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Everything posted by Ironsight

  1. Ironsight


    Have you read this topic?
  2. Ironsight

    Estonian soldier

    What part of "check A/M completed" don't you understand?
  3. Ironsight

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Addons: - Bushfires mod (unreleased) - Llaumax
  4. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    Was a bit bored today so I decided to model a L118/M119 howitzer: Faces: around 1500 May be nice for OFP since we are lacking some modern NATO side artillery units, especially howitzers. So far it's only been a few hours work but I would love to get some feedback
  5. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    It's pretty much "deviceless" so everybody can use it for their own purposes. People can always model it on if they like
  6. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    There we go. Download link for the model: Rapidshare mirror Use it as you want but don't forget to read the readme Beware this is not an addon. This file is for addon makers only and only contains a source model.
  7. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    Looks like a Pinzgauer 716M may have to be made then for this L118 Light Gun Keep up the good work. http://www.bristoluotc.mod.uk/images/Chinook_light_gun.jpg I made a small start on a Pinzgauer model sometime back. Only set up a blueprint and started on the chassis. A Pinzgauer is definately something I want to see in OFP but don't expect one to be included with the L118. I can include a tow script but that would mean I would have to make some vehicles compatible with the script. Right now that's too much work. Progress on the L118: Model is almost done and I started texturing it. It still has a minor COC UA problem (the radio won't connect to the artillery battery) but nothing I can't fix I hope. Will you give permission once the gun is released for teams to modify the configuration to allow or add their named vehicles to tow the gun then? Well when the model and config are done I am going to put up a download model for mods to use and abuse it. Everyone will be able to use and edit it as long as I will be credited. I think this is the best way to help other mods who are in need of a L118 and M119 as I don't know exactly when I can get the texturing done. I will also release a complete addon (with textures) but that will be released way later
  8. Ironsight


    Another USMC Humvee pack. You gotta be kiddin me. Fischkopp sucked on his Humvee's? Why don't you make them better? He did a great job on them, live with the issue's, trust me you can never make a 100% perfect addon. And by the way, I believe he even corrected the bouncing sometime ago.
  9. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    Looks like a Pinzgauer 716M may have to be made then for this L118 Light Gun Keep up the good work. http://www.bristoluotc.mod.uk/images/Chinook_light_gun.jpg I made a small start on a Pinzgauer model sometime back. Only set up a blueprint and started on the chassis. A Pinzgauer is definately something I want to see in OFP but don't expect one to be included with the L118. I can include a tow script but that would mean I would have to make some vehicles compatible with the script. Right now that's too much work. Progress on the L118: Model is almost done and I started texturing it. It still has a minor COC UA problem (the radio won't connect to the artillery battery) but nothing I can't fix I hope.
  10. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    Have you got a set or do I have to make one?
  11. Ironsight

    Ask a mod

    I was more talking about the attitude by ORCS members in these and other forums against other addon makers (for example Vilas).
  12. Ironsight

    Ask a mod

    I feel like this topic should be mentioned.
  13. Ironsight

    Problem with the John Doe model

    You have to wrap the texture around the body with Gizmo mapping. And make sure you have the right box in the Gizmo menu checked (there are some boxes; X wrap Y wrap or somthing like that). Had the exact same problem
  14. Ironsight

    Estonian soldier

    Galil is Israeli but it's pretty widespread all over the world. Eestikas, looks good! Model is a bit outdated and the textures could be better but it looks good for a first try
  15. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    It will be basically function the same way as the COC M101. Maybe I will add a commander proxy to make it look more like an artillery crew. There won't be much other stuff. Maybe a direct fire version. Model's done. Untextured yet.
  16. Ironsight

    Us colonial marines

    And I want a Lotus Elise on my driveway but that's not going to happen either anytime soon. Live with it....
  17. Ironsight

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    WPS mod 1998 troops
  18. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    Guys, this is the only artillery piece I will be making for now. I don't have time to do any others, I am hardly able to finish this one. However when I got some more time I will maybe make some more
  19. Ironsight

    EDF Pack V2.1

    The new faces are mapped differently so it won't work with regular BIS heads. It only works with soldier addons that use Llauma's head model.
  20. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    OK got it ingame. Most of the coding is done. COC UA is plugged in but still gives some small problems which I hope to sort out soon. After that some detailing of the model. When that's done I'll start on the textures I hope.
  21. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    Well the modeling part is mostly done right now and I am almost done coding it. It only needs some textures. So I don't think there's anything you can help me with. Unless you are a good texturer.... We'll see....
  22. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    Like Orson said: Forgot to mention that in my first post Thanks for the comments guys. Right now I am planning to release (when I get around texturing the damn thing) a big pack with howitzers for each user country represented in OFP. Countries including US, UK, Australia, Ireland etc. BTW: If there are mods who want to use the model, feel free to PM me. The Ranger SOV? Wow that goes some time back. Last time I checked it wasn't up to todays standards. Maybe I'll restart work on it but don't expect it soon.
  23. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    A more detailed picture: Can anyone tell me what the big round thing on the ground is for? Stabilization?
  24. Ironsight

    L118/M119 howitzer

    Nope I am sorry. I am only doing the L118/M119 series.
  25. Ironsight

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Aye! We don't have a high-quality SDV yet! Sure, the RHS one is nice, but it still looks a bit odd. Just love those H&Ks... keep up the good work! Try Offtime's Dragunov in the WPS mini mod. By far one of the best guns in OFP IMO.