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Everything posted by Ironsight

  1. Ironsight

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    UN checkpoint on Tonal: Addons: - Bushfires UN soldiers (unreleased) - Combat! Humvee's - BAS Tonal - Llaumax - DMA animations
  2. As far as I understand it, it's about the use of SIMplicity integrated development environment for VBS1. So basically being able to put the stuff that you design with SIMplicity into VBS1. But I could be wrong
  3. Ironsight

    Couple of new addons

    Sweet EDIT: Some time ago you said you would be adding a beta page to your site. Any ETA on that?
  4. Ironsight

    Magical and wonderful bulidings

    CAT's Afghanistan buildings + pine woodland area = Chulak
  5. Ironsight

    Addon/Mod Ownership - Q&A.

    So if you see your addon being used you can contact the company. But how can you make sure your addon isn't used when you can't see it in screenshots for example?
  6. Ironsight

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Killagee those shots are awesome. Seems pretty cool to me to be a combat photographer at an exercise
  7. Ironsight

    Equipment 1980-85

  8. Ironsight

    Uk challenger mbt released!

    He's looking for a Challenger 1 Think this might help you
  9. Ironsight

    Boeing Launches New 747-8 Family

    Didn't Boeing stated before that they didn't want to develop a concept similair to the A-380
  10. Ironsight

    Bushfires Mod

    Still alive but very busy. You can expect a release for Armed Assault but don't expect a release for OFP anymore And what if ArmA is delayed to mid 2006 as I think it will? If that's the case then: When it's done
  11. Ironsight

    Bushfires Mod

    Still alive but very busy. You can expect a release for Armed Assault but don't expect a release for OFP anymore
  12. Ironsight

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Bis relased some new pictures from Terrain Pack 3. We can see that CSLA do nice work. About pack aren't any information, only it what you see on picture. We can be happy that BIS relase some informations. Sorry for my bad English/Polish translate OK thanks. Does anybody know where they released the pics? Can't believe they released it on that site only
  13. Ironsight

    Did BIS sold your free addons?

    After a brief discussion with some addon makers, you may not be getting any addons at all from some people if this continues. And what addons were sold? where is proof that they are using addons that were made fo free. Screenshots that i see here, looks like OFP for me maybe they use OFP + user made addons for demonstration not for selling. But i dont see any difference on those screens from OFP. Why promote something that you aren't going to sell. Makes no sense to me
  14. Ironsight

    Did BIS sold your free addons?

    Sorry but it kinda turns me of if I put hours of work in something for free and someone else makes money of it. And I think every addon maker feels that way So far I haven't heard from anybody that they got paid
  15. Ironsight

    Did BIS sold your free addons?

    Just what I was thinking However I found this the most amusing part of the vid: Well you can't get any cheaper then free community-made addons and the best part of it is that the community made almost every single piece of military equipment over the past years so basically they have their complete military simulator together. Not funny when you think about that
  16. Ironsight

    Did BIS sold your free addons?

    AGS buildings are used too. lol have you guys heard the guy in the vid saying they are always looking for cheap solutions, well you can't get any cheaper then free community made addons EDIT: I can't tell for sure but it looks like them:
  17. Ironsight


    Just played with them. Beautiful work as always I especially liked the KLR carrying version
  18. Ironsight

    CSLA 2 Update1

    This is old news. It was already noticed when Various VBS modules and systems videos came out. It was discussed in the previous CSLA topic. EDIT: Can anyone translate the terrain pack 3 article on this site: http://www.f2z.avx.pl/
  19. Ironsight

    Real life photography/photo editing

    This is the only picture worth posting. The lights give a nice picture actually and illustrates very nicely how the atmosphere was over there. Others are very bad (too much shaking). Most only have girls and friends doing idiotic stuff in them. I don't think this is really the place to show them, Break.com more likely
  20. Ironsight

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    Dude it was just a joke. But seeing how you start defending yourself (like it's true) I am starting to think I was right..... *Puts post-it on monitor* Don't react to retards anymore
  21. Ironsight

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Great pics guys Now one of mine: Cheesy shot in a cheesy bar taken with my Sony K300i I got last week Camera on your phone is big fun. Especially when you look at the pics you made in the weekend when you are back at school and realise how much fun you had and how totally wasted you were. Judging from the pics
  22. Ironsight

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    What do you think of this: Get a fuckin' life!
  23. Ironsight

    cross hair

    Well you can't aim when you're moving right?
  24. Ironsight

    The Iraq thread 4

    I think it's mostly stupidity or hoping you end up in paradise with 72 virgins and not courage