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Everything posted by IrishGuy

  1. Trained in human-wave attacks too i bet.
  2. IrishGuy

    Wal*Mart Sign

    Wal-Marts down in the south are alot better than those Yankee Wal-Marts!!
  3. IrishGuy

    Wal*Mart Sign

    Your only hurting yourself.
  4. IrishGuy

    Wal*Mart Sign

    You've gotta be shittin me!! Now I've seen everything on OFP!!
  5. The most recent version has a recoiless rifle. I think its a 106mm.
  6. I agree. Maybe you should focus on a NK pack. The NKs get alot of their hardware fom China so you really wouldnt be making that big of a change except for uniform skins.
  7. I think there is one in the Malvinas mod.
  8. I think there is one in the Malvinas mod.
  9. IrishGuy

    Latvian units

    Do you have a link?
  10. IrishGuy

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    I'm immature? The only think you can find as a comeback is a minor mistake. Now thats immature I still think it would 10x as better if you took the time to make your own from scratch. It just shows you have no skill so you have to leach off the skill of other people. I pity you
  11. IrishGuy

    Latvian units

    I'm not offtopic so bug off....
  12. IrishGuy

    Latvian units

    I the only eastern european army I respect are the Estonians,because they dont run from a fight like the Poles,Ukrainians,Bulgars,etc.,etc.
  13. IrishGuy

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    Why go I get the feeling you more or less tweaked the other ACU addons and now are trying to pawn it off as your own?
  14. IrishGuy

    Project UK Forces

    Will you be making a campaign or is this strictly a addon deal?
  15. IrishGuy

    Project UK Forces

  16. IrishGuy

    Project UK Forces

    So is that a yes? If so will there be units like the Royal Irish Regiment and the Irish Guards?
  17. IrishGuy

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter gets official name

    The F-35 is a complete waste of money. The last thing the USAF needs is a new plane when they got so many good planes that they can use all the money it cost to build the F-35 and upgrade the hell out of all the planes it set to replace. Thats why I say the USAF is a bunch of dumb asses who just know how to spend money like spoiled rich kids.
  18. IrishGuy

    Project UK Forces

    will there be like black watch units or anything like that?
  19. IrishGuy

    Release of the Blindo FIAT 6614 by PedagneMOD

    I didnt insult him... NOW back on topic. Great Addon!!!!
  20. IrishGuy

    Release of the Blindo FIAT 6614 by PedagneMOD

    Give him a break Placebo.....You always ruin the fun for other people....
  21. IrishGuy

    Conspiracies: The Experience

    Could you put in english please? I say it yet again.....
  22. IrishGuy

    Conspiracies: The Experience

    Could you put in english please?
  23. IrishGuy

    SF Truck?

    Has anyone tried to make this into an addon?
  24. IrishGuy


    How far along is LoBo Addon Pack #3?
  25. IrishGuy

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Thats because your prolly in the 28% percent area who thinks Bush is God and everyone else are sinners and should be damned........