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Status Updates posted by icebreakr

  1. Add me up on Discord mate. I have a new map for you 😉


  2. Love your work.

  3. Hey man! U still around?

  4. Isla Duala, Africa (by Minimalaco) --> it adds an African style map

    OPEX 1st post... I believe I'm the author of that map ;)

    1. Gemini


      Hi icebreakr,


      I'm very sorry, please accept my apologies, I think I made a bad copy/paste.


      I'm fixing it right now.


      And thank you for your work and your great maps by the way :)

    2. icebreakr
  5. Happy New Year and make 2017 Your Bitch! :)

  6. So many new maps in the making, so little time =)

  7. Back to Mapmaking.

  8. Lightspeed_aust: To A3? No way, too much assets. I would have to rebuild all of the towns from scratch.

  9. I don't have a model of it, and I doubt BIS would allow me to use their Queen's Gambit content.

  10. BigSock: we're adding in PC9 Pilatus, Humvee and Patria APC.

  11. I guess the General is a good idea. It might even be a better idea to post a ticket to dev-heaven.net

  12. LastKossack: not yet.... on 2do.

  13. Amazing work since OFP times. Kudos!

  14. Thank you nettrucker. Now I can slack off in 2011 ;)

  15. Fixed it? I just returned for the vacation :)

  16. Enad: Thanks, but I'll try to keep the project info to minimum until I complete the first beta for public release.

  17. Rest in peace.
