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Everything posted by IceFire

  1. IceFire

    Who will be the box office winner?

    Yeah, but they're trying to appeal to men too really because it looks really like an action/suspence movie. Like the husband is hiding in her house, and surprises her and the audience is surprised. Or where she learns all this fighting stuff. And starts kicking ass. They are actually trying to make it more of a guys movie with action and stuff. But the theme is supposed to appeal to women and stuff. It's going to be a peice of crap.
  2. IceFire

    Who will be the box office winner?

    It has Jennifer Lopez in it. It's another "Lifetime" type propoganda movie about a woman who tries to escape an abusive husband and has a child too. Her husband pursues her. She learns to defend herself by learning "Krav Maga". Â And I suppose manages to finally defeat him and free herself of his "abuse". You know the kind of movies this is. Just another lifetime type movie that plays on the steriotype of the abusive husband and the helpless wife who finally takes a stand.
  3. IceFire

    My first ofp website

    Cool site. Needs more though. I really liked the "school desk".
  4. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b

    You fish??? I always wanted to know how to prepare a fish. Once I caught a big ol cat fish. I had no clue what to do with it! It was about 2 feet long. And it kept on slapping me! It broke my line and landed on the bank. I jumped in and wrestled it. Damn was it slimy. I bear hugged it til I got a good grip. It kept on fighting me! I punched it a bunch of times on it's head, but it kept hitting me with it's tail. Eventually I had no idea what to do with it since I have never fished before. I tried cutting it up, but it just turned out to become a bloody mess. I couln't get the skin off and didn't really have a clue what I was doing. I wasn't trying to catch a catfish. I was going for one of the Koi there. The ponds was this "Koi farm" and had all these giant colorful goldfish in it that kept sticking their heads out of the water.
  5. IceFire

    Who will be the box office winner?

    This new "enough" movie is going to be the worst movie EVAR!!! I have already seen enough of this "men are evil" propoganda on lifetime. That channel is crap too!
  6. IceFire

    The story.

    YES, that's what I said! Nordin was the only one who made any interesing story plots. I really like the one that introduced the alien baby. That whole post was killer! Real suspenceful with a twist of outlandish sci fi. Too bad it got turned to mush.
  7. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b

    You eat them raw?? Or they must be already cooked?
  8. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b

    Cool! I can't wait to eat my first sardine! By the way, are they already cooked, or do I need to cook them?
  9. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b

    What about Sardines?? I just thought of sardines. I think that they must probably taste pretty cool! Anyone know what they are? Are they already cooked or do I need to cook them? Wow, imagine all the protein they must have in them. I think they must be pretty useful to keep with MRE's and snickers bars and spam when traveling.
  10. IceFire

    Damn bug

    What?? This thread gonna go off page again?? NO!! I will not let that happen! I want answer!
  11. IceFire

    why did you use your username

    My name be IceFire. I.C.E.F.I.R.E. I thought it sounded cool. It is kind of oxymoron. Think about it. What be a IceFire? A fire of ice?? I got idea when friend of mine soaked huge chunk of ice with lighter fluid and set it on fire. It was large chunk of ice, ON FIRE!! Imagine that. I dunno. I just think that name sound sharp.
  12. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b

    Tex, you just asked me why I bumped this thread. The reason I did was because I was replying to "who cares" who told me to finish our conversation here in this thread because Placebo was trying to get me in some of the other ones. You can track our fascinating conversation from first my "Yeah, great thing happen for me" thread about backpacks in this forum, and it continues off in the "Is BIS sleeping" thread in the General discussion. Then it lead off into here, where we were going to continue it safely without Placebo here.
  13. IceFire


    I LOVE tracers!! Nothing like slowly crawling forward to an objective with tracers flying just inches over your head at you.
  14. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b

  15. IceFire

    Resistence ofp

    "Are you really a lady". LOL!!!!! That is the funnyest thing I heard all morning!
  16. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b

    And anywhere between the UK and Greece too.
  17. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b

    Hey Who Cares. I'm gonna go to sleep now. It's noon. But tell me more about those "trekking food packs". I may find them handy. I am not sure yet, I am still making plans about the trip. Anywhere between Portugal and the Urals.
  18. IceFire


    Yess, I be so excited!! I am buying new backpack soon!! Anyways, don't get mad at ME. I have seen far dumber and more pointless threads than this stupid one.
  19. IceFire

    Question for ussoldier11b

    Hey USSOLDIER11B, what do you think about SPAM in a soldiers kit bags?? It has unlimited shelf life and I don't know how it tastes. But would you reccomend it for travel or emergency bags? I know you don't like MRE's, so would you say that SPAM is useful? I was just looking at a site about it, and it seems really useful.
  20. IceFire

    What the hell

    I just came into the forums and it said that I got some private message. What is this?? I don't know anything about working computers or how these things work. Whoever private messaged me, just make a thread about it. That would be alot easier.
  21. IceFire


    One thing that was not addressed there was "does spam need to be cooked once out of the can" Does anyone know this? Why was it called "Army meat"? I have had it once and do not remember if I cooked it or not.
  22. IceFire

    What the hell

    No, I havn't. Â And it's 7 am now, I still havn't been able to sleep, I'm in a horrible cranky fucking mood and I'm not going to even waste my time trying to learn.
  23. IceFire

    Is bis sleeping

    Oh and how much would it be US? Sorry, it's 6 am here and I have not slept yet. I do not feeling like doing math in my head right now.
  24. IceFire

    Is bis sleeping

    All: know that I know NOTHING about computers. I would have no idea how to do that. Plus, how the hell would I have to pay if I dowloaded it??
  25. IceFire

    Is bis sleeping

    Nah, If I want it, I want the real thing in CD. You won't believe how many times I have to get someone to reformat my hard drive on my fucking piece of shit compaq pentium 4.