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Everything posted by Imshi-Yallah

  1. Imshi-Yallah

    Ecp released!

    The Backblast from a CG 84mm RCL is likely seriously injure someone within ten metres beyond that you're pretty ok. Would it be possible to implement the danger of firing the weapon without clearance behind it? i.e. If you fire an RCL with a wall or solid obstacle behind you the backblast will come back to you. Also as anyone else who uses one of these weapons can testify firing one is like a belly flop in boiling water (and thats just when you do it right ) would it be possible to have the player get a "smack" in game?
  2. Imshi-Yallah

    Some stuff...

    There was stock footage of that used in this awful old TV series called super carrier.
  3. Imshi-Yallah

    Some stuff...

    The F-16 is simply too slow and too sluggish, ppl complain about Islands being too small but then they obviously aren't very good pilots, the whole point of the F-16 is speed and agility. The model is beautiful although the HARMs don't seem to lock on at all.
  4. Imshi-Yallah

    Crate mule is out!

    AFAIK mules are still in use with specialist mountain troops all over the world, including western and eastern europe.
  5. Imshi-Yallah

    Ecp released!

  6. Imshi-Yallah

    Animated chicken version 1.0

    THe D/L is password locked
  7. Imshi-Yallah

    Sea demon mig29 v2.02

    Can someone point me too a stable DAP friendly link?
  8. Imshi-Yallah

    Operation frenchpoint release

    It is probably the best "national" mod pack yet, thus far only northstar competes in terms of range and quality. I've got training in the morning yet I've been up till now slaughtering half the population of Tonal.
  9. Imshi-Yallah

    Uk forces

    Best army in the world, shame your new defence strategy is going to kill it.
  10. Imshi-Yallah

    Shorts skyvan

    Aaah the flying Shoebox comes to OFP at last, cough Tonal airforce cough
  11. Imshi-Yallah


    Any chance of a decent mirror, it'll take me 45 mins to D/L this little addon.
  12. Imshi-Yallah

    Beta version bkm su-27 flanker released

    Thats because the onlly version actually included is the A2A bird, the others will be included in the final version. Its in the readme, although he didnt explain why he put the entries in particularly clearly.
  13. Imshi-Yallah

    A-6 series of 2/4 man aircraft

    Wooooooooooooooot I've still got the beta for occasional joyrides/bombings, I hope there is some serious AI/script work to make it work as a bomber.
  14. Imshi-Yallah

    Beta version bkm su-27 flanker released

    Erm I think thats the point of the MFD it lets you see the battlefield as if it was through a VDU even though its just a tinted texture. The Speed is perfect since it matches well with all the best aircraft addons (RAD_FA-18, Footmunch MiG-23, ViT- MiG-29 and Colorchanger Tornado), also the air brake makes it even easier to operate at manouvre speeds. It is a huge plane IRL, 72ft long 48 ft wing span, this compares to 56ft length and 37 ft wing span on the super hornet.
  15. Imshi-Yallah

    Artillery in the works

    A logical first step would be for someone to ake the DKM M46 and 2s19 by Hawk UA compatible, that would give the community a functioning SPG and towed gun for the east.
  16. Imshi-Yallah

    Griffon video

    sex on skids, soon the CAF will be ready for a full campaign deployment.
  17. Imshi-Yallah

    Nogovan army?

    Nogovan Defence Forces: Heres my view on a land army, I think with all the addons existing it would take less than a month for minor retextures and a decent scene setting campaign to be put together. HQ: General Staff, Administrative staff. Troska Military Academy Infantry School Cavalry School Artillery School Eng School Etc. 3xBde 3 x Inf Bn (2 Reserve) (Each with 3 Rifle Coys (HQ+ 3x Platoon), 1x Support (medical, Crew served weapons, Assault Pioneer platoon ) and 1x HQ coy (HQ, Recce Pln)- 20x 5Ton, 15x Jeep , 11x M113 (inlc 1x ambulance), 10x Specialist trucks (fueler, ammo), 12x M2HBs (incl Vehicle mounts). 8x CG 84mm, 8x 60mm mortar. 1x Cav Sqn (4x M-60E3, 2xM113, 20x Jeep, 4x 5Ton, 1x Fueler, 1x Ammo) 2x Field Artillery regt (12x M101A1, 6x Jeeps, 15x 5Ton ea) 1x Logs Bn (MP Coy, Medical coy, Field Engr coy, Supply and transport coy-30x Jeep, 30x 5Ton, 20x Fueler/Ammo/Repair) Independent units: 1st Tank Battalion- 24x M-60, 30x M113 10x Logs Vehicles 20th Air Defence Artillery Battalion (Mixed Airforce and Army- 12x Vulcan, 50x MANPADS, 20x Logs Vehicles) 17th Special Forces Company (150 Personnel) Militia Units: 1 for each major Town or regional centre, Use old Russian equipment , and are trained primarily for local defence although they do receive some light infantry training from the NDF. Militia units consist mainly of independence Veterans at the moment and hold large quantities of eastern bloc equipment in storage, having neither the funding nor the opportunity to train with them in peace time. Spares for heavy equipment are cannibalised from the retired NDF fleet and selected Militia personnel receive annual training by the TDF tank battalion and maintenance school. Military Service: Nogovas three regular Battalions are supported by a further 6 Conscript units which recruit twice yearly.to maintain a state of readiness all year round. The Corps units are primarily staffed by proffessional officers and NCOs with the remainder of appointments divided between reservists and serving concscripts. The Militia train with the army infrequently and are mainly regarded as a temporary last ditch force based on the presence of large numbers of combat experienced veterans, it is expected that militia forces will eventually be subsumed into the army's force structure when natural wastage renders the force combat inneffective. Thats a total active strength of around 2000 with the rest of the NDF being part time reserve personnel. Not obscenely big for an Island of Nogovas size and population.
  18. Imshi-Yallah

    Marv [dune buggy 4] by joe lemonades

    Is the updated config already released? I'm having problems in missions with the AI engaging units more than 50m away (i.e. they ain't). Also the driving is a little suicidal is there any way to discourage the AI from ramming each other so frequently without having them go slow?
  19. Imshi-Yallah

    Nogovian government?

    Vote me
  20. Imshi-Yallah

    Bas littlebirds

  21. Imshi-Yallah

    Bas littlebirds

    What about Jinking? The coolest thing about a little bird is its mobility, some more fancy flying if at all possible please
  22. Imshi-Yallah

    British vosper mtb released

    ..er, anti-gunrunning and a handful of landings by the Alexandra (a Cross-Channel ferry) supported by Helga (a gunboat) wouldn't normally be counted as pioneering amphib warfare. Â Caesar, Alexander, the Athenians from 600BC - now they were pioneers! They never used amphibiosity as a means of outflanking an enemy on the same landmass. The Lady Wicklow and the Arvonia were used to mount landings as well, quite a number of landings took place around Cork and Kerry considering the war itself lasted less than two years.
  23. Imshi-Yallah

    Bas littlebirds

    I think most everything has been covered, but how about a script to make the AI pilots jink and use the LBs phenomenal agility to reflect its RL survival tactics.
  24. Imshi-Yallah

    Idf soldiers & zelda apc

    Any chance of a DAP friendly mirror for 56kers?
  25. Imshi-Yallah

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    Yeah am D/Ling it now