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Everything posted by IceFire

  1. IceFire

    They're at it again!

    My PC? Nah. At first I thought my comp was a goner, but it turned out fine after I let it dry for a day. The water came up like 2 inches off the floor, (seeing that kinda freaked me out though) The water ruined some other electronics though. The fax machine. As for OPFGOTY: When I found out my comp worked fine, I went out to like the only electronics store in the city. Turned out they didn't have it at the time. So I got Medal of Honor instead to help me kill time until I leave this place to go back home. My mom's tour here is almost over and we are heading back home to Washington on the 6th of Jan, next week. So ofcourse she had all our stuff (and my comp) shipped back home last wednesday. Well, last nite, the comp shop called my house telling me that they just got in OPFGOTY last nite. What luck. I just sent my comp back home last week too. So I wouln't even be able to play it til I got back home to Maryland. So I figure I might as well wait til I get back home to buy OPFGOTY. At least that way I don't risk having the game, or the manual being in some other language or something freaky like that.
  2. IceFire

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Dec. 29 2002,17:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and you can't buy real assault rifles legally in our poor occidental world<span id='postcolor'> Hmm, I believe that in the US, we can buy ANY firearm/gun we want. As long as you are 21, and in any decent state with relaxed gun laws, and have enough money/patience. It makes things even easier if you are current/ex military/law enforcment. So yeah, if I were going to put serious cash into a hobby I really like. I might as well use real rifles/guns etc, and use simunition for mock/play combat. Plus, if you are a gun enthusiast, you would probably buy guns anyhow. Makes much more sense, right? As soon as I get a decent income, place to live on my own, and indepencence, I'll be saving up for my own firearms. I'm not even into paintball. But just to go to the firing range, and as a hobby.
  3. IceFire

    They're at it again!

    Either that's old news or it isn't really that serious, just more rhetorical threatening. If it were serious right now, I think we would be hearing about it here at the embassy. Last time I was here visiting my mom, it was last summer when everyone REALLY thought there was going to be a war. Back then it was just some news back home in the US, but we were getting briefed daily. Everyone in the embassy was evacuated to and granted safe haven status (just as a precaution) in another country. I was evacuated to France. My mom stayed as she was high level personel, and my sis went to Poland. And that was just because the Ambassador and his staff were a little nervous and cautious then. I havn't heard anything now about this so this is probably just nothing really.
  4. IceFire

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    Hmm, so you guys are getting BB guns dressed up as rifles and stuff? Why not just invest in real guns? They are better, and for play, you could use "simunition" which is like real bullets, only like paintballs. They are probably as close as you can get to the accuracy, distance, and power of real firearms.
  5. IceFire

    Hostage situation in stockholm

    Hmm, I don't really think that what Zverushka said was really bad. He just said that he didn't think that the guy looked Russian. More like a Chechen. What's wrong with that? Zverushka's name implies that he is Russian, so maybe he knows a thing or two about it anyhow?
  6. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Also Bn880 No, people DO NOT have the right to alter the genetic makeup of humankind. No group of men or women should have the right to make any changes to the genetic makup of the human species. We are all humans and this decision should be in the hands of no group men (or women). I'm sure you will all atleast agree with this statement in this post.
  7. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Bn880, when I said that people don't build people, I was right. People lead to the "creation" of their offspring, but they don't "build" their offspring. Â They don't go and decide how their offspring are going to be, so to speak, manually putting the pieces together I mean. Â So when I stated that people don't build people, I meant that quite literally in the terms as the way we build man made objects. By stating this I was emphasizing the key difference between man made objects such as trains and human beings.
  8. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Oh, and I don't eat genetically modified "food". They should make laws stating that all food products must me labeled if they were a result of genetic engineering. This way people can stay away from them if they so wished. Personally, I think genetically modified food should be banned. But hey, atleast give people the option to choose what they eat.
  9. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Trains are built by people. People are not built by people, that is the difference. We cannot apply our natural sense of innovation to ourselves.
  10. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    It's just that we are playing with our own humanity (We're not talking about machines or medicine) but the roots that make us who we are. Somethings should be left to nature. We don't have the right to change something that would affect the fundamentals of our species. Or hell, any other species. Our DNA is the result of everything that has occured since the beginning of life on earth. That is a very sacred thing.
  11. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    My point is that just because humans have discovered something, doesn't automatically make it alright or ok. There are some things that we should not do even though it is possible.
  12. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Just as humans have developed and used other technologies? If you want to use that argument, then every technology that people developed are supposed to be used. This about nuclear bombs? We have developped them, now that is a good reason to always just go around using them. When nuclear power was being developed, scienctists knew about the biproduct on nuclear waste, yet they just thought that in the future someone would probably come along and figure out a way to dispose of the stuff. Here we are, with no solution. And they rationalized that it would be alright because someone probably will come around and fix it up in the future. We still cannot excuse that biproduct. So it is bad. How can you argue that just because we develop a technology, that is must be what we are "supposed to do"?
  13. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Denior, How can you reason that we are "supposed to do it" just because we "are" doing it? Do you actually believe that reasoning? And as for the ancient Egyptiens. They were manipulating life, but only by natural means of sex. Nature takes over the rest of the way. Not like manually manipulating genes in a lab.
  14. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Denoir, yeah, I know it is identical. But have you even read about what these people want to do with this? Even in the naming of the new cloned baby reflects their mentality in how they identify the new child. Â Calling it "Eve" as in the eve of a new age of cloning. Â That is how the child will have to look at herself as she grows up. My primary problem with genetic engineering is in principle. We should NOT manipulate our generic makeup no matter HOW MUCH we think we have got it safe or proven. Playing with "who we are" and what makes us up as human beings is something we are not supposed to be doing. Or with any other life form.
  15. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Camoflage, you want to find the article. Type www.cnn.com in your web browser. On that page to the right is a big box that has the story in it.
  16. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    There's a difference. Twins that are born naturally are happening without the prodding of man. I think that manipulating the fundamentals of human or ANY life is arrogant, wrong, and dangerous. Animal life is the result of thousands of years of natural evolution. We shouln't mess around with such things that could have very serious results. Should we really manipulate what it is that makes us what we are? But not only is my concern just about one human clone (which is still very worrysome to me) it is even enhanced with the knowledge of what these wackos want to do with this.
  17. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Oh, and they don't plan on "transferring" memories to new brains. They said that they wanted to use new cloned bodies by using them as hosts to transfer their brains to the new bodies. Thus in theory giving one immortality. I don't care what they are doing. It is still horrible. These freaks should be stopped and this practice should not be happening.
  18. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    I don't know. But that's what they are planning to do by creating and manipulating human life.
  19. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Could someone post a link to the article? Further reading in the article tells that this group eventually wants to use human cloning to create human bodies for brain transplants to achieve immortality. They say "It's a good step, but my ultimate goal is to give humanity eternal life through cloning". This is the first time this group has even attempted cloning. Not even on a rabbit of mouse before this.
  20. IceFire

    Anyone hear the news?

    Ok, just found the article. It's on the main page of CNN.com The "creators" of this new clone are the leaders of a religious sect who believe they are descendants from extraterrestrials. They apparently dismiss any concerns of the future health of the child saying that it may very well might just grow up healthy and that there is no reason to worry. I think this is VERY worrysome and that something should be done before this starts happening without any control.
  21. IceFire

    Df2 like opf?

    Hi, I just went out and bought Delta Force 2, Thief2, Aliens V Predator2, Red Faction, and Soldier of Fortune 2 last night. I was playing Delta Force 2, and it seems to be really similar to OPF! The game play was really similar. Despite the fact that it seems really old, it is VERY realistic. I have some questions, By going prone in grass, does grass and bush and stuff like that provide you with concealment? I mean does it make it harder for the AI to see you? Or is that just for immersion effect to make it feel realistic. Also, there seems to be gravity for bullets. Is there gravity for bullets there being bullet drop? This game is more realistic that OPF I think because you can hit choppers in the air with your M203 granedes. And the game engine and physics is more realistic like going indoors. Also Thief2 is AWESOME! It's really fun! What do you think?
  22. IceFire

    Df2 like opf?

    Well DF2 is still pretty realistic despite a few minor things like your running speed for example and no weapon view. Plus, they have animals in the game, like birds and penguins. Hmm, is it possible to shoot the animals? I havn't tried that. OPF could have animals if they wanted to. I mean they do depict sea gulls in Multiplayer. Not to mention that the music in DF2 ROCKS!! And it fits in the game by not really being in the game when you are playing. That would be unrealistic.
  23. IceFire

    Military ducky!

    COl Kurts, yeah, I am pretty sure I have enough of all that stuff. Instead of 128 MB, I think I have the 1.7 one, but I am not really sure about those. I am not at my comp right now. And I have a Geforce 2. Â Hmm, What would I need to be able to run OPFR smoothly on all the highest settings with like 2000 view distance?
  24. IceFire

    Military ducky!

    How could you get negative posts? Oh and by the way, I have one of those Compaq pentium 4 computers that came out late last summer. Can I run OPFR on good settings? I don't know about all that other computer stuff like gigs and stuff.
  25. IceFire

    Military flight sims

    Cool. So can you name any good ones for me to get? Nothing too fancy. I don't want to fly around water dumping choppers putting out forest fires or anything. I like Apache helicopters though. I think they're cool. Or just some good jet fighter sim. Since I have never played one before, I don't know how to rate them, so my first priority would be for it to have excellent graphics.