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Everything posted by ingram

  1. ingram

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Great pics eddyD, are there needed some scripts to put the planes on the carrier? If yes, can You write me on the PM? FFUR 2005
  2. ingram

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    I have to download the Asian Crises again. When I was instaling it, it reported me that the installation canot be done because some data in Asian Voices and Llauma sky is invalid. So I want to question. Is it really something wrong with it, or have I to download this again? I had the same when I first downloaded the FDF 1.3 and I had to download it again. After the second downloadt everything was ok and there was no problems in instalation. So after I download the FFUR 1985 Woodland, Im gonna download Asian Crises again. Its a little bit not nice because it was an 6 hours of downloading, and I must wait for it double.
  3. ingram

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    One question:) Where I can get this KA25 Chopper? I have seen it on the end of the carrier:)
  4. ingram

    Mercenaries 1

    Can't wait untill I put them into the FFUR! Great pics neph:)
  5. ingram

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Hehe, dzieki Rain:) Parvus, this screen with SU27 is sweet:) WIth F14 and Nimitz is good two:) But the carrier looks empty:)
  6. ingram

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    FFUR 2005 P.S Great screens Parvus, a specially this with SU27
  7. ingram

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    OMG! I played in the Retaliation campaign again in FFUR! OMFG! The best mod ever made and the bestcampaign! Both they are great! Thank You guys for the glorious FFUR! Great work! Great work! Great Work!:D:D:D:D:D:D:
  8. ingram

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    FFUR is great:) This is the best mod for OFP:) after the FDF mod:) Units and animations are great:) When I played the "Steel the Car" mission on FFUR Malden, it was just sweet! Great job guys!
  9. ingram

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Short rest Marine Assault Pack/ My favourite MT-LB pack from Desert OFP/ Winter Nogojev/ UWAR Grass Eddyd, Yep...Newland is my favourite island for screens
  10. ingram

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    This pictures are great, and the cities look so realistic:) Pictures like this are makeing me more jaleous for this people who have VBS1
  11. ingram

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Winter MT-LB/RHS/WInter Nogojev
  12. ingram

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    THX Mefiu:) But You should post it in the Comments topic:) Sea Stallion Tank Column on Nogojev KH&INQ M1A2/Nogojev/SEP MH-53/HAWK Nimitz/USS Tarawa
  13. ingram

    Red Hammer Studios

    Shadow. I have readed the PM. I understand now:) I have given You a reply:)
  14. ingram

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    My respect for Red Hammer Studios CSLAII with the RHS T80 tank/ RF Motorized infantry/Some Island that I don't renember
  15. ingram

    Iron & Steel

    A&M like Anime & Manga? I hope that this is not strange allusion to me, because this are my passions:) Sled, Give me in ICQ my jobs to do because this is a nice project.
  16. ingram

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Thanks Daniel, and also great screens of Yours:)
  17. ingram

    Mercenaries 1

    No. Don't understand me wrong. I didn't wrote anything about that neph is makeing this addons for herself. I just wanted to mark, that people are always shouting when some release date is not at the time. Daniel, and thats the spirit:) I am going to make some screens:) Maby about Jets:)
  18. ingram

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    US NAVY Jets CWK A4/F14 and F4 from TMD/CWK Objects/LSR Men
  19. ingram

    Mercenaries 1

    stanley. that Was not very nice. She did a great job, and I will wait for her work, for week, year, century. She is one of the people who are makeing things very good. Its easy to say "Why it isn't released yet?". If we try to make our own addon, we can see how hard it is. And she is a very respected person for me. Neph. sorry for me when I was asking when is the release date. Make the things good as always:) You are the best:) BTW. Sorry for my bad english:P
  20. ingram

    Red Hammer Studios

    with Which scrpits do You have problems ?
  21. ingram

    Mercenaries 1

    Tommorow is weekend:) Can't wait for the release. Great job neph:)
  22. ingram


    Happy BDay my friend:)
  23. ingram

    Red Hammer Studios

    Ok^^ but it looks great^^ better than the T80 from ORCS^^. I will still wait for the pack^^. P.S Need a beta testers?