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Ok, here is how I understand the different units uses. US Army Special Forces are our main "guerrilla force". They spend weeks to months hiding behind enemy territory collecting intelligence on enemy forces or other things. They plan and build relationships with local rebel forces and teach them to fight their battles. Â Special Forces are the political power on the ground dealing with local populations, governments, and determine strategies to win small conflicts. Navy SEALs. Their units vary alot, but they are the quick precise small unit fast mission type force. Â They go out and accomplish certain objectives. They blow stuff up, assasinate certain people, rescue VIPs, sabotoge things. Â They are designated for high risk missions where they need to go somewhere and do something fast and get out. Â Their missions are generall shorter with concrete objectives. US Army RANGERS. From what I know, these guys borderline on Conventional soldiers and were accepted into SOCOM as a Thank You for their service in WW2. They are like highly advanced soldiers. Â Everything that a standard conventional soldier can do, RANGERs can do it faster, harder, meaner, and more accurately. Â RANGERS are the attack force used when conventional forces cannot make it. Â They go in to kill everything that moves. Â They are proficient with every firearm known in battle. Â They also do some more special operations type missions like Recon, Hostage Rescue, CQB too. USMC Force Recon. Ok, these guys arn't "officially" a Special Operations Unit, but they actually are. Â The only reason they are not offically special ops is because of politics. Â Back when they were formed, the USMC said "See? ForceRecon can do everything SEALs can!", SOCOM said "If so, they then fall under our command" Â The USMC doesn't trust outsiders with their own men and equipment so they stopped calling them Special Ops and just called them "Special Operations Capable" instead. Essentially Force Recon does the same things SEALs do, only they work directly for the Marines, and fight in support of Marine operations. USAF Combat Controllers These guys are the logistical side of combat. Â They go into battlefields and coordinate air traffic, combat operations from the ground. Â They clear and prepare airfields for landing. And coordinate things behind enemy lines in terms of regulating the flow of combat, in the air mostly. USAF ParaRescue This unit is the "angels with guns", they are the Medical Forces of the military. They are specifically tasked with searching and finding POWs, downed aircrew, recovering them safely, and providing medical treatemnt. Â They are all medical trained and that is what they do. Â Their primary task is saving lives of those down in hostile territory. They also work in support of NASA space shuttle missions in case of catastrophe like it falling into the ocean with the atronauts inside. USAF Combat Weather Teams This unit is a team of highly trained weathermen operators. They go behind enemy lines to determine in real time the immediate future weather in that area. Â This intel is used to plan near future or current mil ops in the area. Delta Force, really called Special Forces detachment D or something like that. Their existence is still officially denied by the government so all the info on what they do is still scarce. But they are the US prime CounterTerrorist force. Â They do whatever that needs to be done to kill terrorists. A note about these guys, they occasionally conduct their operations in clear public with noone aware of them. Â They actually go in disguise, wear civvy clothes, and perform their ops in plain view, of course in a way that noone would know. They are not only highly trained soldiers, special ops operators, but also actors. Â They often use normal airliners and customs to get to their destination. Also, while Delta is officially an Army unit, highly trained operators from any branch can serve in Delta. There are many more, but I am very sleepy. Here is a link to a good site about almost every Special Operations Unit in the world. http://www.specwarnet.net/
Who cares if it is old? If it can handle the job, then it can still be used. I saw a photo of a soldier in Iraq using an M1 Garand.
Hmm, I'm not sure how it would work. I'm sure it is possible though. For instance, they could make it so that you have never ending jungles or deserts. After some time of moving in one direction you would notice a "patern" in which certain trees and farms appear.
If you do go into weather, you can eventually join the USAF special operations units. They have a special "Combat weather unit". They are a team of highly trained special operations weathermen. I am not exactly sure as to what they do. Â I do know they go behind enemy lines to determine future weather conditions in a specific area for future combat operations to take place. Here is a link http://www.specwarnet.net/americas/sowt.htm
Ok, let my try to explain as best I can. Special Operations are done like surgeons scalpels, conventional ops are like a sledge hammer. Conventional ops are generally a large group of soldiers such as a platoon or larger moving in to attack and hold an area, or to hold and defend an area. Conventional ops take and hold ground. Special Operations take on any task that needs a delicate touch. For instance, a bunch of Colombian drug lords have an American DEA agent captured. You cannot send in a large conventional force because they would attack the entire enemy camp and move in until everything is dead and then hold it. If they did that, the drug lords could kill the hostage or he could be killed. A spec ops team would move in small numbers and sneak in, snatch him, and then get the hell out. They plan their mission for most every eventuality. They conduct guerrilla warfare because they move in smaller more invisible numbers. The Spec Ops teams conduct anything that needs special planning and that conventional ops don't do. There are many non Special Operations units that do conduct special operations. USMC MEU, and recon, some army LRRP units. That's basically it.
Also while realism isn't that important to me here, I would not like to always have to shoot an enemy 10 times to kill them.
No, I didn't hear him say that, but I have been busy in the past few days. And I believe the War on Terrorism IS winnable.
I find you a hypocrite then. You know Denior does not have no proof that I'm a racist and he tries to go personal. Now, that is really low. I forgot he is your friend. If this was the 18th century, I would challenge people on this forum to a duel for insulting me. That's funny, because you've run away from every duel I've challenged you to. I say we have an OPF duel. In game, SNIPER MATCH! Who's up?
No, you have it all wrong. With Bush in for a second term, he can do all the things he could never do before. He finally has the chance to finish the job. I know he has the audacity and willingness to do what needs to be done. With a final term, he will have full freedom in to pursue all matters that need dealt with before his term is over. Those terrorists in the Middle East better watch out, cause the past few years are only the beginning in the President's new term.
What is this supposed to mean??
Wow, after playing more of this demo I am more and more impressed. When you use the enemy battle rifle, it is one shot one kill, but you have to manually rechamber a round after each shot. The most impressive aspect of the demo is the incredible immersion. When you see several japanese soldiers lunging at you up close with their bayonets, it is truly a sight to behold. Not only that, but this game portrays shellshock and injuries with great effect. Your vision goes black and white, sounds of gunfire and yelling becomes faint, you start wavering about. It is as if you are delirious. If you are almost dead, you are laying on the ground looking up at the trees and sky in all black and white. Then you hear almost as if from a distance "It's ok private, you'll be ok", and then you see the figure of your medic above you like an angel bandaging you up. Or you will see his lips move but wont hear anything. As he heals you color slowly comes back and so does your hearing. It's wierd, but nice.
Just because it isn't the 18th century means you can't challenge someone to a duel. It's not about "contemporary fashions", it's about honor!
Dental hygene is important!
I would love to debate all this but I just got off a month temp-ban so I wont. I will say this, I hope Bush IS re-elected. For the same reasons of this quote. Yes, then the world will truly know that we do believe in President Bush and his ideals. Foreigners should take heed, we are not a country that they can walk on or abuse. We walk our own path with our own beliefs.
Ok, I have played the demo several times. At first I was disgusted with the experience. It seemed to be just another stupid arcade with no real sense of accomplishment, it felt shooting was just superficial, like you never hit anything. Now I have played a good bit more and the accuracy is MUCH better when you use the M1 garand. The iron sights accuracy with this weapon is almost pinpoint. On the other hand, the Thompson is almost useless unless the enemy very close. The game is ofcourse not that realistic in terms of physics. You, your team, and the enemy can survive dozens of shots before dying. There is also a health scale on a count of 100. This is the worst aspect of the game. It is also the very thing that made suspension of belief in MOHAA so difficult. Nothing destroys immersion worse than shooting an enemy 5 times with a rifle and he is still going. Regardless, my favorite aspect of the MOH games is the immersion. I loved MOHAA because it was so immersive. You can hear the enemy speak in their language with actual native speakers used for the speech. I notices when you setup play, there is an option for "realism" play. Unfortunately I cannot figure out a way to activate this mode. I would love to see how the game plays in realism mode. Atleast the enemy would not be able to withstand several shots before they go down. That in my mind is the most important thing to fix.
And those of you who are asking how attacking a secular state like Iraq has anything to do with fighting islam, I already answered that in one of my beginning posts a few pages ago. Start reading from page 7.
As I have already stated, my beliefs on this issue regarding the ME and terrorism is not a stem of my religious beliefs. This is a belief that stems from my sense of protection my country from terrorists who want to kill as many americans as they can. Â These are seperate principles. Â Don't just say this is a religiously motivated war. Â It may be for the terrorists, but it is not for us Americans. Â We are motivated by the desire to prevent futire Sept 11's, and ensuring the safety of the country and the Americans who dwell within it. But it is. Most certainly a majority of Americans do not share your view that it is Islam that you are fighting and that Islam is a 'toxic' element of the ME cultures. Neither would most christians. The fundamentalist christians would - and that's the group you belong to. Out of interest, what is your opinion on the million of good law-abiding muslim Americans? Or what about the thousands of muslim US soldiers that are serving in Iraq? That Islam is a 'evil' and 'jealous' religion is not the American point of view. It is your, fundamentalist christian point of view. I don't really have much of an opinion regarding the muslims living here in the US. Although not alot of them have done alot of good in the war on terrorism. The muslim communities have been less than helpful in reporting suspiciious or suspected characters to the authorities, or they were funneling money to terrorist organisations. And there is some anti-US sentiment among them. Most of them moved here just to study and then leave, or they are escaping something, and they don't really care about US values. As for the military, I have respect for anyone who serves, but I havn't read that much about the muslims in the military because they are a very small minority there. You still have been reports of some muslims in the military being against the US, or like that muslim guy who attacked his fellow soldiers by tossing grenades into tents. He said he did it for his religion and because he was opposed to the war. Regardless, I don't have any problem with any American as long as they are not anti-US, or support terrorism.
As I have already stated, my beliefs on this issue regarding the ME and terrorism is not a stem of my religious beliefs. This is a belief that stems from my sense of protection my country from terrorists who want to kill as many americans as they can. Â These are seperate principles. Â Don't just say this is a religiously motivated war. Â It may be for the terrorists, but it is not for us Americans. Â We are motivated by the desire to prevent futire Sept 11's, and ensuring the safety of the country and the Americans who dwell within it.
Really? You're the one stating it as a war between religions. That the Middle East needs to be liberated from the.. how did you put it.. "stranglehold of Islam". Sounds like a crusade to me. Or "Jihad" if you prefer that term. Yes because over there islamic fanatisism is creating terrorists for a holy war out to kill Americans. That is why I consider it toxic. The important thing is the end result, dead americans. I couln't care less about islam, its just when they start murdering americans that it bothers us.
That's just the thing. Until the past few posts I havn't even included christianity into the debate. You all put it in trying to compare it to islam. I am saying this is not a christian war. It is a war about the US defending it's people. It is not a religious crusade to us. That is the difference. To the terrorists, it is a religious war or "holy war".
Like I said, this is not a religious debate. I know what the bible teaches, anyone can take texts from the bible to make it look violent, easy. Fine, you want to believe the christian religion is bad, then that's your decision if you can't see the forest for the trees. This is not about christianity anyways. Christianity has nothing to do with the war on terrrorism. You are grasping at straws. Christian fundementalism, give me a break. There are missionaries in the ME right now trying to help and educate the poor people there. So don't go on about the "evil christian crusaders".
This is not a religious debate. I don't even know how it got turned into one. Christianity is not going into the ME trying to kill all the non believers. We are a nation trying to get rid of terrorism and make the western world a safer place. This is not some religious "crusade". You people need a dose of reality.