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Everything posted by Helmut_AUT

  1. Hi Team I feel that Bohemia Interactive has always treatened us customers well. Even Arma2 had it's disk check removed after a while, there's no silly connection requirements or such. Is the same relationship planned with TOH, or are you going to introduce online activation, Steam requirements or other such things? For me a game is only really MY game when I can install it with privacy and with no need to register or beg for authorization at an online service. It gets harder each month to find games that we really "own" and are not just leasing/renting. Please keep providing us with titles on physical media and customer-friendly copy protection. I sure could need a good helo sim. regards Helmut
  2. Helmut_AUT

    Copy Protection/DRM

    While I could live with a one-time activation, that still begs the question what happens when in three or four years the company running the activation servers may not want to keep maintaining them. I'm running flightsims that are 8 years old, some of those companies no longer around. With an activation requirement I would be up a creek for a reinstall of those classics. That's the conceptual problem I have with systems relying, even infrequent, on 3rd party services after sale. This of course is not an issue if for example a patch could be released after a year or such, removing the activation requirement. Thanks for the replies, the answers sounds encouraging - waiting for the reports on the physical disk then.
  3. Hi Guys I've been using some A1 islands (Avgani, Sahrani Lite...) in A2 just by copying over the core A1 PBOs to an addon folder. The process has been written about before, so I won't get into that details. My problem is that Uhao, the nice tropical jungle island perfectly suited for some cool Marines and Spec Ops missions, has a version check built in which gives the error "Version must be 1.08" when of course A2 is at 1.01. Is there an easy way to remove that version check from the addon?
  4. Hi Guys Has anyone got a good handle on what the true performance bottlenecks for high-resolution graphics in A2 are? The weird thing is that most of the settings have little to no impact. I get 20 avg. on my 9600GT at 1920x1200, and changing view distance, detail level or textures to low does little to increase that number. OTOH some scenery will provide 30+, but near objects (Houses, Trees) it's always down to 20. I can only assume it's the shading/post processing that truly bottlenecks the performance? Keygets shader "fix" at least gives me 5FPS in some situations, which are after all 20% more. The 9600GT only has 64 shading units - I'm gonna try a "Green edition" (need the low wattage for my weak PSU) 9800GT with 112 SPUs and see if that makes a remarkable difference. Also, I get the impression that on the larger Warfare maps, my CPU actually starts bottlenecking me (5000+ AMD). Would be cool if there was a good way to benchmark these bottlenecks.
  5. Thanks. I don't play online at all - are these scripts used in the INV44 missions? If it doesn't do any harm I'll put it in, but I just wasn't sure if it applies at all if I have no previous DAC installed. ---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ---------- Sorry for being tense today... It seems Oden's Warfare missions are not working correctly in 1.08 anymore. Is there really no chance this will work with 1.05 Arma?
  6. I'm downloading all the install files now, but please someone explain: what is the DAC fix? I've seen that Abbreviation on the forums every now and then, but what does DAC do, and do I need the fix anyway?
  7. Thanks, good idea. Haven't tested the installer, but if it allows to select directory that certainly will work.
  8. Thank you, but I'm always a bit worried about overwrite/incompatbilities with installers such as that... will wait then.
  9. Hi all Mod looks awesome, I tried to read most of the thread however and didn't see if there has yet been a straight PBO/Mod Folder install done?
  10. Hi all Not sure if it's the latest beta, or if it's the game in general - I haven't played much before upgrading to this system, and the little I did was with 1.02, so can't say. But what I notice is that at least in Warfare, the friendly AI, especially Anti-Tank, really hold back their shots. Even if I have two RPG-7 soldiers in my team we still get chewed up by Lav-25 and Humvees before my dudes have their rockets on the shoulder. I also tried ordering attack manually, same result. Did BIS cut back on the range for unguided rocket shots? The ranges I'm seeing this behaviour with are a bit on the far side, maybe 300m top. Maybe something changed so Javelin and Kornet have a purpose?
  11. Helmut_AUT

    Oden Warfare Pack

    You are awesome in the speed to add new maps and features.
  12. Helmut_AUT

    FDF Podagorsk

    I don't know how it's done, but in Oden's Warfare for Podagorsk there are Civs and Vehicles around. Hand placed? But they seem random, so I thought it was ALICE. Awesome map. While optically similar to Chenarus, seems to me to have much tighter vegetation which totally changes the kind of battles.
  13. Helmut_AUT

    Oden Warfare Pack

    Found another bug: I get the occasional error message "you can not play this mission as it needs downloaded content that has been deleted" (you know the exact wording I think) refering to a AH-64. It seems to happen when my BLUFOR AI calls in an Apache. But the Apache works fine in normal editor for me, nothing missing there. Oh, and while I like the Arty handling as "batteries" placed near Town Camps, my Mortars have a great skill of killing themself when placed under trees (Podagorsk Power Station South Outpost for example)
  14. I didn't try at any specific range, but I know that when I buy normal non-silenced ammo for it, the sights work as they should at any range I tried. There is no reason this rifle should be given to the player with SD ammo, it has no silencer. So the fix is to give it the correct ammo, then the sights work again.
  15. Hi all I had reported this bug directly after 1.05 release - in a WARFARE game with default BIS missions (Cold War, War Begins on Utes) any M4A1 Holo Rifle (the Green SpecOps M4 with 203GL and Eotech Holo Sight) will have it's sights off. The shots go high on the top of the crosshairs. Now I found what causes it: By default when you buy that rifle, you get STANAG-SD ammo with it, ammo for silenced rifles with lower MV. Physically correct it is flying a higher arc at medium range to hit it's zeroing line at 300. Please someone at BIS take note and fix this.
  16. Helmut_AUT

    Oden Warfare Pack

    BTW Oden, I found a bug in official BIS 1.05 Warfare missions which also affects your edits: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=93590 M1A4 Holo Rifle gets bought with incorrect ammo (STANAG-SD instead of normal Supersonic 5.56) which results in shots flying too high for the sights.
  17. Helmut_AUT

    Oden Warfare Pack

    Sweet, great update. So the 9 Man Limit is not from you? But I could swear I regularly run 10 man teams in BIS Superpowers as OPFOR (BTR-90 and BMP-3 are optimized for 2x4 Infantry Fireteam and 2 Crew). Maybe something to look into? Besides it isn't working right, since a 9 Man limit shouldn't prevent buying empty vehicles...and it can easly be "overloaded" if you buy faster than the stuff gets built. If you could make this limit a customizable parameter it would be awesome, not sure how the AI teams would react though. Also, I noticed that when Group-Respawning I get the Weapons from the Guy I spawn into, but not the Character Class. That is, if I spawn into a Spec Ops soldier, I'm still using the external model of the normal Marine Soldier, but with Spec Ops Weapons. Since visibility against AI is particularly depended on player class as far as I'm aware (Snipers should be least easily spotted...) it would be cool if there was a way to change player class type. It would also make it possible to be a Tank Commander in external view, it always looks silly when an Infantry Soldier flys a chopper or commands an Abrams. Great idea with the Infantry-Heavy Mod.
  18. Helmut_AUT

    Oden Warfare Pack

    After some more playing, I really like the style of this. It's not feature-overloaded as Bennys (in my opinion), offers the same parameters as original BIS (which is important since reducing towns improves performance) but fixes everything that BIS left out. There seems to be one small bug, that sometimes I can't buy units despite having enough money. Seems to happen after a save game, requires a respawn. Come to think of it, I actually like the "respawn into group" feature. That makes it possible to become a Tank Commander or Spec Ops soldier (external model) which I like. The one thing I haven't yet understood is what happens to an Arty Battery when it runs out of ammo. I found a previous thread saying I can't reload them, have to buy new ones - will the old ones disapear? Also, I really like that the CivWar version features no NVGs for player or bought units. This makes illumination arty and other tricks finally important, and sets a nice difference to the "Major Forces" where everyone has NVG. ---------- Post added at 01:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 PM ---------- Okay, maybe a small bug, or I don't understand the feature correctly: If I already have 9 units in my team, I can't buy a 10th unit. I can't even buy an empty vehicle. If I have 6 units, and rapid-click to order more (so that I order faster than they are built) I can get up to 15 units. For a decent marine squad, I need 15 (13 soldiers, two AAV7 crew). Even for a decent russian squad, I need 10 soldiers in total. So either the limit at 9 is a bug, or maybe it could become a parameter.
  19. Helmut_AUT

    Oden Warfare Pack

    Okay, I see now that I lose my chosen equipment because I'm "Group-Respawning" into the body of another solider. Is there a way to change that? Really nice implementation of Arty, BTW.
  20. Helmut_AUT

    Oden Warfare Pack

    Thanks for this pack, finally something to kill at Podagorsk. Also I like that the Chenarus versions are improved, but not overloaded with features compared to BIS original (which I dislike about the Benny versions a bit). One little suggestion: Would it be possible to keep the weapons you bought after respawn? The standard BIS warfare has included this since 1.04 or some such. Or is it on purpose as an incentive to stay alive - would also make sense.
  21. Hi all While the Betas tried to improve the "Hitpoint System" for tanks so small arms ammunition would not damage them... [59691] Improved: Small hit be ignored by hitpoints (configurable by minimalHit) ...there is still something very wrong with the T-90. Namely that at least in Beta 588, it gets easily blown up by HUMVEE or Avenger .50 cal MG Try it yourself - a single mag or two from an M2 12.7cal MG will destroy a T-90. It doesn't happen with the M1A1, so maybe it's vehicle specific. I currently can't test if the bug is present in 1.04 already, or if it was introduced in the beta. ---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 PM ---------- More testing done by someone at simHQ - also applies to the T-72, using the latest Beta patch. Right now, the Russian MBTs can be taken out by HUMVEE with a flanking MG attack before a human player might even react. This is seriously screwing up all kinds of gameplay and pretty much means the Russians have no truly survivable MBT.
  22. Helmut_AUT

    Where are the Christmas Trees?

    I actually see white pixels flickering on Fir Trees after the patch. Walk close up to one - check it yourself. But I think it's a GFX bug, not the Christmas egg.
  23. Helmut_AUT

    Patch 1.05 DRM removed. Really?

    I can relate Canuter, I buy nothing that requires online activation, out of principle. Arma was always good in that regard, though.
  24. Helmut_AUT

    Bis attention: 1.05 list of problems!

    Question to the modders and coders: Is it possible that there are two configs of a weapon (and old and a current one) in game? That would explain why WARFARE "bought" M4A1 HOLO may have sights wrong compared to Editor-Placed or "normal Mission" version of the same rifle.
  25. Helmut_AUT

    Patch 1.05 DRM removed. Really?

    For the disk version, I don't need the disk anymore. Not sure if STEAM users still need to have STEAM running or not, but I don't think so.