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Everything posted by Ironsight

  1. Ironsight

    enough fictious islands ....

    Bushfires was working on a Djibouti map. Due to lack of members we had to put it on hold LLW is working on a Bonaire island which is also a real location
  2. Ironsight

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    What's he talking about? Chavez was democratically elected, he's not a dictator. Chavez political career: Decide for yourself if he's a dictator. Dictator is such a large definition IMO
  3. Ironsight

    Semper Fidelis

    Mechanic's, carrier crew? Either way they look good EDIT: Ahhh ground crew and pilots
  4. Only the island anims need to be put in the main addons directory. The island pbo's can be put in a mod folder
  5. Ironsight

    original BIS soldier

    It has a head, look in buldozer and in the next LOD
  6. Ironsight


    Tried it out yesterday and I must say it's a really good island. Everything looks very realistic and there are lots of mission possibilities given the fact that you included for example realistic borders and a refugee camp. Though there are still quite a few bugs and things I didn't like: 1. Palm forests fall as it is one tree so you will see palms hanging in the mid air. 2. Can't run over the market stalls, which should be done quite easily with a Merkava, but it looks now like a big block of croncrete. 3. Flickering harbours in Eilat. If you higher or lower the docks a bit it should be solved. 4. I had quite some lag, I don't know if it's because of my computer but it lags even more then Tonal 5. Some buildings had missing textures, can't remember which buildings it were though. 6. I don't know if you used the BIS appartments or your own but I have some lightning problems on them, sharping the edges should solve that. If you solve these things it's a great island and then it would deserve a 9/10
  7. Ironsight

    Revolution 1983 - New Resist, No AddOn campaign

    Going to try this out, hope to give feedback later
  8. Ironsight

    Lightening the Mood

    I blame the rap culture
  9. Ironsight

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    Looks good. I would only reduce the amount of rust "stains". Iraq is a pretty dry country and from what I have seen tanks were (when they were captured in GW and IF) in pretty good condition actually
  10. Ironsight

    Newbie with addons

    Yes, you will need mod folders to work. All this is explained in The Avonlady's OFP FAQ. Search for "mod folders"
  11. Ironsight

    Newbie with addons

    Yes, you will need mod folders to work. All this is explained in The Avonlady's OFP FAQ. Search for "mod folders"
  12. Ironsight

    Newbie with addons

    Place the PBO file of the addon in the "addons" folder in your Flashpoint directory and after then they will show up in the mission editor. It's as simple as that
  13. Ironsight

    Newbie with addons

    Place the PBO file of the addon in the "addons" folder in your Flashpoint directory and after then they will show up in the mission editor. It's as simple as that
  14. Ironsight

    Everon Defence Force soldiers

    Light vehicle is planned. We will look into it. But for now it's safe to say we stick to a simple recon/cas plane. Have no idea what's causing it. Have you installed JAM2 properly. Maybe Sorry for the lack of updates recently most members are busy working on other projects. Once we have a weapons pack for these guys and a vehicle or two maybe we will release something of a new pack again
  15. Ironsight

    WP Soldiers mini mod v0,4

    Whoot, more WPS. What's added and improved over version 0.35?
  16. Ironsight

    Which Non-BIS Islands

    Yes, had it on my HD for a long time. Don't think I have it anymore It should be around on one of the newssite's EDIT: Found it on Opflash.org
  17. Ironsight

    Project '85

    Dude have you been living in a cave for the last 40 years? Warshaw Pact on Wikipedia
  18. Ironsight

    Project '85

    I like the idea of this project. Chap looks good and I would love to see more '85 equipment. What camo scheme are you going to apply to the vehicles? NATO, MERDC, OD?
  19. Ironsight

    Bell Police Pack

    i dont understand The point is we don't really have LA and New York islands, actually not a single USA island (only New Ocean Island comes close)
  20. Ironsight

    VME Release !

    Under "Objects" Had to UNPBO the intro anims myself too, to figure it out
  21. Ironsight

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Addons: - WPS beta 0.35 - Llaumax
  22. Ironsight

    Generic Middle Eastern Rebels 1.2

    Whoot finally some realistic middle eastern rebels
  23. Ironsight

    WPS mini mod

    OMG! Don't tell me You've menaged to find a group willing to play it and none of them would happen to speak polish! That would get Offtime a heart attack! Uhhh it's a coop mission which means you can also play it on your own