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Everything posted by Ironsight

  1. Ironsight

    Falklands mod progress

    Simply amazing, keep up the good work
  2. Ironsight


    Why not use MCAR? If there is a future version you have to change this, that would make them absolutely perfect ... cos it wouldn´t help. Yeah the weapons would work and AI is able do use the weapon, but not the player. Car class do not allows seperate/ independent optics ... how often i explained that ... I know it wouldn't have optics but I would have prefered that over a tank class steering vehicle, aparently some people don't agree with me on that
  3. Ironsight


    Why not use MCAR? If there is a future version you have to change this, that would make them absolutely perfect
  4. Ironsight

    Jon Doe

    Good work Offtime, this will help a lot of people with making infantry
  5. Marines practice with OFP/VBS before going to Iraq Full article + pics
  6. Ironsight

    project:: Battle Over Hokkaido

    Nope, it was mentioned one page back by Rezin
  7. Ironsight

    project:: Battle Over Hokkaido

    Thanks Burns Now can somebody put up the islands too
  8. Ironsight

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Someone would need to make a jeep first off course IIRC noone made a new MUTT yet
  9. Ironsight

    Internet weird problem

    You gotta love the service of internet providers, when I call our provider usually it takes 15 minutes before I get someone on the phone who isn't a complete retard
  10. Ironsight

    Internet weird problem

    Had a similair problem some time ago. I was only able to access Yahoo and some other sites back then. Had no idea how to solve it so I formated my computer and reinstalled everything and then the problem was gone So if you don't find an easier solution I recommend this.
  11. Ironsight

    project:: Battle Over Hokkaido

    For anyone who gets this error: You can only download one file at the same time. And can anybody do something about the speed or set up a mirror? At the moment I only have 26,5kb downstream
  12. Ironsight

    project:: Battle Over Hokkaido

    Sweet, I just love the Japanese Army. Great to see a Japanese island too
  13. Ironsight

    Coc unified artillery 1.0 released

    It became the VBS1 artillery module.
  14. Ironsight

    cant see

    Find that amount a bit hard to believe since the model is 2.1mb, are you sure you are not reading the selected faces? You can solve it by reducing the amount of faces so it will load in buldozer No that is the correct number but the problem is now solved. Greetings from 456820 BTW; Why is it so hard to belive? Because it's 2.1mb for a small 1900 faces model. Normally a model like that is around 200kb IIRC
  15. Ironsight

    Cinematic Island Idea

    I searched and found nothing...sorry to start a new topic Don't blame you, it was in this topic
  16. Ironsight

    A tanks loadout..

    Can't you find these things on FAS.org
  17. Ironsight

    Cinematic Island Idea

    Believe this idea was already mentioned about a year ago on these forums. But I like the idea, might includea a White House in my Architecture pack
  18. Ironsight

    cant see

    Find that amount a bit hard to believe since the model is 2.1mb, are you sure you are not reading the selected faces? You can solve it by reducing the amount of faces so it will load in buldozer
  19. Ironsight

    original BIS soldier

    Uhhh he's looking for a textureless soldier model You can't get rid of the proxy textures. So you will still see textures on the guns, NVG's, RPG and bin's
  20. Ironsight

    cant see

    Your model is too big to load it in Buldozer. Buldozer can handle up to 10.000 faces with my 256mb ram but it depends on how much RAM you have. You can see how many faces and points a model contains in the bottom left corner of O2
  21. Ironsight

    enough fictious islands ....

    = Nightstalker mod which is now dead I believe
  22. Ironsight

    cant see

    How big is the model (could be that you are looking inside the structure)? How many faces does it have (the more faces, the longer buldozer needs to load)? Try this: Center the model, restart buldozer, press num-enter in buldozer. Hope this helps
  23. Ironsight

    Military Humor

    Definition of Heineken on ARRSEpdia Ever wondered what a "Blow me up bus" is?
  24. Ironsight


    Thanks for all the work you have putten into JAM3 cornhelium Armor value's are based of the CAVS project. From what I have seen CAVS has the most realistic value's