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Everything posted by Inkompetent

  1. Inkompetent

    Thank you bohemia for latest patch

    Just that in that vid some words in the song are missing, which is why I linked the original :)
  2. Inkompetent

    Thank you bohemia for latest patch

    Just because you said "Thank you Bohemia" -DLJPr2lyno
  3. Inkompetent

    DLC - bigger and new maps

    For a good, new, big map I think it'd rather suit a proper expansion than DLC, so a 'no'-vote from me. Maps are nice, but from a developer point of view it seems more sane to give a big nice map in the same kind of release as OA.
  4. Inkompetent

    Gun myths

    Yep. No matter how well made, it is still just a reflex-suppressor. Dunno how much one *can* advance in that area aside from trying to reduce the zero-shift.
  5. That's exactly where you are wrong. 'A lot' can't happen, because they have the game design ironed out, and will hardly sit down and rework the entire development plan. It's not an indie company that can take the time they want to make the game they want. This is a company which works for the suits, and the suits don't like waiting for their money. It'll be a tight schedule, and I don't doubt the posts about the budget cuts for RR and it being a rushed no-content version of DR. I wouldn't trust much money to such a fail-studio either after DR.
  6. Inkompetent

    New aircraft damage? Please?

    Definitely agreed. The instant exploding at the moment is quite... irritating. That the helicopter is trashed and everyone inside is hurt/very badly hurt - yes. But we should be able to crash land, turning the helo into more or less of a wreck, without becoming one huge fireball.
  7. Strategy-Informer doesn't seem very informed! :D
  8. Best porn vid I've seen in quite a while! AWESOME! That vehicle in particular is something I'm really longing for (Soviet-Afghan war missions) !
  9. Inkompetent

    New Recoil and the AK-74 Series

    A compensator and a muzzle break are two different things though. A compensator's main purpose is to reduce recoil movement in the vertical plane (up/down and left/right), while a muzzle break's is to reduce the recoil force backwards. The AK-74's muzzle break doesn't guide the gases as much upwards (to prevent muzzle climb) as the standard M16/M4 one, but very effectively reduces the recoil force back into the shoulder of the shooter.
  10. Inkompetent

    Project RACS

    Mmmm! Nice! Those pics makes my pants feel small!
  11. Inkompetent

    Mounted machine gun accuracy

    A certain Carlos Hathcock proved that M2HB machinegun (i.e. .50 BMG ammo) can be very, very, very accurate. So accurate in fact he mounted a sniper scope on one to test, and managed to first-shot-kill a target at 2,286 meters. So indeed the first shot accuracy should in general be very high on most machine guns (heavy, long-barreled weapons using ammo with good ballistics), but as others say they are purposefully designed to saturate an AREA with fire (either through the weapon platform or weapon itself being instable by a certain amount), and automatic should be anything but dead accurate.
  12. Inkompetent

    New Behavior Mode: CHARGE

    This is a quite nice idea. The AI focusing on the general area of the point, or the building itself they are ordered to assault, putting down suppressive fire with the cover group while the other group moves during bounding, and do so until they are there and can confirm 'target clear'.
  13. For the Hind it should be like that. You need about a magazine to get through the windshield on the Hind with an AK-74 in ArmA2, but all the glass on the sides in the canpoy are only plexiglass and thus not bullet proof at all.
  14. Inkompetent

    New Behavior Mode: CHARGE

    Charges are definitely used today by professional military, but they are so together with suppressive fire. You never assault something without a lot of suppression. And even then you'd preferably not assault from the front. A squad can be micromanaged by a human leader to leapfrog with two fire teams and suppress an enemy position, but indeed it would be nice to get some built-in behaviour for it. The AI can... sort of do it atm with some people covering and some moving. A definite improvement over ArmA2. But there's still more to wish for :) Other than it'd indeed be awesome with Soviet/China 'Cold War'-style human waves of rushing and gun-blazing enemies, overwhelming by sheer numbers.
  15. The Apache's canopy is indeed rated to be bulletproof against 12.7mm (.50 cal), but even then it doesn't mean it can't be shot to bits. Just means that each window should survive X number of .50 rounds. I'm not surprised that close range AK fire (i.e. heavy bullets coming fast) in some cases would manage to get through if enough rounds hit the same window.
  16. Inkompetent

    Gun myths

    If looking in detail at how it works when firing you are of course right. I just didn't go that much into detail (and I did mention the barrel being special-designed in my post). The end result for the shooter is a bullet 'lowered' to subsonic speeds though, even though it in more exact terms indeed would be a bullet never having been accelerated to supersonic :)
  17. Inkompetent

    Make MG gunner to be able to carry backpack

    This. It's just silly with people wanting to be one-man armies.
  18. Inkompetent

    Gun myths

    About 30.000 rounds. So the firing life isn't the issue really. Won't have to buy new ones often. But indeed they are expensive if you need tens of thousands of them.
  19. Inkompetent

    Gun myths

    That's exactly what is so good, but also exactly why standard infantry isn't issued with them. Even though a suppressor will increase your muzzle velocity and make you more accurate neither of them will make any real difference for a grunt's capability to fire, it'll add weight and cost money, and they'll make so much noise anyway (especially when the machine guns open up) that it defeats the purpose of being harder to discover. An assault rifle does have good enough reach to benefit from the sound masking, but probably not for line infantry. Special forces, snipers/spotters and recon squads on the other hand though...
  20. Inkompetent

    Gun myths

    Because the 'sub' in 'submachinegun' is for its size. Not the velocity of its bullets :) Pistol rounds are borderline-supersonic already (some are above, some below. Depends on caliber, load and bullet weight), and when you put them in the longer barrel of a submachinegun the velocity goes up even more. And that's for example why the MP5SD drops its ammunition to subsonic with its pressure-lowering barrel/suppressor design: It can then use standard, fairly high-velocity 9mmP ammunition and still avoid the supersonic crack.
  21. Inkompetent

    Mounted machine gun accuracy

    Correct. Vehicles (which all mounted guns counts as) are not affected by suppression. Thumbs up on this suggestion.
  22. Unfortunately public multiplayer in general for ArmA2 is the pure definition of 'terrible', but don't give up hope. There are many communities with many different styles of play and preferences (COOP, CTF, TDM, Warfare, CIT, AAS, and many more modes), and even though COOP in general is the more popular one there are still several community-run servers that focus on PvP at different scales, some more casual-friendly, some more hardcore. Have a look at the Multiplayer-forum, and at the Squads & Fanpages forum, and you'll probably find something to get hooked on. :)
  23. Inkompetent

    Reviews and Revenues

    Generally I do not give the gaming press much credit. Sites like IGN are so obviously playing into the hands of the game industry, giving so biased reviews that I barely read them anymore. Someone has to specifically mention when they do write a review worth a damn for me to go to their websites. Swedish FZ.se is the only site I read regularily because they've kept a quite unbiased standing with their reviews. I don't know if it depends on the reviewers themselves or if FZ has changed their policy a bit, but it doesn't feel just as good nowadays as it did before. What has most effect on me in written form are post-release articles. Not the ones made to promote a game to start with, but that gives a view on it after the initial feelings have settled and the reviewer has become more objective, and with that increases the importance of good user reviews since the professional media rarely writes these articles. All in all most professional articles could be reduced to a list of bulletin points with what the game has/doesn't have, since the opinions on what it has or doesn't have tend to be too positive either way. I'm a picky customer (at least when it comes to full-prize games, rather than buying them at a 75% sale, where I buy most of my games), so just putting a positive adjective between every three words throughout an article isn't incentive enough to make me open my wallet. I did for a while subscribe to PC Gamer, but their importance as a news media has decreased dramatically with online news, and I still find them lackluster in the more in-depth reviews of games, mods and special events, where I feel their worth lies, even though they are improving. Suffice to say, despite all the 'awesome' reviews of games like CoD, Assassin's Creed, and other hyped up games I do (for full-prized games) boycot Activision, Ubisoft and Codemasters. EA is a fine balancing act, but I think they've improved a bit lately from having been the nemesis of the gaming industry. BIS and Paradox Interactive, and some other eastern-block and indie-developers are the only ones getting my money nowadays. Word of mouth and demos are in the end the biggest incentive for me to buy something.
  24. Inkompetent

    155mm artillery and 120mm mortar

    Agreed that I'd rather have light mortars instead of even more flavours of (often too) heavy artillery. The British L9A1 51mm och 60-640 60mm mortars, or the US M224 60mm mortar. Something that can be carried into the field by infantry, and used for short range indirect fire, that doesn't make a crater out of half the countryside like the current artillery does.
  25. Inkompetent

    Stance indicator

    Or maybe ArmA has something to learn from the 'mainstream' stuff as far as user-friendlyness goes? It's hardly game-breaking, and that kind of cues do serve a purpose (just like a cue for grenade throwing-power and what body part is wounded, since only badly injured legs or injured arms are apparant to the player) since it is stuff we should know without having to guess or look at ourselves. Most of the time one can easily know if one is standing or not. Not 100% of the time however.