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Everything posted by Ironsight

  1. Ironsight


    That happened to mine and they were proper fooked up. So I bought some Sennheiser ear phones from the apple shop and they are withstanding anything i throw at them :P Which ones? To repeat myself, anyone attempted to hack his Ipod?
  2. Ironsight

    Precious World's

    Looks like a modification of New Ocean island.
  3. Ironsight

    World War II CZ MOD

    Putting your name on WIP screens from other mods isn't just forgetting to ask permission.
  4. Ironsight


    I already had iTunes before I had an Ipod so that doesn't really bother me. I actually found it quite handy to be able to synchronise the music on my PC with the music on my Ipod. Ipod Nano has an On-the-go playlist which you can make on your Ipod now. Quite handy just press a key combination and a song is added to the playlist. I used it quite a lot. Ipod Nano also supports a number of other formats right now. IIRC MP3, WMA, AAC etc. which are the only formats I use actually. Just out of curiosity, what type of Ipod do you own?
  5. Ironsight


    Hehe I never leave electronics in the car. Plenty of crackheads over here who are willing to bust in the car window to steal your stuff
  6. Ironsight


    You are kidding right?
  7. Ironsight

    Tour de France 2006

    Quite a stunt Landis pulled of today
  8. Ironsight

    Fuzzy Hat Commies

    Commie's with ushanka: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=3342
  9. Ironsight

    Tour de France 2006

    I was there. We were on the route from Beziers to Montelimar in Anduze a small town near Ales. It was the hottest and longest ride of the tour, I believe around 230 KM. The first promotional LCL car with babes on top, they were a bit early: Some cooldown: The first group, notice the chopper hanging in the background: The best photo I made that day: Rabo: Insane ammount of goodies: Overall a good day except for the heath. It was around 40 degrees and it was very humid. Lots of people fainted and one girl had to be put on a respirator and hartmonitor.
  10. Ironsight

    Looking for a generic soldier addon...

    Are you talking about the international soldier model?
  11. Ironsight

    armed civilians

    Same thoughts exactly. There was a civi militia addon floating around on OFPEC which were just BIS civi's with weapons.
  12. Ironsight

    armed civilians

    Same thoughts exactly. There was a civi militia addon floating around on OFPEC which were just BIS civi's with weapons.
  13. Ironsight

    why did you use your username

    Interesting Rugged Open Notorious Sexy Intelligent Good-looking Hot Talented
  14. Ironsight

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/71342580.jpg?v=1&c=MS_GINS&k=2&d=08A8BA3C818346D0C8C9653160158700 http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc....03472EC More photos
  15. Ironsight

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    There was a fight?
  16. Ironsight

    Military Humor

    You're right. Before you know it this topic is full of shit with firearms discussions
  17. Ironsight

    Military Humor

    Are you sure you wanna be this: img]http://www.youthink.com/quiz_images/quiz1631outcome9.jpg[/img] You are clumsy, ackward and unreliable. Friends frequently have to finish what you start. You prefer to throw hits and get out of harm's way Me: me thinks they're talking about the A1... the A2 is one of the best rifles in the world. I wouldn't call it the best rifle in the world. Sure it's accurate but I believe that's pretty much it Off course I don't have any personal experience with it but from what I heard of it, it's not a great rifle.
  18. Ironsight

    Military Humor

    Are you sure you wanna be this: You are clumsy, ackward and unreliable. Friends frequently have to finish what you start. You prefer to throw hits and get out of harm's way Me: M-240 Machinegun You won't back down from any situation and are extremely reliable. You are very versatile and can scrap with the best. You are an F-15. Your record in combat is spotless; you've never been defeated. You possess good looks, but are not flashy about it. You prefer to let your reputation do the talking. You are fast, agile, and loud, but reaching the end of your stardom. Didn´t we have a quiz thread for this stuff?
  19. Ironsight

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    Very interesting
  20. Has anyone got the DKM suspension tutorial? I lost it and it doesn't seem that there is any download for it available anymore
  21. Ironsight

    DKM suspension tutorial

    Jaguar, can you upload the tut to the DKM site so everyone can find it over there? Personally I never had any problems with vehicle suspension.
  22. Ironsight

    DKM suspension tutorial

    Excellent that's the one. Thanks Oyman Maybe someone should upload this to a news or editing site.
  23. Ironsight

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Everytime my dog gets a lampshade like that, he wrecks it within 5 minutes. When he comes home he runs into he garden, the lampshade gets stuck behind a tree, it starts to tear and then he totally wrecks the thing
  24. Ironsight

    DKM suspension tutorial

    I dont have the tutorail - ive been reverse engineering the Landrover in the DKM UK pack. I didnt even know there was a tutorial! There was one on the DKM site. Really easy step by step tut packed in a zip. Would be a shame if noone would have it anymore
  25. Ironsight

    DKM suspension tutorial
