivate a close combat weapon: 1) Out of ammunition when in VERY close quarters combat, moving the few meters to the corner where your opponent is to chop him up. 2) When colliding with an enemy at such close range one can't use the weapon (like the US Ranger in Iraq that pulled his tomahawk after kicking in a door, since he was so close to an insurgent he couldn't raise his rifle) Understand though that this also necessates a system for grappling/wrestling at the very least. Also understand that the knife isn't really ever a prefered weapon. You'll get detected if you try to go for a stealth kill with a knife. Silenced weapons exist for a reason. Knifes, as far as their utility as a weapon goes, is a last resort or when engaging enemies at bayonet range (like assaulting a house). just to get a good hit on a soldier with a knife today is a tough business since you can't just stab their guts with all that body armour and magazine puches and everything in the way. It's bound to be loud and anything else than quick to fight with a knife. And since a good knife-system will take a long time to develop... skip it. There are more important things to spend development time on than something that's used once every time a full moon and eclipse coincides simultanously. PS. Oh, and right. We need a system simulating the weapon sling as well so one can just drop the rifle or knifes will be even more useless. That's even more development time for ya. ---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ---------- Yes, but that also assumes the enemy doesn't have a loaded assault rifle and a couple of hundred rounds of extra ammunition. We're supposed to look at WAR scenarios between decently equipped military forces are we not? Not Rwanda genocide against unarmed civilians or Bitchy Bob gutting Rapper Ray in an alley behind a titty bar.
  24. Inkompetent

    Tow missile on AH-1Z

    Could always look at how the TOW and Metis static weapons are configured. I have no access to the game though, so can't really give more help than that. Alternatively check ACE to see how they did it for their AH-1W. I'm not sure if it is configed, or part of the air FCS of the mod.