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Everything posted by IceFire
You said your friends play Medal of Honor. Medal of Honor is a good game. The reason many people like Medal of Honor is because they speak REAL German in it, so it has a very authentic feel. Alot of people don't realise that OPF has REAL Russian in it. I think if you explain this to them they will really fall in love with OPF.
I think he has a point. I often feel bad when I kill a lone enemy russian. I remember this one mission I was playing. I managed to kill like ALOT of enemies. Eventually I stole a tank, I was driving around, and I spotted a lone Russian survivor running away. I tryed to shoot him but missed. So I got in the drivers seat and chased him. He was running fast and through woods so I chased him far. Eventually I found him crawling through some bushes and I promptly filled him with machinegun fire. Then I realized, the Russian soldier had run nearly across half the map to try to escape me. I could have let him go and just complete the mission. But I chased him almost half the map and killed him. Then I felt really bad about it. I mean imagine how frightened he must have been to run that far to escape a tank by someone who just killed all his teamates. I felt really bad for him and wished that I had let him go. Anyways, I think you really should think about how far you go in the game. Do whatever it takes to complete the mission, but don't just go around slaughtering. Especially if the enemy is clearly too weak or scared to fight.
I have a great idea. Howabout we make the planning map 3D. You can place units, and then actually rotate the map to see the objects from a different angle. You could move your view to see everything from every angle. The placed icons for each thing would be a solid 3D model representing your unit. You could much easier determine landscape such as hills, trees and buildings. This way you could exactly place a man under a tree canopy, in a room inside a building looking out a certain window, ... etc It would be a revolutionary design change, but perfect for a sequel.
To all the dummies here saying OPFs graphics are not great. Go to page 40 of the OPF photography thread and look at Lee Harvey Oswalds post of the pic of the desert troops in the desert with the yellow tanks and hummers. Then you can come back here and eat your words about OPF having not great graphics.
How do you support terrorism when you fill up your gas tank? Who get's the money when you get gas? The gas people. Hizbollah makes this game, Hizbollah is a terrorist organization. When you buy this game from Hizbollah, you are giving money to a terrorist organization. You are buying a game from a terrorist organization.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ April 08 2003,03:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yes indeed. Soldier of Fortune was even a step beyond that. If you killed civilians in the NYC subway you failed the game while killing Arab and African civilians was ok. <span id='postcolor'> Quite, many UK magazines picked up on that and the developers just shrugged! As for this game, I wouldn't mind sampling it. A computer game from a terroist organisation is going to arouse curiosity. Shame they didn't make it compatible with America's Army!<span id='postcolor'> You pay money for it and you will be directly financially supporting terrorism.
Yes, maybe someone can mod this idea of mine into reality.
Well, the soldier with the lazer beam gun would aim the lazer at a spot. The Mi17 pilot would then see the spot the lazer is pointing at. This way the soldier can use some real heavy supporting fire from chopper way up in the sky. That's how it would be implemented. Try my test. You will be surprised at how effective this would be if someone designed it.
No, I've played this game for a long time and the only user made thing I've ever played was Aculauds terror tactics. And I've only played online like 6 times. Story is VERY important.
No, I've played this game for a long time and the only user made thing I've ever played was Aculauds terror tactics. And I've only played online like 6 times. Story is VERY important.
What is this?? I never saw any Africans in OPF.
You don't want to touch that. Â Don't know where it's been.
No no no! Â This is MY thread! Â MY thread!!
I do not understand this either.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (the_unknown_one @ April 07 2003,19:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but i doubt they are trying to make people terrorists. <span id='postcolor'> Here's a link. http://www.parallaxonline.org/techvideogame.html I think when you let kids try to shoot the Prime minister of Isreal, that is very terroristy. Here's a quote from the makers of the game. "Rayya said that the decision to produce the game was made by top Hizbullah officials, who believe that resistance against the Israelis wasn't limited to actual military actions. 'This game is resisting the Israeli occupation through the media,' he added. Rayya said that the game would introduce the resistance to young people. "In a way, Special Force offers a mental and personal training for those who play it, allowing them to feel that they are in the shoes of the resistance fighters,' Rayya said." Hmm, putting kids in the shoes of palestinian terrorists is not trying to encourage terrorism? They have openly admitted that this game is designed as propoganda to rally youth to terrorists in palestine.
I'd recommend against talking to recruiters when you are looking for information. Most recruiters will tell you anything to get you to sign. They are not a source or reliable information. They will tell you that you could just become a Navy SEAL, "Sure, no problem, just join with us and you can become one".
Yeah, maybe you are right.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ April 07 2003,19:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">5--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ April 07 2003,205)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What the hell are you talking about unknown one?? You sure are talking out of your arse because I can hardly understand your post.<span id='postcolor'> If I understand you correctly, you understand me. <span id='postcolor'> No no avon lady I was talking to that other guy who just was talking to me.
Ok, I just read your post again. You saying I'M steriotyping middle eastern people??? Read their fucking site! It talks about killing Israelis and ariel sharon and teaching kids about palestinian martyrs. They clearly said they wanted to teach kids about the cause and includes training where you can shoot target practice at Ariel Sharon. Do a search on google. It admits it wants to teach kids to be terrorists so why dont you shut up?
What the hell are you talking about unknown one?? You sure are talking out of your arse because I can hardly understand your post.
This is VERY wierd. Who is making this game? A terrorist organization?? How much does the game cost? I would indeed play this just to see what it is like. What kind of propoganda they are using. Is this a terrorist training game intended to train young future terrorists? If so then it may even be made illegal or banned. Where is this game being made? In the US??? Could I find this game in a store in the mall?? If so I find that very disturbing.
Ok, I just sortof tested this. It would work VERY well. This is what I did. I placed myself and a whole squad under my command in the mission editor in Everon. I placed us in the city of Montignac, right next to us an empty Mi17 chopper. I spread my men out placing them far and wide. I got into the chopper. Went up to about 700 on the altitude meter. Was flying around the area. Then I highlighted my men, making those green circles around each one. When you have your men highlighted you can't see your cross hair in the chopper, so I would look at them carefully at that height and remember where they were just before I switched to my crosshair and let loose with 1 rocket on each man. Killed all of them that way. And trust me, those green circles were too big. This is perfect for a laser to work. But I think the lazer should be about 5 yards in diameter. That would be ideal especially since that is about the diameter of rocket explosions. Anyways, try this. I found that if I aimed at any spot at the map, even the size of a man, I could hit it almost anywhere on the map when I was about 800 altitude above Montignac. Anyways, it would be extremely useful to have this feature. All you need is 1 Mi17 man flying 800 altitude above the island to hit any hard targets you need.
No, no you don't understand me at all. I don't know what an LTD is but what I meant is that the pilot would be so high that he would only be able to make out the forest and buildings. He would be so high that ground units would not be able to see him. The blue dot could maybe be about 1 yard in diameter. Â I think that would be better. Regardless of the size of the dot, the pilot should see it because it would be VERY bright. Â That's how that would work. The dot is primarily how it would work. Â Teamspeak would only be there to help inform the pilot. Â The dot would tell the pilot precisely where he needs to put his rockets. Â It's really a very simple concept. For example. Â I spot a few enemy soldiers hiding in some bushes like 200 yards from me in a forest. Â They don't see me. I carefully laze their location even though I am very far away. Â Rockets come down and blow them out of the woods.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (blackdog~ @ April 07 2003,00:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I thought you were talking about meteors (who has that script, I want that script! or shells raining down on fire... heh... equally good idea though. Why not just give the laser designator to an east soldier then the mi17 could drop bombs (lgbs , addmagazine laserguidedbomblauncher, addweapon laserguidedbomblauncher).<span id='postcolor'> No no no, that's NOT my idea. With MY idea one can verbally describe what the target is through teamspeak, the Mi17 pilot can determine how he will fire,a volley of spurts of rockets in an area, one long stream down a road, one precision rocket at a human target etc ... Plus, the soldier would be able to move the lazer along the ground directing the fire, cutting off those who might try to escape etc... Remember, we are discussing my idea, not yours.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lee_H._Oswald @ April 03 2003,22:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Great addons! MfG Lee <span id='postcolor'> Can you please post what system specifications you have? And what graphics card you are using? And how you got this game to look SOOO GOOD?? I would LOVE to run OPF with graphics like that! Everyone I know says this game sucks because of the graphics. Even the screen shots on the game box don't look as good as your screen shot. It's amazing the graphics people have managed to get out of this game, and the general public would never know.