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Everything posted by Ironsight

  1. Ironsight

    PMC suburban

    Why don't you post this in one and the same topic?
  2. Ironsight

    Wal*Mart Sign

    Already done. Long time ago by Delta Hawk. It's still untextured though
  3. Ironsight


    People shouldn't type all in caps
  4. Ironsight

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Take a look over here. Yao or Akeno maybe?
  5. Ironsight

    Bombed Out Villages

    Just what I was thinking. Besides there are quite a few islands which use the bombed out houses of Kolgujev.
  6. Ironsight

    Ask a mod

    People shouldn't ask for custom titles. Nuff said
  7. Ironsight

    MP config for FFUR 2006

    It's pretty old. You've never seen it? Noob j/k
  8. Ironsight

    MP config for FFUR 2006

    Let me: Posting and you!
  9. Ironsight

    Operation Northstar WIP

    From the back door or one of the hatches.
  10. Ironsight

    Operation Northstar WIP

    From the back door or one of the hatches.
  11. Ironsight

    Towing script

    This has the best towing script available: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9797
  12. Ironsight

    Operation Northstar WIP

    Nice! Do the Canucks actually use/used the Mamba? I thought it was RG-31 only?
  13. Ironsight

    Operation Northstar WIP

    Nice! Do the Canucks actually use/used the Mamba? I thought it was RG-31 only?
  14. The older pack has it too. If you want a smaller download.
  15. Ironsight

    - NICG Pack 1 Released

    Nice. I walked around with a coast guard idea myself sometime ago. Too bad there are no new models included which would fit Nogova more but still nice work
  16. Ironsight

    UCS Mercenaries Beta

    In the readme it says something that textures were used from Serial Killer. Anyway this is a model by Offtime for EDF. Neither permission nor credit has been given for it.
  17. Ironsight

    UCS Mercenaries Beta

    Appearently he seems to ignore everyting I write in my PM's so.
  18. Ironsight

    UCS Mercenaries Beta

    Here's something I don't get: You asked: I answered: Why the hell did you use the body model anyway? The mercs body model fits the EDF model perfectly except for some minor changes. Even the boots are in the exact same position as the EDF model. I answer and you totally ignore, what the fuck's up with that? EDIT: To make it worse, nowhere in the readme is either Offtime or the EDF team credited for the body model.
  19. Ironsight

    New Mod starting - PLA Chinese - help needed

    The mod itself was not the problem but the conversion to FFUR was IIRC because it was against the Japanese.
  20. Ironsight

    Can't find the bus.

    Now to replace it with a bus inside another addon-pack I have to get the model path right? so it'd be like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class TruckV3SCivil:TruckV3SG { side=3; crew="Civilian"; displayName="PV3S Truck (Civilian)"; model="busaddon\v3scivil"; }; Someone tell me if that is correct. Don't think this is where the bus is defined. That's the civilian PV3S truck. I don't know the exact classname of the BIS bus but it can't be hard to find as there are only few vehicles defined in the O.pbo config.
  21. Ironsight

    Can't find the bus.

    I think it's in O.pbo's config.
  22. Ironsight

    Arabia Tadco Farm

    Ahhh I see now. Looks a bit weird though especially the roads
  23. Ironsight

    Arabia Tadco Farm

    Any screenshots?
  24. It's hard to script a wheeled vehicle with missiles for COC UA. At least that's from what I remember when we tried to make the South African Valkiri UA compatible. Don't think we ever got it working. Unless of course you will make one vehicle and one object and switch betweeen them but that will be pretty useless for the AI I think.
  25. Ironsight

    Addon Research Topic

    Read what this topic is about: This is not the right topic if you're looking for addon.